

Alex started his new magic training with Sylvia form the next day. Time was of the essence and he needed to get as good at magic as possible. Sylvia started the lesson from the very basics

Sylvia: Magic is an art, The art of manipulating mana. In society, the degree to which you manipulate mana also highlights your social standing i.e. the stronger you are the more respect you get. The users of mana are called mages are divided into 5 ranks beginner, novice, advanced, archmage, and divine. Each rank is divided into 10 levels from one to 10.

Alex (to himself): The more I learn the more this feels like a fantasy RPG game or anime

Sylvia(Continuing): Apart from ranking there is also your affinity. Affinity means how well you can integrate mana into your system and how much of it you can absorb at once. A person's mana storage is like a skin bag, The more water you put in the bigger it gets but if you put too much of it in one go it explodes, Mana storage is similar to that. Any questions so far.

Alex: No Sylvia.

Sylvia: When we are training you are to address me as master or teacher

Alex: Yes teacher.

Sylvia: Good seeing that you don't have any questions lets continue.

Sylvia: Magic has four main elements fire, water, wind, and earth other elements can be made by combining these four elements in various combinations like steam magic from fire and water or magma magic from fire and earth. Apart from these four primary elements, there are secondary elements as well like black magic, white magic, and spatial magic. By combining black or white magic with the other elements more complex magic can be cast like if we combine water and earth we get mud normally but if we add a little bit of light magic into it then we can get plant magic,

She continued with a detailed explanation of every type of magic and its strengths and weaknesses. After a while, she asked him Any questions.

Alex(): What about spatial magic.

Sylvia: Spatial magic is mostly useless the only thing it is good for is transporting things which can be done by a spatial pouch which can be easily made with a spatial stone that is as common as normal rocks making spatial mage's the most useless types of mages.

She also gave him a detailed explanation of the theory behind spatial magic

Alex(to himself): That's weird from what I know spatial technology is extremely powerful in both offensive capabilities and defense. What do you think Alpha?

Alpha: Your statement is indeed correct from the 6950th space expo it was discovered that spatial technology could be used to create 'flash wormholes' That basically can cut off parts of a structure cleanly used for travel to a known location.

Alex(to himself): Seems they don't know about the full potential of spatial magic.

Sylvia: Now I shall be testing your elemental affinity. Elemental affinity is one's affinity to a particular element. I want you to go into that shrouded chamber where you will find seven stones labeled according to element. Bring the crystal that glows the brightest to me understood.

Alex: Yes Teacher.

Alex walks into the darkroom where he sees the seven crystals. He picked them up one by one and to his surprise, all of them emitted a dazzling white light. When he picked up the one labeled spatial the light was so bright that it felt like the sun itself.

Outside pov: Suddenly the tent began to emit light so bright that the cracks between the tent began to glow like a mini sun. Sylvia rushed in to see Alex Dazed holding a pure white crystal in his hand hasting over to him she pulled out the stone and began examining it.

Original pov

Sylvia: Just what is wrong with this kid this level of affinity is completely unheard of and yet he gets it for the worst possible element u have to be kidding me he is like the avatar of wasted potential ( she shook her head in despair )

Alex(eagerly): What is my element teacher

Sylvia: You are a spatial mage, unfortunately.

Alex's eyes lit up , Sylvia was surprised at his reaction most people would become depressed while others would simply resign to their fate and accepted it but never had she seen a mage happy about having an aptitude for spatial magic.

Sylvia(with a questioning look): Why are you so happy about learning spatial magic.

Alex: That is because I can think of a dozen ways to make spatial magic more useful.

Sylvia: Really care to enlighten me.

Alex: U mentioned that spatial magic can be used to connect two places right.

Sylvia: Yes that is indeed true so what is your point.

Alex: Imagine a fire mage shoots a spell at me then using spatial magic I can send it right back at him giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Sylvia was stunned never had she heard of someone even think of using spatial magic in this was. And astoundingly the more she thought about it the more sense it made to her. She was surprised that a mere 8-year-old boy could think of such an advanced concept on the fly.

Sylvia(with a calculating look): Indeed spatial magic can be used in that way good thinking Alex. Now you must be tired from today's lecture we shall begin practical training from tomorrow. I want you here by the time sun rises clear

Alex(looking relieved): Yes maam.

Alex hurried over to Aria's house.

Sylvia(to herself): Just how big of a genius is this kid, he is sure to become the strongest mages in history I need to report this to Aanya

Sylvia hurries over to the chief's residence