
Starlight's Embrace

A driven young woman, Aria engulfed in the stresses of her high-powered job in a bustling city. Longing for a moment of respite and wonder, she witnesses a shooting star while escaping a tedious office dinner. Unknowingly, her heartfelt wish transports her to an extraordinary alternate dimension. "Your eyes are beautiful." Bewitched by the eyes of a mysterious man that saved her, Aria started to embrace her fate upon stumble at the foreign world and slowly discovered a magical element throughout her journey.

PearlJade · Fantasy
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16 Chs

A Shabby Hut

Trace of light from the sun beaming in the room through that small window at the side of the room. Aria wakes up with the sound of birds chirping outside the window.

Feeling mesmerized, she then walks to look upon the window and opens it slightly. A cool breeze and morning, fresh air emitting the room enlightened her moods.

In her life, this is the first time she has ever experienced such a fresh air to breathe into. Before this, she only lived in the centre of the city that is full of pollution at every nook and cranny. To be able to experience this new feeling making her curiosity about this place increased.

Aria then took a deep breath and brace her heart as she took every step towards the door. Aria is curious about many things that just happened last night.

She needs to find out where she is currently at, who is that man who gave her medicine that seems to work as it should. Her head feels so light when she wakes up this morning, and her body feels fresh like she just woke up from a real good sleep.

As she opened the door, she realized that she had currently resided in a small shabby house that probably still existed in the countryside. The size of the house is enough for couples of people to live in. The only room in this house is the room that she had just left.

Outside of the room, there is a place with a shelf that fills cooking items like pot, knife, and plate. There is not much item that the owner of the house owns. On the other side of the room are placed with a small short-legged table like the same table used in traditional Japanese homes. There is a window above the head if there is a person sitting by the table.

'It is really small house indeed.' Thought Aria in her head. The reason why she was here is still unrevealed, but she seems to forget about it for now and search for the figures that came to her room last night, but that man is nowhere to be seen.

Not long after Aria looked around the house, the front door suddenly opened, and the lights from outside surged through the open door. The image of the same man from last night appears at the door left Aria enchanted for the second time.

Last night she was enchanted by his voice that give chills to her spine and today, a strong and muscular figures at the door with the back light from the sun really radiates masculine image of the man that shines like a halo shining in her eyes.