
Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

[Name: ??, Age: ??] [Race: Mechanical Life] [Profession: Mechanical Apostle] [Level: Tier -6 (damaged)] [Physique: ?????] [Spirit: ?????] [Description: A broken Mechanical Life, one of Mechanical God -'@#$^&#@@%^#!'s most advanced and powerful creations, from an advanced technological world.] “Is this the World of Gods? Can anyone become God? Then why am I still just a Tier-1 Spiritual planter?” Ram pondered, after looking at the Divine Creature for the first time. Ram reincarnated in this world without the ability to awaken any profession. As he celebrated becoming a Tier-1 Spiritual Planter, he discovered that Gods, Divine Beings, Evil Entities, and Nightmare Creatures were exploiting humans and other beings, manipulating them to harvest the power of Faith or Fear. Inexplicably, he became entangled in this conflict. But he was lucky enough to turn his destiny through... Evolving Spiritual Plants and Monsters using Life Energy and Spiritual Power, becoming Spiritual Plant Lord to fight against the Gods. [ Holy Source Seed: Sylvan Soul Tree] [ Type: Source Seed] [ Level: Same as host] [ Quality: Holy] [ Attribute: Life/Soul/Wood] [ Description: A seed born from the fusion of the seeds of the Life Spirit Tree and Astral Soul Tree, transformed into a Holy Source Seed through a special method.] [ Holy Source Seed Characteristics:  1. Perfectly inherited the abilities of both the Life Spirit Tree and the Astral Soul Tree and, as a Holy Source Seed born from both powerful entities.  2. Gains additional functionality with every upgrade.  3. Binding the Holy Source Seed grants the host full access to all its abilities.] [ Abilities: Life Spirit Tree] [1. Life Spirit Body]: Converts the host's body into a Life Spirit Body, greatly increasing the host’s capacity for Life Energy and Spiritual Power by tenfold, while boosting recovery rate by 300%. [2. Kingdom Creation: Sylvan Soul Kingdom (Unopened)]: Upon activation, the Sylvan Soul Tree converts the host Spiritual Realm into a virtual forest that becomes the foundation of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom. This forest spans across dimensions, rooted in both the material and spiritual realms. [Effect]: The host becomes the Lord of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom, gaining the ability to expand and rule this virtual domain.] [ Abilities: Soul Tree]: [1. Soul Tree]: At the heart of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom, the Lord can summon the Soul Tree, a sacred tree that acts as a conduit for life and death. [Effect]: The souls of those who die within or near the kingdom are absorbed by this tree, where they are nourished, healed, and can be reborn as Wood Spirits. [2. Soul Tree Seeds]: Host can create seeds of the soul tree that are connected to the mother tree, which can be planted outside the Sylvan Soul Kingdom. [Effect]: Souls absorbed by the Soul Trees are transported to the mother tree within a certain distance, depending upon the strength of the Sylvan Soul Tree.]

MountainDuskwalker · Games
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106 Chs

Profession: Tier -1 Spiritual Planter (Black Iron)

As the doctor left the room, Ram felt a wave of relief wash over him. He turned his focus inward, trying to understand the strange energy flowing through his body.

It felt somewhat familiar like the Life Energy his Recovery skill had recovered before, but now there was something more—something beyond just Life Energy coursing through his body, slowly strengthening his body and mind as time passed by.

With no one around to disturb him, Ram finally had a chance to check his attribute panel:

[ Name: Ram]

[ Age: 22/73]

[ Profession: Spiritual Planter Tier -1 (Black Iron)

[ Health: 27/100 (Current Health/Max Health)]

[ Spiritual Power: 10/100 (Current Spiritual Power/Max Spiritual Power)]

[ Physique: 2.07]

[ Spirit: 3.08]

His panel was similar to what it was before, but there were some big changes. Most notably, his lifespan had dropped by 20 years, going from 93 down to 73.

"Does this have something to do with the Mind Shadow Parasite?" Ram wondered as he stared at the screen.

It was clear that the parasite had drained his life in exchange for awakening.

"Twenty years... I gave up twenty years of my life for this," Ram muttered, trying to calm himself, as he felt it was worth it.

He stared at the panel, focusing on the positive. He had finally awakened, breaking through the barrier that had held him back for years.

He was now a Tier 1 Professional, a Spiritual Planter at the Black Iron level. He concentrated slightly on his profession column and a new prompt appeared in front of him.

[ Profession: Spiritual Planter]

[ Profession Type: Immortal Cultivation Series]

[ Quality: Ordinary]

[ Effect: Each time you level up, you will get an additional increase in Spirit attribute points. ]

After the Reiki revival, most creatures on Blue Star gained the potential to awaken, but they needed two key things: enough physical strength and genetic optimization.

As someone's body got stronger, their genes would slowly optimize, allowing them to break through and unlock special abilities called talents.

Some people, however, turned to genetic medicines to speed up the process.

Both the first and second prerequisites relate to each other, increasing the body strength will slowly increase the gene optimization.

However, it's not easy for common people to use genetic medicine due to its high cost and rarity. 

The Mind Shadow Parasite, it seemed, had pushed Ram past his limits, helping him awaken.

Though the price had been—his own lifespan—it was something many would be willing to pay for the chance to gain such power.

Looking at his new stats, Ram felt a mix of pride and concern. He had been stuck in a rut for so long, but now, with his new abilities, many possibilities stretched before him.

However, the profession he had awakened—Spiritual Planter—wasn't exactly what he had expected.

While his sister awakened as a Beast Master, a rare combat-oriented profession, Ram found himself with a common Life Profession.

Unlike other combat professions, it focused on growth, control, and support.

In fact, plants are the ones that mutated first compared to animals and humans after the reiki revival.

During the early stages of reiki revival, the reiki index across the entire Blue Star remains very low for the first 20 to 30 years.

Similar to humans and monsters, plants also had the potential to become spiritual plants through the absorption of Reiki. 

At that time, plants are the sole entities capable of absorbing the sparse reiki in the atmosphere.

The fruits produced by these Spiritual Plants contain high concentrations of pure reiki, making them incredibly valuable.

They are used as awakening materials or to create Gene Potions that can boost Genetic levels.

With the rising value of Spiritual Plants, a new profession emerged called Spiritual Planter, as more people became involved in cultivating them.

However, with the rise of the reiki index over the centuries and advancements in potion-making technology, the cultivation of Spiritual Plants using Growth Potions has become simpler.

Now, even ordinary people can cultivate low-level Spiritual Plants with some study and practice.

Professional Spiritual Planters have become common, and their status is not much better than ordinary humans unless they are high-level Professionals above Tier 4, who can create Wood Spirits from ordinary Spiritual Plants.

Although low-level Spiritual Planters had the unique ability to accelerate plant growth using their spiritual power, without relying on external potions.

However, in the early stages, lacking combat abilities makes it challenging for Spiritual Planters to reach high levels, making them useless.

He didn't know what was ganna to happen to him, once the Shadow Society found he awakened such a useless profession.

The next thing he noticed is his Health, the maximum amount is unchanged, it's still 100 points or 100%, however, this 100% is different from the previous 100%.

As he became an awakener his life essence also evolved from ordinary to Black Iron level, he can feel that his current life energy is five to six times that of its original value when he was still an ordinary person. 

Observing the red bar indicating 27 points or percent of his total health remaining and the blue bar signaling a critical 10 points of spiritual power left, he understood what the shadow society did to him was not so simple.

"My health is in the red zone, which might be the side effect of extracting a large amount of life span in a very short time, I need to recover as soon as possible." Ram thought to himself when he looked at his depleted health.

While his eyes were attracted to the additional attribute of Spiritual Power, "Spiritual Power, it should be the energy cultivated by absorbing the Reiki by professionals to use spiritual skill, I don't know how strong my spiritual talent is?"

Just like having strong Qi and blood is beneficial to Martial Artists or Physical professionals who are proficient in cultivating their Physique, having a strong Spirit attribute is required to become a good Spiritual Professional who majors in cultivating their Spirit.

The stronger the Spirit attribute the stronger the mental power and soul will be, having a higher Spirit attribute is very important to reach higher levels.

"My current physical strength should be more than twice that of before," later, his gaze shifted toward the Physique, which increased with his successful Awakening.

He slightly clenched his fists and felt that his strength, defense, and reflexes doubled directly after breaking through the bottleneck of 0.99 and became 2.07.

While the Spirit also increased, he didn't feel much, just a slight increase in thinking speed and perception as his Spirit was already very high even before his awakening.

In comparison, ordinary people typically exhibit strength ranging from 40 to 90 kilograms and can move at speeds of up to 10 meters per second.

In contrast, those at peak Tier 1 level, have a strength range of 250 to 500 kilograms, that is a Physique attribute of 2.5 to 5 along with speeds reaching up to 10 to 15 meters per second, showcasing enhanced agility and physical capabilities. 

In his elevated state, Ram envisioned that, were he to be tested on a strength machine, his bench press could potentially reach an impressive 170 to 210 kilograms, in line with his physique of 2.07 points.

Each punch he delivered would have power compared to the professional Boxers he knew from his last life.

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