
Starlight's Embrace

A driven young woman, Aria engulfed in the stresses of her high-powered job in a bustling city. Longing for a moment of respite and wonder, she witnesses a shooting star while escaping a tedious office dinner. Unknowingly, her heartfelt wish transports her to an extraordinary alternate dimension. "Your eyes are beautiful." Bewitched by the eyes of a mysterious man that saved her, Aria started to embrace her fate upon stumble at the foreign world and slowly discovered a magical element throughout her journey.

PearlJade · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Longing for Solitude

Looking back through her memories, she remembered that afternoon, after yet another grueling day at office, Aria's boss informs her and her colleagues about an impromptu team dinner at a local BBQ restaurant to celebrate of the successful project they were working on about a month.

'Ugh, what a tiring stuff to celebrate the day.'

Aria grumbled in her heart.

She didn't really like to mingle around after a whole day working to her bone. Reluctantly, she forced herself to join her colleagues, putting a brave face and engaging in small talk that she didn't even remember what they talked about.

All she craves is a moment of solitude to escape the constant demands and pressures of her professional life.

Aria is 23 years old ambitious girl who always works in a long hour, constantly striving to climb the corporate ladder and prove herself in a competitive environment.

However, this relentless pursuit of success has left her feeling mentally and emotionally drained.

As the hours tick by at the restaurant, Aria begins to feel suffocated by the noise, the laughter, and the relentless chatter. Her mind drifts to the thought of being alone, away from the prying eyes and the constant buzz of her phone.

She politely excuses herself, making up an excuse about feeling unwell, and decides to leave the gathering early.

Walking back home under the blanket of the night sky, Aria can't help but feel the weight of her responsibilities pressing down on her shoulders. She wonders if there's more to life than the relentless pursuit of success and recognition.

In a moment of vulnerability, she looks up at the vast expanse of stars, seeking solace and an escape from her own reality.

And then, like a divine answer to her unspoken desires, a magnificent shooting star streaks across the sky, leaving a trail of brilliant light.

'Oh my, a shooting stars! People said sometimes a shooting star can bring our wish into reality.' Thought Aria in her mind.

Mesmerized by the celestial spectacle, Aria instinctively closes her eyes and makes a wish—a heartfelt plea for a moment of wonder and respite from her demanding life.

"I wish I could escape this reality and experienced a brighter day." With full of hope, Aria wishes at the shooting stars as begging for a better life far from the hectic day she had that never-ending.

As she opens her eyes, she's engulfed in a radiant, blinding light that seems to transport her to another dimension. The sensation is both exhilarating and terrifying, as if she's suspended between two worlds.

The tension that surrounded her skin made her head spin and throbbed like it was about to explode. Because of the strong sensation of the light, she loses her consciousness and doesn't have any more memories afterwards.