
Stark Mind

Well going from spending summer till college comes along then immediately finding out your in the body of Tony Stark in the MCU really puts a kicker in the mood knowing what's gping to happen in the future but hey at least your filthy rich. (This story will include sci fi elements from other forms of fiction) The Cover picture does not belong to me same goes for the characters that will appear in this story except for my oc/s.

Bjorn_Fior_less · Movies
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9 Chs

Chapter 1

Ever had a moment where in real life where you just felt like whatever is happening just makes you want to treat it like nothing more than a dream well...this is that moment.

My mind was at peace and ever so drifting since I was having a bit of a power nap to alleviate being mentally exhausted after having getting so many deaths from playing Terraria death mode honestly why the fuck did they have to make the D.O.G so hard!! *sighs* I planned to get into space engineers after my nap with the squad after this so that by next week we'll have an all out war with the others. All in all it was a pretty normal nap for me until I heard....


"H-huh.....what the?" was my reaction after being woken my wonderful beauty sleep and the fact that I was sure that my name ain't Tony or else I wouldn't be Solomon D. Cordova II.

"About damn time you woke up you haven't been answering pepper's calls for the past hour"

"Uhhh.....are you referring to me?...." were the words that came out of my mouth out of confusion considering the man in front of me happened to be non other than Don Cheadle.

"Umm yeah who else would I be talking to other than Tony Stark whose in front of me and seriously have you been drinking again in the lab?" answering my question while taking note of a few bottles beside me.

As soon as I heard what I said a million thoughts raced in my brain literally to the point that complex equations and formulas came to be some familliar and some foreign to me...after a minute of that I scrambled looking around in the basement of this place to see anything that can show my reflection and lo and behold I saw the face of non other than Tony Stark self proclaimed genius-playboy-billionaire-philantropist which was currently my face.

.....This is fine...was what I thought until I decided to scream inside my head 'Aaaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh!!!!!!' if it were humanely possible it probably sounded like it was warped, bass boosted and put through a synthesizer that gradually increased in intensity.

"Hey Tony you look like you've seen a ghost and why the fuck have you been so quite this entire time?" asked Rhodes cutting my line of thought and being concerned that me his friend as of now and for the foreseeable future hasn't uttered a single letter at all.

"Uugghhh I-uh I'm just thinki- yeah thinking about a lot of things *breathes* sooo uh what was did Pepper wanted to talk to me about?"

If I had to guess probably SI (Stark Industries stuff)

"Well let's just say she's a bit pissed since not only you didn't answered, you pretty much also blew your meeting with the SI shareholders and employees by not coming."

'Ah shit.....' granted that Tony before I came along probably had a habit of either coming or not in these meetings but since I'm him right now that's gonna have to changed.

"Yeah ah what day is it today actually?"

"It's Tuesday Tony....why d'ya ask?" Rhodes being curios.

"I'm planning in discussing with Pepper to have a meeting scheduled on Friday to make up for it"

'Right.....', "Well if that's the case I'm going home now and you do you hopefully not drinking more after this" said Rhodey before going to the glass door of the lab and up through the stairs of the basement.

"Haaaahhh....I'm Tony Stark.... in the MCU....just what did I do to get stuck in this mess" I muttering while pinching the bridged of my nose before the sudden realization that hit me that for all intents and purposes I can't probably go back to my world.

'You know that bottle of whiskey looks tempting' eyeing the bottle near me, I was having some somber thoughts my previous life, my family and my friends all of it gone. The reasons as to why this happen are multiple ranging from either me dying of poor health or some deity deciding to make use of me for entertainment.....probably the latter because although I do play games but only sometimes does it ever get that late I know how to atleast balance them.

I hope that if they found my body it doesn't look like I committed suicide because of Ash-

*sighs* 'Stop don't go down that road'... I need to get my self together my mother definitely didn't raise no bitch.

First thing to do is to start on making the Iron Man suit as well as taking care of Hydra's undercover agents in SI preferably after making some upgrades to JARVIS.

"JARVIS, you there bud?"

[Yes sir is there something you'd like to ask?]

"Have you've been monitoring me while asleep?"

[Only your biometrics sir as you said you wanted to have a drink for yourself and certainly one far to many]

"Where there any irregularities while I was sleeping?"

[Hmmm....none that I could've notice sir as all your biometrics point to thembeing stable other than the alcohol in your system]

"I see thanks JARVIS.....actually open up a new project file two of them label the first as Mark 1 and other as Experimental" I said as well as deciding to pick up the bottle and taking a drink.

[Shall they be stored in the Stark Industries Database?]

"Nope keep in them in my personal one and also see if you can access some of the files on our inventory and shipment preferably ones with some oddities that don't seem match up" better start working on gathering dirt on Obadiah since the lasting I need is to have shrapnel go through my chest and having to almost die from palladium poisoning from the arc reactor.

I made my way to the holotable to start working on my plans not only for the future that being New York, Hydra, Ultron and Thanos.

Don't be afraid to comment your thoughts, as well as checking out some errors for me to edit would be helpful.

Bjorn_Fior_lesscreators' thoughts