
Star Wars: The Yautja

In a Galaxy, Far, Far Away on the Planet Lok in the Outer Rim. A young Feeorin awakens something that shall change the fate of himself and the Galaxy in ways one could never imagine—all thanks to a blue screen that only he can see.

ForestOfDarkness · Anime & Comics
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110 Chs

Chapter 78

Jial stood proud before Senator Vulcan, unafraid of any questions that he may ask of him.

"Lord Jial. Thank you once again for attending."

"No need for thanks. How else could I witness your public humiliation and social execution?" Jial taunted, ready to complete his mission

"Are you always this short with others?" Vulcan asked

"Only those that wish to bring harm to me and my people. Fools such as yourself need to be knocked down a peg."

"Fools such as myself? What do you mean by that?" Vulcan was barely holding back his anger. With just a few sentences, he was able to tease the man to such a degree that he was losing his composure and status in many of the representatives hearts.

"I mean men and women who forget the duty they swore to uphold because of their emotions. Also those that think they can defeat me. Anyone who thinks that is a fool."

Vulcan wanted to scold him but realized that he had gotten off topic. He would be dismissed if he continued to argue with Jial without raising any points.

"Whatever you say."

"True. The galaxy truly seems to obey whatever I say. You are doing exactly that," Jial got in another jab before getting a warning glare from Tallun

"Why did you wage war on the Black Sun Syndicate?"

"They wanted me to submit to them. When I didn't, they sent assassins and saboteurs after me and my people," Jial was open and honest about his interactions with the Black Sun Syndicate. All of the followup questions were dealt with in the same way. Each question was answered swiftly and without a trace of deceit. It was as if the pair had rehersed and were just trading lines along with a few jabs directed toward Vulcan, his family, his pet, and his skills.

The questioning took nearly 2 hours for Senator Vulcan to ask every question he had and more. He had never predicted for Jial to answer so directly and honestly. Vulcan could build cities atop of lies but with honesty, there was little he could do to try and twist Jial's words.

Once he was done, Queen Jendi asked Jial a single question.

"Does your declaration still hold true?" she asked him

"I have not lies in this room yet," Jial looked her in the eyes and replied. "My words hold true now just as they did before."

"Then I shall have no other questions. The defense rests, Sir President," Queen Jendi gave a small bow before retreating backwards

Senate President Tallun stood up and looked around the hall.

"You have heard the testimonials given today as well as the words of the dependent himself. Now, we ask you to vote. Whether you think Lord Jial is guilty of committing crimes against civilization or if he is an innocent man."

A red and green screen appeared in each of the platforms all over the room while a large blue screen that was split down the middle with innocent and guilty on each side as well as a large 0 underneath each word. The vote would be held at the moment and counted in real-time.

"Let the voting begin. No speaking during the process."

The numbers on both sides of the screen began to quickly change. In less than 5 seconds, it reached the double digits. In less than 30, it reached the triple.

The numbers on both side kept going up as each senator or representative voted. And all of the sudden, the innocent side shot up by a thousand votes. Many paused and looked toward the platform that had the Jedi representatives on it. They were the only ones who got a vote that counted for 1000 individuals.

The Jedi were very divided in this matter. Of the High Council, the current Grandmaster and 3 other members found Jial to be guilty but the other 9 said he was innocent. Because of that, they ended up voting innocent even though there were quite a few Jedi who disliked him.

Although no one was allowed to speak while the voting was taking place, it still felt like the room got much quieter once the Jedi voted.

The voting continued but there was a clear decision already. And at the end, the tally was shown.

Guilty: 3,290

Innocent: 11,775

Senate President Tallun nodded at the results.

"The Senate has found you innocent Lord Jial. We apologize for taking up your valuable time and for any damage that might have been done to your reputation," Senator Tallun apologized quite readily.

He had allowed the motion to file charges against Jial to pass in order to have the process end or at least be put on pause. Jial only made 2 sets of big waves and each of them were years apart. He figured that by the time the Senate had gathered enough evidence to try and file charges against him again, Tallun would no longer be in office.

The platform that had Jial and his group began to float back to the docking station. And when it landed, Jial was shocked. The others seemed to take note of it.

"You expected there to be a shootout or assassination attempt, Father?" Nott asked with a tease in her voice

"Well... kinda," Jial admitted to which Nott and Talon laughed at him

"We can stay on Coruscant for a few more days if you would like to wait but they would be fools if they were to attack us directly in the building," Talon doused his fighting mood

"I fucking hate politicians," was all Jial could say in complaints. A blue screen appeared before his eyes giving him some good news.

[Missions completed. Rewards have been sent to Host's storage]

'System. What species is the egg?'

[Host. The egg belongs to Godzilla Earth, a subspecies of tbe Godzilla line. A powerful species with shielding, powerful regeneration abilities, atomic and plasma attacks, and highly aggressive. A true Alpha Titan though it takes a long time to grow to its full size (estimated 50 years if constantly consumes items or in areas with high Force presence]

'Interesting. Guess I'll have to see just how capable this Alpha is.'

Jial stayed on Coruscant for 2 more days to sell off the last 3 Titan eggs he was willing to sell. The Jedi were able to get the Mothra egg thanks to Republic's help while the Republic Military got King Kong. The 3 guilds also did not miss out and got themselves a Godzilla egg. Each egg sold for nearly 10 billion credits, making all those who were able to buy them cheaply very impressive.

Once all of his business was concluded, Jial returned to Yautja Prime with (unfortunately) no attacks on his life.