

The next morning Sylvia had gathered all the spatial and fire element mages of the tribe in the arena. By the time they arrived Sylvia had prepared several wooden logs arranged in a straight line.

Sylvia(To everyone gathered there): I have asked you to gather here because I have discovered a new way to allow you to fight against your opponents

Everyone present (with utter disbelief): How is it that possible spatial mages are only capable of creating portals over short distances and storing items. It is impossible for them to fight.

Sylvia: It is true as you said that spatial mages can create portals but have you considered putting another person's magic into that portal

A tall man in the crowd: Do you mean we should put a spell in the portal??

Sylvia: Yes and No, I don't want you to put another persons spell in your storage I want you to redirect an incoming spell back at your opponent

Seeing everyone give her a blank look Sylvia decides to give them a demonstration

Asmodeus come over here I want you to give a demonstration to these guys

A fair young man steps up.

Everyone present (To themselves): What demonstration will she give this sure is getting interesting

Sylvia and Asmodeus stand in the middle of the arena

Sylvia: I am going to release a level one fireball at you. What I want you to do is open a portal using your spatial magic and launch the spell at one of those logs understand.

Asmodeus: Yes ma'am.

Sylvia: Good let's begin.

Sylvia shoots a fireball at Asmodeus from the tip of her finger he skillfully opens a portal in front of the fireball and almost immediately opens another one in front of the nearest log of wood. The fireball bursts out and hits the log of wood almost setting it on fire.

Sylvia(To herself): huuuuu it looks like about 30% of the original power of the spell is lost when it goes through spatial magic, O well at least its better than being completely useless on the battlefield

Sylvia(aloud): Very good Asmodeus, did you feel anything strange while the spell went through

Asmodeus (With a slight bow): Yes ma'am it felt a little strange like someone putting pressure on me from all sides all over my body. To be honest it's a sensation that I feel will need some time to get used to

Sylvia: Very well but do you think that this method shall make spatial magic more useful

Asmodeus: Yes ma'am this method is simply genius it will finally allow spatial mages to be useful in actual combat instead of just plain mules.

Sylvia: Vey good, Now I want all of you to start practicing. The fire mages have been called here as well and I want you all to pair up with one fire mage each to begin practice I want to see results when I come back a little later. Do you understand

Everyone had been eager to try the new method and replied with enthusiasm

Everyone: YESS MAAM.

Sylvia smiles at them and goes on to meet Alex whom she had told before to come to her hut. When she arrives

Alex: So how did it go was it any use

Sylvia(With a smile): Yes your new method was very useful all the Spatial mages in the village were practically jumping around to get started

Alex: That's good then.

Sylvia: Indeed and it's all thanks to you. Anyway getting back to work have u learned all the lectures I had given you before leaving

Sylvia had given Alex 12 sheets of goatskin parchment worth of notes on spatial magic before leaving to the town square

Alex: O those I finished them half an hour after you left I have even begun practicing, see

Alex waves his hand and a small portal roughly the size of his fist appears in front of him

Sylvia: (Visibly impressed): excellent work I want you to keep practicing and if you finish quick enough I might even let you practice with the others

Alex(Eagerly): Yes ma'am

Alex practiced all day finally after night had fallen he managed to make a portal just big enough to fit his head through. Seeing what he thought were poor results he looked sad

Sylvia: Cheer up the amount of progress you made in a day usually takes a normal mage a week. So from that point of view, you are progressing very well, there is no need for you to be disheartened . Now get some sleep we will continue tomorrow

Alex nods and sets off to his new home Aanys had arranged for a small hut close to Sylvias place so that he could practice as much as possible.

Sylvia (To herself): This kid never ceases to impress me he is a genius among geniuses.

Saying that he gives a small laugh and goes back to her room.

Ales soon reaches home and lays on the bed in deep thought

Alex: Hey Alpha

Alpha: Ya

Alex Don't you think spatial magic is a bit weird in the way that it works.

Alpha: I agree normally making a pocket dimention takes a lot of energy and these people simply use it by waving their hands.

Alex: Exactly, This planet sure is interesting

Alpha: U got that right there is so much information to process that even I am having a hard time

Alex clucking: So mister know it all has finally found his match

Alpha (Zapping him): You wish

Alex: Ouch that hurt.

Alpha: You asked for it

Alex: One of these days I am going to get really angry

Alpha: So it's not like you can do anything

Alex Growling: Keep quiet and go to sleep

Alpha: Fine Goodnight

Alex: Goodnight bro.