
Start as a Spiritual Planter: I Have a Game Panel

[Name: ??, Age: ??] [Race: Mechanical Life] [Profession: Mechanical Apostle] [Level: Tier -6 (damaged)] [Physique: ?????] [Spirit: ?????] [Description: A broken Mechanical Life, one of Mechanical God -'@#$^&#@@%^#!'s most advanced and powerful creations, from an advanced technological world.] “Is this the World of Gods? Can anyone become God? Then why am I still just a Tier-1 Spiritual planter?” Ram pondered, after looking at the Divine Creature for the first time. Ram reincarnated in this world without the ability to awaken any profession. As he celebrated becoming a Tier-1 Spiritual Planter, he discovered that Gods, Divine Beings, Evil Entities, and Nightmare Creatures were exploiting humans and other beings, manipulating them to harvest the power of Faith or Fear. Inexplicably, he became entangled in this conflict. But he was lucky enough to turn his destiny through... Evolving Spiritual Plants and Monsters using Life Energy and Spiritual Power, becoming Spiritual Plant Lord to fight against the Gods. [ Holy Source Seed: Sylvan Soul Tree] [ Type: Source Seed] [ Level: Same as host] [ Quality: Holy] [ Attribute: Life/Soul/Wood] [ Description: A seed born from the fusion of the seeds of the Life Spirit Tree and Astral Soul Tree, transformed into a Holy Source Seed through a special method.] [ Holy Source Seed Characteristics:  1. Perfectly inherited the abilities of both the Life Spirit Tree and the Astral Soul Tree and, as a Holy Source Seed born from both powerful entities.  2. Gains additional functionality with every upgrade.  3. Binding the Holy Source Seed grants the host full access to all its abilities.] [ Abilities: Life Spirit Tree] [1. Life Spirit Body]: Converts the host's body into a Life Spirit Body, greatly increasing the host’s capacity for Life Energy and Spiritual Power by tenfold, while boosting recovery rate by 300%. [2. Kingdom Creation: Sylvan Soul Kingdom (Unopened)]: Upon activation, the Sylvan Soul Tree converts the host Spiritual Realm into a virtual forest that becomes the foundation of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom. This forest spans across dimensions, rooted in both the material and spiritual realms. [Effect]: The host becomes the Lord of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom, gaining the ability to expand and rule this virtual domain.] [ Abilities: Soul Tree]: [1. Soul Tree]: At the heart of the Sylvan Soul Kingdom, the Lord can summon the Soul Tree, a sacred tree that acts as a conduit for life and death. [Effect]: The souls of those who die within or near the kingdom are absorbed by this tree, where they are nourished, healed, and can be reborn as Wood Spirits. [2. Soul Tree Seeds]: Host can create seeds of the soul tree that are connected to the mother tree, which can be planted outside the Sylvan Soul Kingdom. [Effect]: Souls absorbed by the Soul Trees are transported to the mother tree within a certain distance, depending upon the strength of the Sylvan Soul Tree.]

MountainDuskwalker · Games
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106 Chs

Breeding Enhanced Children?

Soon, Sid drove the truck through narrow streets and deserted alleys until they reached an abandoned subway station not far away, its entrance hidden by overgrown grass and crumbling walls.

The eerie silence of the deserted location was a stark contrast to the chaos they had just escaped.

Sid parked the truck and turned off the engine, the echoes of their arrival fading into the stillness.

"We should be safe here for a while," Sid said, his voice low as he glanced around the station. "This is where my sister and I live. It's mostly empty, so you can stay here as long as you need."

Ram looked around, taking in the surroundings.

The station was filled with remnants of old advertisements and rusted tracks, hinting at a time long past.

Despite its derelict state, there was a certain charm to the place.

"Thanks, Sid," Ram replied, his gratitude evident. He appreciated not only the offer of shelter but also the information Sid shared about the base, famous mercenaries, and pharmaceutical gangs, along with other important insights.

According to Sid, the base they were at was considered a mid-level base with a population of two to three hundred thousand.

Most were ordinary people, but there were tens of thousands of professionals. With so many people, the shadow society didn't even bother to monitor everyone closely.

However, escaping was not easy. First, most professionals were injected with a Mind Shadow Parasite and can't be far away from the base.

Second, the wild outside the city walls was very dangerous, and surviving the night without the city's protection was nearly impossible due to wild monsters.

Sid nodded, leading Ram and the unconscious girl deeper into the station. They passed through a series of dimly lit corridors, the flickering lights casting long shadows on the walls.

Eventually, they reached a more secure area where Sid had clearly made his home.

Furniture, and supplies, with many rooms and a few personal items, gave the space a semblance of comfort.

Gently laying the girl on a bed, Ram checked her injuries before and found many internal injuries inside her body.

So, he secretly injected over 100 points of Life Energy into her body before they got into the truck, and the effect was immediate.

Now, as he examined her again, he found she seemed to be mostly unharmed, just exhausted and bruised.

Turning to Sid, Ram said, "This place is impressive. You've done well to make it your home." 

Sid shrugged, a modest smile on his face. "It's not much. Most of the good places are under the control of gangs if you don't want to join one of them you can only hide somewhere else like this."

Ram felt a surge of gratitude and respect for Sid and thanked him again. Despite the dangers and the harsh world, they lived in, there were still people like Sid who cared enough to help others. 

Sid waved off the thanks, his expression serious as he glanced at the unconscious girl and questioned. "What do you want to do with the girl?" he asked.

Ram looked thoughtful. "We need to find out more about her," he replied. "But first, we should let her get some rest and recover. Once she wakes up, we can ask her about her situation and figure out our next steps."

Sid looked at Ram with a serious expression. "What do you want to do with the girl?"

Ram glanced at the unconscious girl, a frown creasing his brow. "We need to find out more about her," he said thoughtfully. "But first, we should let her rest and recover. Once she wakes up, we can talk to her and figure out what to do next."

Sid shook his head slightly, his expression grave. "You don't need to wait for her to wake up. I've seen girls like her before."

Ram turned to Sid; his curiosity piqued. "What do you mean?"

"Well," Sid began, his voice tinged with sadness, "from what I've heard, the Shadow Society uses many girls her age in this base for breeding enhanced children."

Ram's eyes widened in shock. "Used for what? Breeding enhanced children?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Sid nodded grimly. "Yeah, it's messed up," he confirmed, his expression darkening.

"The Shadow Society is always looking for ways to create stronger, more obedient soldiers. They snatch girls, young ones, and pump them full of these... enhanced fertilized egg things. Supposed to make the kids stronger, faster to grow, more obedient weapons than anything natural."

Ram's heart sank as he absorbed Sid's words, the thought of the girl, barely a teenager, being subjected to the Society's twisted experiments was enough to send shivers down his spine. "And this girl," he rasped, his voice barely a whisper, "what happened to her?"

Sid's expression darkened as he ran a hand through his hair, his frustration palpable. "The Society's methods are brutal," he explained, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"There's a high chance of failure. Most of the girls..." He trailed off, unable to bring himself to articulate the fate that likely awaited her.

"I remember," Ram said, his voice tinged with urgency. "I saw a soldier like that when I first woke up." Ram's mind raced as he connected the dots.

He recalled the soldier he had encountered earlier, mechanically enhanced yet with a drastically shortened lifespan.

Despite being only 13 years old, the soldier appeared to be in his early twenties due to the enhancements.

"Yeah, it's likely them," Sid agreed, his voice tinged with bitterness. "You, saving this girl might've saved me from a lot of trouble. Otherwise, she'd probably be dead, and that'd cause problems for me."

"Okay, with our current strength, we're no match for the Society, for now, let's rest up," Sid admitted grimly, placing a reassuring hand on Ram's shoulder and suggesting.

"Once dinner's ready, I'll come fetch you and you can meet my sister, She is the boss here," he said, guiding Ram to another nearby empty area with an abandoned train before leaving him to rest.