
start a tiny riot! stop being so goddamn quiet!

'' I heard another one of those Jumpers appeared.'' '' Jumpers?'' Lily asked, for the first time looking towards the boys. Blushing James continued '' There are those people that Jump through timeline's, without disturbing the balance. They remain in this world and just life in this time.'' James said '' They usually become famous too.'' Sirius added '' It's a shame they are motorized though.'' before Sirius could continue, the first year filled the Hall. It was time for the Sorting. Standing out, behind them, was a tall girl, that wore an open robe above her muggle clothes. Sirius eyes were stuck on her. All students were staring at her and all of them feel like they know her from her shoulder length hair to her bored expression. When all the first-years were sorted the Headmaster spoke '' It's a great honor, to have another Jumper studying at Hogwarts. And it's with great joy that you could join us from now on. I hope you will find great friends and family this time around as well. Hogwarts it's open for all no matter the age.'' McGonagall next words made the students fall silent. Their shocked expression made the tall girl reveal a fanged grin '' Snape, Athena!''

Michiko_B · Movies
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20 Chs

Chapter 10

Athena will remember this moment as her most shameful moment. Standing like a dumb statue, staring at her father beaten form, listening to his friends, their voices joking. What she saw was a common thing, was a day by day thing. The monster hidden inside her body was waking up, almost like she was on the battlefield once more.

It was such a common thing that Severus has potion with him, that Narcissa learned glamour spells wandless, that Regulus got suspended and Evan know how to enter the Tower. It was such a common thing that they weren't even bothering to report it, to fight back again. Like they are a dog with a dead owner.

'' You...are going to wait until night to deal with those fuckers..?'' she asked not moving

'' We can't deal with them in front of everyone, Athena.'' Regulus said resigned while Narcissa looked uncomfortable. Severus wasn't even looking at her and Evan was getting himself busy with his clothes.

'' It's not that we don't want to but... if, if Great Aunt hears about us protecting a halfblood we will surely be transferred and Severus will be in bigger danger.'' Narcissa said her hand still griping Severus shoulder

'' That's the Slytherin way, Athena. We wait until the best moment appears and strike so they or at last their families could remember their entire life.'' Evan finish looking more confused by the minute

Angry, at herself and at this fucked up situation Athena left feeling suffocated.

'' ...she is strong, she will be fine.'' Regulus said after a while

'' Not like she just saw her future father or younger self I suppose like this.'' Evan said getting a harsh punch in his arm

'' She just find out how pathetic I'm, was, is...fuck if I know-'' Severus get his bag and sighing he said '' Let's go to library, those idiots burned my Charm homework.''

'' All three copies?'' Narcissa ask getting a nod in response. '' Come now, if I exercise enough I can take their nails off wandless too.''

The halls were busy, students getting out of class, others just walking around going to the library or in the courtyard. The Marauders were seating under a big tree, the scene looking uncomfortable familiar.

'' I can't believe you stopped us like that.'' Sirius grumbled at Remus. '' The plan was to leave him there without clothes, Moony. That was the entire plan, it wasn't my fault that the stupid plant snatched him like that.'' beside him James was playing with his snitch trying to not look to upset

'' Did you see how desperate he looked? That oily snake, he should know already he deserved all that.'' James said nonchalantly, smiling when he caught the snitch again

'' Maybe.. we should at last stopped the plant?'' Peter asked hesitantly

'' I know right? He even tried to fight back, especially now that you have a life debt over him Prongs.'' Sirius continued like Peter didn't speak at all

'' Ah right I have that now... hmm what should I use it to?'' James asked putting his snitch away and turning at Sirius

While they talked without a care in the word they didn't notice that their friends faces. Peter with his clenched fists and jaw, with a building hatred and jealousy building rapidly in his heart. And Remus, trying to control his wolf side, his anger and this gnawing feeling in his mind, somehow the sight of his dear friends just become unbearable.

It took ten entire minute for Athena to realize that if she goes there, right now and beats all those disgusted pigs into the ground she would be possible expelled Jumper or not. And so she took a seat on the cold ground and begin thinking, regulating her breaths.

'' A plan to another plan...to another and another and another...''




Maybe, Evan was right to a point. It seems that she has two pummel two out of four pigs into the ground. Their furious gaze on her and not Severus.

ah Athena though walking calmly towards the spot the four boy were seating i can't wait to destroy you lot. i give you a year and i should make you all disappear from Britain she stopped at exactly five steps away from them and she already gathered quite the attention from the other students at the very last don't make me bored she throw the first spell, breaking the ground under them there's no fun of beating a cold corpse

And when the four of them turned at her, the only thing Athena could do was grin excitedly looking at Black madness, Potter cold gaze, Lupin clenched fist and Pettigrew frozen form.

After all, I have more important business than teaching you how to be a decent human being.

,, Have you gone crazy Snape?" James asked pointing to the cracked ground they were seated

" Bet its a family trait." Sirius said jokingly " We can permit that now do you?" He gets his wand out and throws a Disatmung spell at her

" You are right Pad, she grow up rather arrogant." he throw at the a Jelly Legs curse which she stopped flawlessly

While they throw at her offensive spells she blocked them and carefully levitate mud above their heads, all the while throwing her own spells at them. There was not a single students that tried to help them or call a teacher, not like they would actually do anything.

She dropped the mud hitting Black the most, who become distracted and quickly run to get it off him. Before she could bind Potter and leave him there a sharp voice said

" Miss Snape! No Dueling in the hallways or courtyard for that matter! 50 points from Slytherin and put your wands back this instant. " Professor McGonagall said " I am very disappointed in you Miss Snape, if you can't control yourself at the very last don't let it out on innocent students. You can Duel with your female counterparts by joining Dueling Club lead by Professor Flitwick"

" ...I understand Professor. I apologize. " Athena said making the Professor nod

" Ten additional points for not putting your wands away ." In response Athena put her wand back in her holder.

When McGonagall left James was still smirking, Peter was still kind of frozen while Remus was tense. He was also the only one that used defensive spells all this time. Not a single one of them put their wands away.

The students were still there watching the spectacle.

" Not so loud anym-" James was on the ground before he realize what happened. His left cheek was throbing and something, like a small pebble was seating on his tongue. He was kind of dizzy as well.

Shocked gasp around the students and even some disbelieve laughter.

" You! You punched him!" Remus yelled surprised

Mocking laughter filled the courtyard and for the first time in a while, the victim wasn't the ugly oily boy from Slytherin.

'' MISS SNAPE! '' McGonagall yelled

'' What!'' Athena yelled back at him making, if possible, the students even more shocked '' That's no Duel. And no magic involved.''

'' ...detention in the Trophy Room, tonight at noon.'' she says in a clipped tone and leaves, the students parting before her

Athena smiles pleasant at her back and with a final glance to the three boys she leaves. She still needed to find out how to change that potion anyway.