

It's a simple love story of Chandni and Raj. However, with love comes the real risk of loss. Whether love overcomes loss or not is the premise of our story.

MeenuNC · Urban
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5 Chs


The marriage between Raj and Chandni took place by way of a simple ceremony in the attendance of only close family members and friends. The couple had decided to stay and settle down in New Delhi. Within one year, Raj and Chandni were blessed with a baby boy. Chandni had left her father's business entirely, and had devoted herself completely to building a family with Raj. However, all of a sudden, Raj fell ill and was detected with a kidney infection. They had come to Mumbai for Raj's treatment because not only did Raj require expert care and attention, but also because Chandni was expecting for the second time and her father wanted her to be taken full care of. Raj's sister, Trisha Di, was already settled in Mumbai and frequently visited Raj in the hospital and even stayed back several nights.

After making sure that Trisha Di had followed Chandni's instructions to take the car home and rest, Chandni entered into the room where Raj was admitted. She softly slid open the door to find that Raj was sitting awake at his bed, but he was not as cheerful as usual and looked grim. Chandni asked, "What's wrong? Has the Doctor been around? How much longer are they planning to keep you?" Raj did not answer her question and merely closed his eyes and lied back down. It was later that Chandni came to know, from the Doctor, about the dismal position of Raj's health. He had been diagnosed with kidney cancer and his kidneys had been severely damaged. Unless he could find a donor, there was little chance of his recovery. Doctors tried their best, but no donor could be found in time, and Raj could not be saved.

Raj's death came as a big blow for all, and the family was badly shattered. Not only had they lost their only son, but also their star, their support, hope for the better future; everything. Time heals, but not quickly. Chandni's loss was worst of all, even more so since she was pregnant with his child. Raj's last rites were carried out in Delhi as was Chandni's wish, "I want him to cross over from his home." After the last rites, Chandni returned to Mumbai with her father, for good, winding up her home in Delhi where she had woven so many dreams. Trisha continued to be in touch with Chandni and stayed with her on every step of the way up to the due date of delivery, but fate had yet some more tests in store for Chandni. She gave birth to a stillborn child; a second boy who couldn't even see the light of the day.