
Start With Selling Devil Fruits in Marvel

Earning enough to support himself, Cosmic decides to now open a Small Shop and rely on it to make and live satisfactorily. However, unexpectedly He and his are mysteriously linked, and his shop can gain abilities, and he, as the owner of the shop, is the Supreme in the Shop. . . Grammarly Premium Adapted.

CosmicMystery · Anime & Comics
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104 Chs

Don’t Die

Haoushoku No Haki. I was surprised to see that the first customer of mine to eat a devil fruit is a future king.

"Congratulations, Adel," I say, calling him by his name for the first time. He and everyone else is surprised to see me calling him by his name and not calling him Boy or Young Man.

They all look at me and hope to see the reason why this change in name took place just by watching the declaration of the Adel.

I don't whet their appetites and straight away tell them about it. "Don't be surprised by my change; his name is worth remembering. You should be able to feel a faint momentum around him, right" They all look at Adel, and sure enough, all of them can feel it; although it is still too weak to make a difference, it exists, and not only that it gives him the aura of a leader.

They don't understand why that little momentum can lead to such a change in me. I tell them not to underestimate that aura as it will be a force to be reckoned with once it grows.

I once again start to speak, "I have already told you that there are three types of Haki, right. And what this boy just showed what the rarest type of Haki. A Haki that cannot be acquired by training but only someone with the mentality of a king or a Dominator can acquire it."

I take a break for them to digest it and then once again start speaking, "Haoshoku no Haki- The Haki of the Conquerors. A Haki that is too rare in its appearance that there might not even be one in a million people who can acquire it, and this boy did.

Not only that but seeing that this boy is able to show the Haki right after eating the devil fruit means that he most likely had awakened the Haoshoku no Haki even before eating the devil fruit; it's just that eating the devil fruit allowed him to immediately use the power of the devil to amplify the Haki and he was able to show it.

This means that even if this boy did not eat the devil fruit, he would have grown up a character to be reckoned with, and now that he has eaten a devil fruit, he has the ability to stand at the top."

"People who do not have Haoshoku no Haki can grow to get the position of a king, but they can never be called true kings until they awaken the Haoshoku no Haki. And people like Adel who awaken the Haoshoku no Haki before becoming a king will either die non their path as a legend or will become a king above billions. Not only that, even if he dies, every Haoshoku no Haki user, even in death, is a legend. Not to mention Adel here is still alive."

The revelation shocked everyone. No one expected this young kid to be so capable. Really the first one to take the risk and eat the Devil Fruit; how can he be so ordinary. And seeing this, everyone else is also excited. After all, the temptation of power to ambitious people is just too much.

After seeing the kid try to use his Fruit ability, rush to pick up and eat their fruits, everyone else also.

A total of seven people ate the Devil Fruit this time, out of which one is also a Haoshoku No Haki user. As for the rest, they do not seem to be anything capable, but anyways they fulfill the condition to eat a devil fruit.

In my shop, if you want to enter the devil fruit section, you need to be someone who has an ambition and the desire for power, leading you to fight with other people. After all, this is what my shop really needs. (Explained later)

I judge the proficiency of these guys in their newly acquired abilities, and as expected, all six of them are pretty bad at using them. Only Adel is doing good (Adel is the Seventh).

"Well then, guys, now that you have all eaten your fruits, my work is done, so I will be leaving." I say that as I start to turn around and leave when Adel stops me and asks, "Sir, what about the Martial Arts Hall that you were talking about."

"There is still sometime before the opening of the 'Martial Arts Hall' but it won't take long enough and also the name of the complete building is called 'The Learning Hall.' It consists of various buildings such as 'The Library,' 'The Training Hall' and some more that won't open anytime soon."

Your cards will notify you whenever the shop has something new as only people like you are considered the actual customers of the Shop. The rest of those guys are just to maintain a façade.

So, Bye-Bye. Hope to see you on the day when the Learning Hall opens. Till then, Don't Die.