
Start With Selling Devil Fruits in Marvel

Earning enough to support himself, Cosmic decides to now open a Small Shop and rely on it to make and live satisfactorily. However, unexpectedly He and his are mysteriously linked, and his shop can gain abilities, and he, as the owner of the shop, is the Supreme in the Shop. . . Grammarly Premium Adapted.

CosmicMystery · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Loki Always Survives

This man put the entire Asgard into an illusion spell.

Everyone, including him and Frigga, lived their lives in that illusion.

After the two of them died in the fantasy, he asked Frigga.

Odin: "Did you realize that what we experienced was an illusion, not reality."

However, her reply was unexpected, "No."

"If not for my death, I would never have believed that all this was an illusion."

"However, this illusion was too real; I witnessed my own funeral."

Frigga talked about her funeral with a laugh.

However, her words made Odin's face even grimmer.

She asked him what was it that troubled him.

Frigga: "Is it the undistinguishable illusion that troubles you."

Odin: "No, it is not."

Odin shakes his head and continues with a heavy voice, "Neither did I not feel any problem with the illusion."

"And nor did you; however, this is not a big problem."

"Showing real illusions does not mean much; however, what puzzles me is our actions."

"I can be sure at my level that I was not forcefully controlled, then how did he know what I was going to do."

"If everything was an illusion, then how did our actions feel so real."

"And if our actions were real, then why haven't we moved from here."

He was highly disturbed by the fact.

He did not know whether what he saw was his choices or controlled.

It all felt natural; however, he knew that everything was just an illusion.

He decided to confront Crown about it.

He knew that the answer might not be nice to hear, but he still decided to ask.

He cannot do without knowing it.

He ignores Thor, who has gone to find Loki and decides to confront Crown.

He puts all his doubts in front of Crown in the hope of an answer.

Although he did not hope for an easy answer, the reply was different from what he expected.

Crown: "It's not hard to answer your doubt."

"However, I'd prefer to give it in the presence of Loki."

He looks at Odin with seriousness and says, "I came here only for Loki."

"As for the rest of the Asgard, I don't really care about it."

Odin has no choice other than to wait.

He returns to Frigga's side and sees her in shock.

He does not understand the reason for her shock; however, when he finds out what she's seeing, he too stares in shock.

Both of them look past the walls and find Thor standing in front of Loki's Cell.

Loki, at this time, is in a mix of various emotions.

Anger at himself, relief at everything is an illusion, and happiness at finding everyone alive.

Thor arrives in front of Loki's cell, and then everyone sees Loki staring at Thor with a heartfelt smile.

In their life, it was the first time they saw Loki smile so freely since he was born.

They might not have found any problem with Loki in the past; however, after seeing the Future between the two of them, they could not help but see the difference between his old smile and his current smile.

The one who was affected the most by this was Odin himself.

He would not be the king of Asgard if he could not see the reason for this even after seeing all that.

He knew that although it was not his intention to do so, he had hurt Loki a lot during these years.

He was the reason for Loki's distortion, and maybe he was also the one whose death brought the real Loki back.

This realization filled him with guilt.

Although he knew it would not make much difference, he decided to apologize to Loki and recreate his death scene.

He waits for Loki and Thor to finish their reunion.

Thor smiles and says to Loki with a happy look on his face, "You still lied to me once again, brother."

"However, I hope you can still continue this lie forever."

His words were filled with little tears and a smile.

Loki replies to Thor with his iconic mischievous smile, "Loki always survives."

Soon Thor frees Loki from his cell and brings him out.

This time Loki feels a little uneasy before seeing Frigga again.

All said and done; he was one of the important culprits behind her death.

However, he cannot stop crying after she ignores all that and hugs him just like she used to.

Loki speaks while crying, "This time, I will make you proud, mother"