
Start With Selling Devil Fruits in Marvel

Earning enough to support himself, Cosmic decides to now open a Small Shop and rely on it to make and live satisfactorily. However, unexpectedly He and his are mysteriously linked, and his shop can gain abilities, and he, as the owner of the shop, is the Supreme in the Shop. . . Grammarly Premium Adapted.

CosmicMystery · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Leaving Asgard

He walked up to Crown and said, "Sir, you can begin"

Crown chuckled with slight mischievousness and took out a card from thin air.

On that card was the image of a small shop.

However, in that shop, he felt infinite power.

He felt as if that small shop contained the ability to destroy even Asgard itself.

Odin and the others also see Crown handing out a card to Loki.

They could also see everything that could be seen.

However, many things cannot be known just by seeing this, which is why they wanted to ask some questions to Crown.

However, when they looked up, Crown was no longer there.


Crown, who had just returned to the dimensional space of the Shop, was watching the reaction of the Asgardian royal family.

Crown: [Now that Loki has the Key to the shop, the Asgardian work is complete]

[As for whether he provides the rest of them with their individual Key cards, it's their family matter]

After doing this, Crown leaves Asgard and returns to Earth for a visit.

He hasn't visited the Earth here properly.

Initially, after his shop landed on Earth, he huddled in the Shop and did not dare to come out.

And now, after his strength and means increased, he ran to Asgard to play.

Crown: "Many of the plots in Marvel are related to Earth, and most of them even take place on Earth."

"Although my shop is no longer on Earth, I should not forget this planet."

"It will bring the most customers to my shop and also will be the best playground."

"Then let's go to Earth."

Crown moves at high speeds in space and moves toward Earth.

However, midway, he receives a notification from IMS.

IMS: "Boss, someone completed another dungeon."

IMS takes a slight break before continuing, "Well, almost completed."

Crown gets interested as IMS does not contact him for small matters.

This means that the dungeon that is about to be completed will have a nice and amazing impact on the world.

Crown: "Who? And Which?"

IMS: "Sir, Professor X completed the dungeon."

"And his clearance was perfect."

Crown: "Oh! That guy"

The image of an old bald guy in a wheelchair comes to his mind.

Crown: [He did have hair in the past and could also stand]


Crown: "Okay, and which dungeon did he complete."

IMS: "Attack on Titan"

Crown suddenly stops mid-flight in shock.

Crown: "What the hell."

"Why is he the first to complete this dungeon?"

IMS: "It is because most of the people who can clear this dungeon did not take it."

"They all acted in a tacit understanding that strong people like them won't enter the same world unless it is of the same power level as Dragon Ball."

Crown: "This is not what I am asking."

"I am asking why hasn't someone weaker than Professor X completed Attack on Titan."

IMS: "They are idiots."

Crown: "Pretty Simple"

Soon IMS explains the attempts of some others, and Crown understands that although Marvel has a lot of smart people, it also has its own collection of imbeciles who can screw up even the most straightforward task, not to mention clearing this dungeon with smartness.

Understanding this, Crown does not ask IMS about those idiots any longer.

Crown: "So, how is Professor X currently"

IMS: "He isn't showing many special emotions; however, the other X-Men that were in the shop are all excited to see him all healed up."

Crown: "Well, that isn't a big deal."

"However, for the current earth, it would still be better for them to have a weaker person getting this reward."

As he says this, he opens the reward panel of Professor X.

{Congratulations, Charles Xavier, a.k.a. Professor X, for completing the dungeon Attack on Titan}

{You are eligible to receive the following rewards}

1. Ability of Ymir Fritz (Strength and size-adjusted proportionally to the user's strength)

2. 10,000 Mindless Titans or 10,000 Mindless Titan Injections

He then opens the last reward for this.

This reward is something different from the other rewards of Xavier.

All the rewards that Charles received until now are for him. However, the last is for the future clearers.

{Hidden Reward}

{No one knows about this reward.

Due to this reward, for every person who clears the AOT dungeon once, 100 Mindless Titans will appear randomly.

They will appear only nearby to any mindless titan that already exists.}

Crown: "Although this will be tough on Earth, it doesn't matter much; they've seen worse."