
Start to control thunder and lightning from Hogwarts

Anduin Wilson, founder of tactical training, international tactical training instructor for Aurors and equipment supplier, teacher of tactical training at Hogwarts, winner of Merlin Knight Class I, champion of international wizard dueling competition, authorized by wizard International, Black Wizard , Bounty Hunter, Honorary President of the International Alchemy Research Center. ------------------------------------- His students always call him "the man who carried out the real battle at Hogwarts", "the terrorist instructor who conducts military exercises at the school every year"... ------------------------------------- And his legend begins in the summer of 1980, when Voldemort had not disappeared. ------------------------------------- My name is Anduin. I live in the Godric Valley Villa area. I don't smoke and drink. I don't insist on conquering others. I don't create headaches or go without sleep at night. However, if I really want to do this, I won't lose to anyone. ------------------------------------- Disclaimer: This is just a translated version of the Chinese Web Novel! am not the author of Start to control thunder and lightning from Hogwarts , I am just translating the story . you can read the original work here : https://book.qidian.com/info/1030404949/

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Chapter 1: Anduin and Super Powers

Early July 1980, London, England .

It was past 8 pm and a room in the Ellens Church orphanage was still glowing dimly with lights.

"Oh, I can't take it anymore."

The teenager in the living room looked at the mirror reflecting his own figure in the closet, rubbed his chin constantly and reached out from time to time. A pair of slender, better-defined hands opened and closed, as if he were grasping something in emptiness.

Eleven years!

It's been eleven years since he came to this broken world and he is still in foster care in the 1980s without a computer or cell phone. It's hard to imagine how he ended up here.

"Anduin, boss, what did you want..." Before the young man could sigh, he was awakened by a loud knock on the door.

"Why are you screaming, aren't you afraid of being discovered so late?" Anduin opened the door and frowned.

"Uh, sorry, the main reason is that holding this big box of stuff makes me tired, hehe..." a teenager who looked sixteen or seventeen said, his clothes aren't old, but they are wrinkled. The shirt and pants joined by the straps fit perfectly, and the hair is not messy.

This young man who gave Anduin something was named William, a few years older than Anduin, and he was also one of the orphanage's orphans.

"Okay, why are you back so late? Are the Northern District guys causing you trouble again?" Anduin frowned slightly and asked inexplicably.

"How can that be? Since you taught the Northern District gangsters last time, no one has come to bother us. Today, the brothers dumped a lot of good stuff and were late. William finished talking and took out of his pocket, pulled out some bills and handed it over -as: "It turns out this is our share of this week."

Anduin said nothing lightly and took the money: "It's okay, you worked really hard today." After saying that, he was about to open the box and found that William was still standing beside him and laughing as he rubbed his hands together without moving.

"What's wrong, I still have to practice qigong."

"Hey it's like this, it's still early anyway, we just want to relax..."

"Okay, you want to play mahjong, right." Anduin interrupted William without saying much, walked silently to the bed, and pulled a wooden box from under the bed.

"Ok don't worry, I'll send it back to you in two days." After William finished speaking, he quickly carried the box and disappeared into the room numb.

"It's over, another madman, me, I don't know if teaching them to play mahjong was wrong," Anduin closed the door and said without words.

Then Anduin happily rubbed his hands and opened the big cardboard box that William had sent.

"Hey, soy sauce, sesame sauce, vinegar, cooking wine. It's been a long time since I've seen my friends. I don't have a cell phone or computer. So I can only find supplements elsewhere. I almost throw up when I eat British food every day. "

This box is nothing but the condiments Anduin asked William to help buy from Chinatown.

Anduin Wilson came into this world without knowing if he passed or reincarnated. In his previous life, he was a special soldier, and the inertia of working and living in a high-pressure environment for a long time allowed him to analyze his current situation with calm and serenity.

He didn't know if the world he was in wasn't the same as before. He was just born in the orphanage, in the 1960s and 1970s, but since he is here, he has to go to the village to do what he did. After all, Anduin has the experience and memory of an adult he is not a hypocrite.

Anduin's orphanage is under the jurisdiction of the church. William and his brothers also grew up in the orphanage like Anduin. They are a few years older than Anduin, but William's brothers are very familiar with Anduin. Because of this.


Because they have to listen.

Anduin is very good at fighting. After all, he was in the military and is very fond of martial arts, so he paid attention to physical exercises when he was very young. These instinctual brain memories can be learned soon.

In addition, when the fights will be very different, Anduin, 9 years old, has already used his strength to integrate the entire orphanage. William and the others are very smart in front of Anduin. At the same time, under Anduin's guidance, William and the group of brothers even began working outside the orphanage.

"I'm going to become the gangster boss when it goes on like this. Every day is like charging protection fees." Anduin chuckled at himself, not thinking about it, put the spice in the box, and prepared to make time for the next day. Anduin will reward itself with a plate of Chinese food.

After arranging these materials, Anduin turned and locked the living room door firmly.

For him, after coming to this world, there is still a secret that no one knows.

He really has super powers.

Anduin looked at a ten-pound dumbbell placed in the corner of the wall, slightly pointed his hand, suddenly saw the dumbbell floating silently in the air as if it were being dragged by an invisible force.

He controlled the dumbbells to float above him, and ignored him, walked over to the table, silently opened a book and looked over.

It's a way to exercise the superpowers invented by Anduin himself, which he calls training postponement.

When he was seven or eight years old, Anduin felt he was different from others. After a workout, he wanted to drink water. As soon as thoughts of him surfaced, the glass of water on the table flew towards him.

Under Anduin's observation, he found that at least he was the only special one in the orphanage, so he was generally very careful. When he was discovered by others at the church-hosted orphanage, he would be considered a monster or a heresy if he could. To deal with it.

This special skill is called "super skill" by Anduin. Under his deliberate testing and practice, this skill changed over time and sometimes not, so he slowly mastered it slightly.

He found that after practicing martial arts, he could better understand this power. Let's call it power. Anduin himself analyzed that this was related to his state at the time. After receiving the power, he would be in a kind of state of emptiness. The brain can better capture this power in this situation.

After that, Anduin, who was already quite self-disciplined, made a rigid plan for himself. After all, in his opinion, this is a "special function" and should not be missed. He practiced martial arts, meditated and meditated at the right time every day. Exercising "super powers".

The exercise method he started was the same as when he did physical exercise, that is, weight lifting training. After he was able to gradually control his "superpowers", he began to train directly, starting with teacups, books and the like. It soon became a table chair, but he slowly realized that something was wrong.