
Start Hunting The Protagonist From The Pirates

The word "ruthless" runs through the whole text. This is a destiny game, infinite reincarnation just to live! Whether it's the child of destiny or the villain of destiny, whether it's a reincarnation or a time traveler, they all get shit! I am only translating this, I am not the author, if you wanna check it out then MSG me i can give you the link to the raw version of the novel

WeaponX1322M · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

3. Successfully master shaving

  Tang An took a deep breath.

  Also pulling up pants, isn't that just diapers?

  He doesn't wet the bed.

  Tang An is now very receptive and has become more or less used to it.

  What he cared more about was shaving and moonwalking.

  He originally planned to go through the back door of the shop owner to train the corps to learn the three-dimensional maneuvering device, but now at a critical juncture, this plan was directly shelved.

  Early the next morning, Tang An got up as soon as the genius dawned.

  The weather is a little cool and very humid.

  Tang An started to practice with his upper body naked and flexing his body.

  It was still nine and a half times, but the tenth time still failed to break through.

  It seems like it was a dream yesterday.

  Tang An was sweating profusely, and finally, after stepping on it countless times, he suddenly disappeared without warning. The next moment, he fell five meters away, like a green onion buried upside down in the weeds.

  Tang An looked ecstatic when he pulled out his head. He couldn't be dreaming this time! He succeeded again.

  However, the triggering probability is a bit low, and he cannot control his body after success.

  His blood was rising, and Tang An was trembling all over at this moment, continuing to practice as if he was tireless.

  After pedaling for more than fifty times, his feet began to become red, swollen and twitching again. Tang Anxin was unwilling to give up.

  He didn't want his legs to be disabled but he still stopped. Although his legs couldn't practice, his hands were fine, so Tang An still didn't waste time.

  Stand on your head and move the fingers of your hands up and down.

  Now he is no longer what he used to be. Through intensive training, his physical fitness has been comprehensively improved and has exceeded human limits.

  Just like this, it succeeded once in the morning, and once in the afternoon after finishing lunch at noon. The probability of triggering it was really too small.

  Until dusk, Tang An only succeeded twice.

  I continued to practice shaving on the second day. Maybe my efforts were rewarded. I succeeded seven times today, and I started to become familiar with it. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net can already grasp the direction.

  Eighteen times on the third day.

  Thirty times on the fourth day.

  It was very difficult, but progress was being made every day, which made Tang An work harder.

  Finally on the sixth day.


  The speed was extremely fast, and Tang An appeared five meters away in just a blink of an eye. However, he was unable to control his balance, causing him to fall to the ground as soon as he appeared.

  Tang An reacted quickly. He put his hands on the ground and did a few backflips before landing smoothly on the ground.

  Six days have passed since the first success.

  He spent two months and six days in this world alone, and finally he could use Shave as he pleased.

  However, there is still a problem with balance, and the distance only hovers around five meters.

  But none of this matters.

  "Ha ha..."

  Tang An couldn't help but laugh wildly. He had sweated so much in the past two months, and now success was just around the corner.

  The seventh day.

  Day eight.


  In the dilapidated yard, a figure appeared out of thin air five meters away, then continued to disappear and reappear, as if teleporting.

  There is no doubt that the thorough practice of shaving was successful.

  Lying on the ground, Tang An looked at the darkening sky, his broad chest rising and falling, and his whole body exuded the stench of sweat.

  "The next step is Moon Steps."

  Reaching out his hand as if he could grasp the whole world, Tang An's eyes were sharp.

  As long as he successfully cultivates the Moon Step, no one in this world can stop him.

  The foundation of Yuebu is shaving, and now he can do whatever he wants.

  Ten days, only ten days, no... He only needed five days to successfully practice the Moon Steps. This was Tang An's confidence. .