
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 79

Senator Vulcan woke up in a dark room, while two handcuffs attached yo chains kept him on the wall.

"Where am I?" Vulcan asked, his heading killing him. If there was a mirror present, he would have surely seen the 3 bruises on his head.

After the words left his mouth the wall opposite of him lit up with a holographic projection. One that was very familiar to anyone who had some interactions with the Yautja.

"Hello, Senator Vulcan. Would you like to play a game?" A robotic voice appeared all around, impossible to where I cams from but the holograms mouth matched the words

"What? A game? No! Release me now or I will have you hung!" The senator yelled at the hologram

"That's too bad. You will have to be executed immediately then," Several turrets appeared from the roof and all aimed their guns at the senator

"Wait! Wait!" he cried out when he saw the barrels start to spin. "I'll play. I'll play so just put away the guns."

"Excellent choice," the turrets stopped spinning but remained trained on him. "You will be given 3 challenges that shall test you mentally and physically. If you succeed, you will be allowed to leave with your life. If you fail at any challenge, it shall result in your death."

The chains attached to his wrists were unlocked, dropping Vulcan to the floor with a thud.

"Your first challenge. Survive 30 minutes outside of this room before returning back."

The face faded before a line appeared in the middle of the wall as both sides began to retract. Vulcan was greeted to the sight of a large and luscious jungle.

Vulcan walked out of the room slowly. He took a few steps while looking around the forest and trying not to enjoy the view. He knew that if someone kidnapped him and challenged him to survive 30 minutes, the place they had put him in would surely be filled danger.

But even after 30 minutes, there was nothing. Vulcan was able to return to the room without anything attacking him.

It was only when the doors closed and the voice spoke again that Vulcan realized that he wa safe.

"Congratulations on surviving the 1st challenge. Here is the second: survive within this room for 90 minutes."

A pistol was dropped into the middle of the room which Vulcan rushed to grab.

Vulcan looked at the roof, ready for the turrets to descend again but nothing happened.

During the next hour and a half, sounds would constantly come from all around him but there would be no changes. Everytime that Vulcan thought something would happen, he would be tricked.

When the time was finally up, Vulcan had the blaster to the side of his head. The psychological torture that was being inflicted on him was enough to make him want to kill himself.

"Congratulations on surviving the 2nd challenge. Here is the final challenge: survive 1 minute."

"What do you mean?" Vulcan asked the hologram before the floor opened beneath him.

Vulcan fell down a massive black hole where the temperature quickly got faster. In less than 3 seconds, his body was nothing more than a charred husk. In 10, the body was reduced to nothing.

Outside of the hole, a massive lizard that looked like a mix between a dinosaur, crocodile, mountain, and plant let out a burp.

After eating the little treat that they had provided him, Godzilla Terra (sounds better than just Godzilla Earth) curled up and lay on the ground before falling asleep.

Jial looked through the camera that was watching Vulcan for the past few hours. When he saw him fall in Godzilla Terra's mouth, Jial couldn't help but chuckle.

Talon walked into his room and saw the smile on his face.

"What's so funny?" she asked while opening up the Jial's personal Holocron. She was studying the Psyker Abilities listed in it and had been trying to copy a few of them by translating them into Force Powers.

"Just killed Senator Vulcan," Jial told her while replaying the moment the floor opened and Vulcan's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

He looked up and saw Talon looking at him worried. "Don't worry. Planted a body double in the ship wreck and got a few Trandoshan slavers caught in the middle of scavenging the remains. Plus, its been over a year. Nothing will lead back to us."

"Good," Talon smiled while curling up next to Jial in their bed. She was lying against his chest while studying the various techniques, searching for a new one that she could try to replicate.

"How long you gonna stay this time?" Jial asked her. Talon never stayed for long. Loved the arena too much.

"Thinking 3 months this time. That too long for you and your mistress?" Talon teased him

"Nope. Can just have threesomes." Jial wrapped one of his arms around Talon, bringing her closer to him

"Sounds perfect to me," Talon purred in his arms. She kissed his bicep before returning her attention back to the Holocron.

The next three months were spent in relaxation. There were no wars or rebellions. No one trying to attack Yautja turf or their allies. For someone that had known nothing but battle for the majority of his life, it was very unusual.

And fucking boring.

Jial was constantly battling the Praetomorph variants on his moon and the Hunting Preserve station to alleviate his boredom. Sex, hunting, studying, training, meeting. That had been his life since the trial.

On the day that Talon was planning to leave, she came across Jial who was slashing at Godzilla Terra's foot with each attacked blocked by the barrier. He literally could not even harm the creature's pinky toe but that was the only thing that could challenge Jial on Yautja Prime.

"So you just gonna keep bothering Gaia?" Talon asked him while seeing him strike with his full strength.

"Gaia is a female's name. This is a male," Jial didn't even turn yo her as he stabbed forward nearly 10 times in a single moment

"His name is Gaia. Got a problem?" Talon crossed her arms under her chest

"None at all," Jial stopped attacking Gaia. He picked up his towel and began wiping the sweat from his body. "Bout to leave?"

"Hmm. Come with me," Talon helped him wipe the sweat off. "You're gonna go mad if you stay here. Might as well join me at the Colosseum. Get your mind out of the gutter."

"What makes you think my mind is in the gutter?"

"All old men get that way," Talon taunted. "They get a hot young girlfriend. Check. They get a bunch of random, dangerous hobbies. Check. And then they blow their brains out when none of that satisfies them."

"I'm not old," Jial protested. "At least Feeorin and Astartes standards."

"Fine. You're young. But you're not talking about the main point because you know I'm right."

Jial walked away and shook his head.

"What about the Yautja. We are..."

"Perfect. Literally perfect. You have positioned everyone where they need to be," Talon passed him a shirt to put on.

"The Inquisitors need a commander. And we still need someone in charge," Jial couldn't just leave the group without a leader

"Nott. You punished her and she has behaved since then. She is the best person to lead."


"No buts! Get Gaia ready and send out the message. I'll be waiting for you on the Phantom," Talon told him before walking out of the room

Jial stared at her butt as she walked out the room, too mesmerized to form a rebuttal. By the time he recovered, she was already gone.

"You don't think I'm old, do you, Gaia?" Jial looked at the massive creature and asked

Gaia turned his head away and went back to sleep, not even bothering to answer his question.

"Stupid lizard," the leader said to himself before turning Gaia into his egg form. He carried the egg back to the base where he sent out the message informing everyone that he was taking a vacation and leaving Nott in charge. He also let Nott know that she was back in command of the Inquisitors in a private message but he also warned her that what happened the previous time could not happen again.

Soon, Jial was on the Phantom with Talon and Gaia's egg. They were ready to take off to Coruscant.