
Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

[Name: ??, Age: ??] [Race: Mechanical Life] [Profession: Mechanical Apostle] [Level: Tier -6 (damaged)] [Physique: ?????] [Spirit: ?????] [Description: A broken Mechanical Life, one of Mechanical God -'@#$^&#@@%^#!'s most advanced and powerful creations, from an advanced technological world.] “Is this the World of Gods? Can anyone become God? Then why am I still just a Tier-1 Spiritual planter?” Ram pondered, after looking at the Divine Creature for the first time. Ram reincarnated in this world without the ability to awaken any profession. As he celebrated becoming a Tier-1 Spiritual Planter, he discovered that Gods, Divine Beings, Evil Entities, and Nightmare Creatures were exploiting humans and other beings, manipulating them to harvest the power of Faith or Fear. Inexplicably, he became entangled in this conflict. But he was lucky enough to turn his destiny through... Evolving Spiritual Plants and Monsters using Life Energy and Spiritual Power, becoming Spiritual Plant Lord to fight against the Gods. [ Holy Source Seed: Sylvan Soul Tree] [ Type: Source Seed] [ Level: Same as host] [ Quality: Holy] [ Attribute: Life/Soul/Wood] [ Description: A seed born from the fusion of the seeds of the Life Spirit Tree and Astral Soul Tree, transformed into a Holy Source Seed through a special method.] [ Holy Source Seed Characteristics:  1. Perfectly inherited the abilities of both the Life Spirit Tree and the Astral Soul Tree and, as a Holy Source Seed born from both powerful entities.  2. Gains additional functionality with every upgrade.  3. Binding the Holy Source Seed grants the host full access to all its abilities.] [ Abilities: Life Spirit Tree] [1. Life Spirit Body]: Converts the host's body into a Life Spirit Body, greatly increasing the host’s capacity for Life Energy and Spiritual Power by tenfold, while boosting recovery rate by 300%. [2. Kingdom Creation: Sylvan Soul Kingdom (Unopened)]: Upon activation, the Sylvan Soul Tree converts the host Spiritual Realm into a virtual forest that becomes the foundation of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom. This forest spans across dimensions, rooted in both the material and spiritual realms. [Effect]: The host becomes the Lord of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom, gaining the ability to expand and rule this virtual domain.] [ Abilities: Soul Tree]: [1. Soul Tree]: At the heart of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom, the Lord can summon the Soul Tree, a sacred tree that acts as a conduit for life and death. [Effect]: The souls of those who die within or near the kingdom are absorbed by this tree, where they are nourished, healed, and can be reborn as Wood Spirits. [2. Soul Tree Seeds]: Host can create seeds of the soul tree that are connected to the mother tree, which can be planted outside the Sylvan Soul Kingdom. [Effect]: Souls absorbed by the Soul Trees are transported to the mother tree within a certain distance, depending upon the strength of the Sylvan Soul Tree.]

MountainDuskwalker · Games
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106 Chs

Divine Spirit Tree, Reiki

As the tree continued to grow, its rate of expansion gradually slowed. The air around it buzzed with life as if the tree itself had infused the atmosphere with energy, revitalizing the planet.

With the Divine Spirit Tree now towering majestically overhead, Sister Ye shifted her attention to the assembled crew members.

Her voice carried authority as she addressed them, outlining the next steps of their plan.

"Caption Rhea," she began, her tone firm yet reassuring, "now that the Divine Spirit Tree has grown to the level of a lower-level Demi-God and won't take long to reach middle-level and above, it's time to turn our focus to the next phase of our plan. I task you and your crew with the important responsibility of gathering detailed information about this planet in the next few days."

As Sister Ye addressed the crew, she didn't delve into detailed explanations about the Divine Spirit Tree.

After all, its significance was ingrained in the very fabric of their upbringing, a fundamental aspect of their shared heritage.

The Divine Spirit Tree was a profound symbol of their lineage and connection to the Eternal God Tree.

Every Divine Spirit Tree is born with a starting point of God level 0, equal to that of Demi-Gods, and evolved to reach God level 1(True God) and so on.

The Stronger the Divine Spirit Tree's strength, the more potent its link to the Eternal God Tree.

While the Divine Spirit Tree is born God level 0, the path to its growth came with a cost— demanding a significant investment of resources.

It necessitates large quantities of Divine Power, Life Energy, and the essence of the planet's origin merely to sprout from the earth.

Maintaining its growth presents an ongoing challenge, as the Divine Spirit Tree continually draws upon the planet's Origin, placing a considerable burden on the planet.

However, this symbiotic relationship is not one-sided; the Divine Spirit Tree reciprocates by enriching the planet with Reiki, an extraordinary energy that accelerates the evolution of both organic and inorganic matter, which in turn feeds back the Divine Tree's growth.

This exchange serves as a vital catalyst for the planet's development, fostering the rapid advancement of plants, animals, and all forms of life.


A week later, Rhea arrived at a villa nestled beside a tranquil lake, its surface filled with delicate white lotus blossoms.

Behind the building, facing the tranquil waters, sat Brother Chen and Sister Ye, their demeanor relaxed as they savored the idyllic scenery before them. In the distance, a towering figure loomed—Divine Spirit Tree.

Rhea approached Sister Ye and Brother Chen, who sat calmly by the lake, their eyes gazing out at the still waters.

She carried with her the results of the crew's explorations, a comprehensive report on the planet they had crash-landed on.

"Your Excellency," Rhea said, bowing respectfully as she handed the data to Sister Ye. "We've completed our exploration and gathered all the information you requested."

Sister Ye accepted the data with a nod, her curiosity piqued as she glanced over the detailed findings.

The report included a thorough analysis of the planet's terrain, climate, and unique resources.

It also detailed the inhabitants—humans and other races—that populated this world, as well as the monsters that roamed its untamed wilderness.

Rhea stood straight, her voice clear as she elaborated on the findings. "This planet, which the locals call Blue Star, is comparable to a Level 3 plane. The most powerful creature we encountered is on par with a Tier-5 entity, meaning we won't face any immediate threats from native forces, there are no signs of any True Gods or Demi-Gods."

Rhea's voice carried a tinge of fascination as she continued. "Blue Star is home to a variety of cultures and civilizations, similar to low-level martial worlds. The people here practice martial arts to strengthen there bodies, forming sects, clans, and families. Only those with enough strength can survive on the planet's surface."

"However, we found many ordinary life forms hiding in many underground spaces."

"Power here is defined by strength and status, and martial artists pursue cultivation to increase their abilities, though none of them possess the strength to challenge us."

"So the human race here is dominant, but they are not alone." Sister Ye listened intently as Rhea outlined the diversity of the planet's inhabitants. "There are also other races like orcs, fishmen, and barbarians who live in isolated regions, each with their own traditions and powers."

The planet thrives with this diversity, and its wilderness hides great beasts, many of them resembling prehistoric creatures like—dinosaur species and other massive monsters that roam freely on the Blue Star's surface.

Sister Ye took a moment to review the findings, impressed with the depth of the crew's work. "Well done, Captain Rhea," she remarked, her voice carrying a hint of approval. "Your efforts have given us a clear understanding of what we're working with."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in before continuing. "From here on, the Reiki index will continue to increase year after year, in tandem with the growth and strength of the Divine Spirit Tree." 

She shifted her gaze to the surrounding landscape, her eyes narrowing with satisfaction as she noted the changes taking place. "The Reiki index in the surrounding kilometers has already reached 3."

She explained, "And soon the entire planet will reach a baseline of 1. In time, the Reiki index will rise further, and when it does, it will awaken beings with extraordinary abilities—awakeners."

"Now," Sister Ye continued, her gaze shifting towards Rhea with a sense of determination, "with the detailed information you and your crew can take the next step in our plan—cultivating the local population."

She paused, before elaborating further. "Disguise yourselves and integrate into the human and other settlements."

"They hold the potential to generate faith, which can sustain us," she instructed, her voice carrying a tone of resolve. "We'll guide them, quietly influence their leaders, and help their civilizations flourish, establish churches, and gather followers to spread the faith and collect the power of their belief."

Rhea nodded, understanding the gravity of the mission. Establishing themselves as gods in the eyes of Blue Star's inhabitants would allow them to harness the power of faith, "you plan to establish yourselves as gods here."

Sister Ye smiled. "Not just us. You too, Captain Rhea, I plan to share thirty percent of the power of faith collected with you and your crew. Prove yourself, and you might find that your future holds far more than being a Demi-God."

Sister Ye's words carried a weight of anticipation as she outlined the potential for the Divine Spirit Tree's growth. "As the strength of the Divine Spirit Tree increases, it will awaken new abilities."

She continued, "It will create Monster Dens, drawing in the power of all living creatures, creating powerful monsters that we can use to our advantage."

"It will also attract fragments of broken planes from the surrounding void, forming subspaces rich in resources that we can explore and exploit."

Rhea's heart quickened at the possibility. She had fought alongside War Gods, survived the worst battles, and now stood on the precipice of something far greater.

Perhaps this planet was her chance to finally rise.

"Thank you, Excellency," she said, bowing her head. "I will not waste this opportunity."

With a resolute nod, Rhea returned to the battleship, her determination unwavering as she rallied her crew members, both human and alchemy creatures alike.

Standing before them, she conveyed the task ahead and seize every opportunity that arose to increase their own strength. 

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