
Explosion = Bodyguard

Sar Landala was not having a good day. Then again he hadn't had a really good day in close to seven years. The young fifteen year old boy had turned into a young twenty-two year old man. The events at the temple seven years ago had lasting effects on the mind of the Jedi Knight.

While there was no physical damage, Sar's every sleeping moment were haunted by nightmares. He had not had a truly restful sleep in all these years. He had learned to live with it, but the experience had taken a toll on his mind. He was by no means insane or unstable, he was still very much the image of a proper disciplined Jedi.

He was however more blunt and eccentric than what he had been.His changes had been noticed especially by his Master, and he had admitted to his fascination with the Sith history, though he had left out his journey to the Sith Temple.

He still remembered the scolding he got from his Master. She had lost her composure and forbidden him from leaving the Jedi Temple. His Knight rank was almost revoked but he got off with a stern scolding from the Council and meditation sessions with Grandmaster Yoda.

That was were they had left it for about two year, and Sar kept furthering his mastery in the Force and his lightsaber skills, while also continuing his research of the Sith, this time way more moderately. Yet as the strange dark veil made the their ability to sense the future more and more unclear, the Masters realized that something was approaching and allowed him to resume his studies, this time officially, under the condition that he kept all research within the Temple.

And so the years went by and Sar soon earned his reputation as a respected, if odd, Jedi. While Sar did not exactly have 'good day's during this time he was by no means unhappy, feeling himself grow stronger and more knowledgeable drove him forward.

He, however, had to admit that this bad day took the cake. He had woken up from his meditation, and was heading towards the training grounds to start his lightsaber excises only to be pulled aside by an Initiate telling him he had to report to the Chancellor's office.

Apparently there had been an assassination attempt on the former queen of Naboo, Senator Padme Amidala. Her body double had been killed along with the crew on her ship.

When Sar arrived inside the office some of the members of the High Council was already present, such as: Yoda, Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Kit Fisto. They were discussing the action the Republic would take and the Jedi's role in them.

Sar's ears perked up when the Separatist movement was brought up. In the recent years a group had formed within the Republic that wanted to break away from it and establish their own coalition of Systems separate from the Republic.

As you could imagine this sparked mass confusion and violence in both the Systems that remained in the Republic and those that had joined the Separatists. It was also this unrest that had brought Amidala to Coruscant, as she was to vote on the idea of forming a Republic army to assit the Jedi Order in maintaining peace in the galaxy.

Sar could feel that they were on the edge of the first full blown war in millennia, and he was afraid that the construction of an army would see the Order be reduced to mere soldiers in a war that could be avoided with some compromises from both sides.

"I will not allow the Republic that has stood for a thousand years be split in two." The calm, if slightly angry, voice of the Chancellor snapped Sar out of his musing as he refocused on the conversation.

This time it was the firm voice of Master Windu that spoke out.

"But if it does there will not be enough Jedi to protect the Republic," Windu leaned forward a little with his hands folded. "We're keepers of the peace not soldiers."

The statement about them not being soldiers relieved some of the worries Sar was having, but his phrasing did make him frown.

"While I agree that we should not be used as soldiers isn't there another issue this potential split presents?" All eyes turned to the red-headed man that stood at the right side of the chair that Master Yoda was sitting on.

Sar's interruption could be considered rude, considering the fact that he had interrupted a Jedi Master while only being a Jedi Knight, but it was well known that Sar possessed abilities that could easily earn him a seat on the Council. Along with wisdom and knowledge that could not be ignored, his council was heeded.

Seeing that the Jedi and politicians had an eyebrow raised in confusion Sar continued his explanation.

"Well, every time we have faced a threat it has always been another faction or invading entity," Looking around the room and making sure everyone was following him he continued. "But this time we are talking about a faction formed by members of the Republic, members may I remind you that we also swore an oath to protect."

The issue that Sar had raised was one that had been considered briefly but ultimately the Separatists had been deemed traitors and hostile to the Republic. And while that was true the issue was more complicated than that, while Sar was sure that some Systems had left due to greed he also knew that many just wanted to escape the corruption within the Republic and create something better for themselves.

But Sar had steeled himself that if the worst came to pass he would fight alongside his brothers and sisters on the side of the Republic.

"Your concerns have been heard my young friend and do not worry I will do everything in my power to make sure that this is resolved quickly and peacefully." Came the light voice of the Chancellor.

Even after all these years Sheev Palpatine still managed to hold onto the position and Sar's respect for the man had continued to grow during these years as Palpatine had always been ready to help Sar when he required something for his research.

The discussion continued for a bit before a hologram popped out from the Chancellors desk. He spoke a few words to the alien on the other end of the hologram before it disappeared and the doors to the office slid open.

A group of senators walked in, at their head was Senator Amidala. She was indeed beautiful if slightly too young for the position in Sar's opinion but he really had no right to judge as you could argue that he was too young for his own.

Master Yoda was the first to greet her.

"Senator Amidala, heard of the attack on you, I have, seeing you alive warms my heart." Yoda was placed his palm on his chest and made a little nod towards the senator.

"Thank you Master Yoda." She maintained a respectful tone as fitting a senator but Sar could clearly feel the impatience and anger she excluded as she hurried on to the real reason she had come.

"Do you have any idea who could have done this?" Her tone was rushed and Sar could clearly feel the underlying pain the senator was masking behind her calm facade.

Master Windu rose from his seat and answered in his normal curt and calm tone.

"We believe it to be some disgruntled space miners from Naboo."

Sar found himself unable to believe that, while the idea that it was someone out for some kind of misplaced revenge could be plausible, the attack in the port was way to coordinate for it to not have been done by a professional. Considering the fact that they would actually have managed to kill a Republic Senator had they not been fooled by the body double.

It would seem the senator was in agreement, however Sar was not happier with the theory she came up with instead.

"I don't believe that miners would be able to pull something that soffisticated off," She looked at the Jedi in the room before finishing her sentence. "I believe this attack was orchestrated by Count Dooku."

The Jedi immediately tensed up at the mention of Dooku's name, Sar included. Rage formed up inside the pit of his stomach at the insult this girl had just thrown their way, but managed to swallow it down, before he responded.

"With all due respect senator you have no facts or evidence to support you claim," Amidala's gaze locked onto him and he realized what rubbed him the wrong way about the girl, she was naive and stubborn, a very annoying combo. "And that's not even considering the fact that he is a former Jedi."

Oh boy, she did not like that. Her eyes blazed with anger and Sar was certain she would start yelling at him if she wasn't interrupted by the Chancellor.

"Whatever the case may be one thing is clear," He turned and looked at Padme from his position by the window. "You are in grave danger."

Padme removed her angry glare from Sar and replied to the Chancellor.

"We will tighten secur-" She was interrupted by the Chancellor's raised hand.

"Whoever these attackers are they have clearly shown their ability to bypass our security measures," He lowered his arm and turned to look at Yoda and Windu. "As such I would request you, Jedi Masters, to place the senator under your protection."

Amidala's eyes widened with displeasure and Sar nodded calmly.

It was a wise decision. There were few places safer than under a Jedi's watch and it fell right in with their common duties anyway.

Before Amidala had a chance to speak up Master Windu had already jumped on the question.

"That would indeed be possible, Master Kenobi is just returning from a mission and Landala here is also free."

Now it was Sar's turn to be taken of guard, while he had felt it was a smart move he did not want to be the unlucky soul that had to do it, but it would seem his fate was sealed.

"Excellent, young Sar has always carried out his duties to the letter I have complete confidence that with him and Master Kenobi as guards senator Amidala will be quite safe."

Sar and Amidala's expression could be summoned up in two words deadpanned acceptance.

Maintaining his serious expression the Chancellor waved Sar and Amidala off with a hand gesture.

"With those things settled it would be best if Sar would escort senator Amidala back to her residence."

Sar just gave a small bow before he motioned for Amidala to follow him. He received a glare before she briskly walked out of the office with him following behind him.


Anakin Skywalker was not a person who got nervous. Even way back when he was still a child slave living on Tatooine he had rarely felt nervous. Even when he had first been brought to the Jedi Temple to train he had kept his cool and remained calm.

Now however, all of that seemed like nothing compared to the current challenge ahead of him.

"Would you relax? Your so tense even the elevator seems relaxed in comparison." Anakin looked to his right where his bearded mentor, Obi-Wan Kenobi, stood.

"Tense? I'm not tense, it's called being on-guard." Came the quick reply from the young Padawan.

Anakin was playing it off like he was just nervous about the mission, but what he was actually nervous about was meeting her again.

Anakin was very well aware of the rules and stigma the Jedi had for attachments, especially were they of the amorous kind, but he couldn't bring himself to follow them completely like the rest of the Order, including his Master.

While Anakin was grateful to Obi-Wan and his late Master Qui-Gon for saving him from slavery, somewhere deep inside he also harbored a feeling of anger towards the Jedi for forcing him to leave his mother back on Tatooine.

It was probably why he had never bought into the whole 'no emotions' talk they kept spouting back when he had just started his training. But his distaste for the rules was eventually overruled by the love he harbored for his mentor. He would not be able to disappoint the only other person beside his mother he saw as family.

That was the reason he was so nervous, he was afraid that seeing Padme again would reignite those feelings he did not understand back on Tatooine.

"Yeah well be a little less on guard then Anakin, composure is essanstial for a Jedi." Came Obi-Wan's reply which snapped Anakin out of his daze.

Wanting to change the subject Anakin brought up the other person that was supposed to be with them for this mission.

"So, Master, do you know this Sar Landala? I don't think I've seen him around the temple before."

Obi-Wan glanced at Anakin clearly sensing that he was intentionally changing the subject, but paid it no further mind and answered.

"Hmm, I wouldn't say I know him, but I have spoken to him a few times," Obi-Wan rubbed his beard before he gave a cheeky smile to Anakin. "He is rather blunt I think you are going to like him."

Obi-Wan spoke respectfully about his fellow Jedi Knight, it was clear that his mentor held some form of respect for this mysterious Jedi.

"You sound like you respect him a great deal?" Anakin voiced it as question as he once again glanced at his Master.

"I wouldn't really call it 'respect', as that would indicate that there are some in the Order I don't respect which would not be accurate," Obi-Wan looked at his confused Padawan and chuckled. "All Jedi deserve some form of respect, something you could learn a thing or two about."

Anakin glared at his Master which elicited a chuckle from him. He was just about to comment on the fact that he had learned all that he knew from him when he heard Obi-Wan mutter.

"Ah, we're here."

Immediately the feeling of nervousness returned stronger than ever an a small wave of dizziness assaulted his senses. He barely registered stepping off the elevator and being led down the hall by senatorial guards, before finally entering a large penthouse.

When he finally snapped out of his daze he was greeted by the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. All his feelings of nervousness and fear was quickly washed away by the rays of light that seemed to radiate from her, only to be replaced by a warm aching feeling in his hear and belly.

His mind spun with only a single thought.

Wow, an angel.

And done!

How did I do? Did I stick too close to the cannon or was it alright?

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