
Star wars: The order of god

"I won't be coming home. I will guide my post forever..." I chanted while smiling at the unsuspecting enemy. Mom, dad.... Goodbye.... Explosions can be heard from the background as the depth charges had been set off. The terran consortium Is crumbling. The mountain crackled as the planet cracker is slowly arming. The orbital shots have decimated some of the cities like New York, and Shanghai. Some cities surrender but us.. We will fight to the last man. The civilians have been kept as slaves by the invaders. How barbaric. I'm hoping some of our fellow countrymen continue the fight to the cosmos. I'm not going to let the enemy use the Earth's resources. It's our home yet they want to desecrate it? Well... They're gonna pay. Then a white flash appeared.... Suddenly I woke up to a white room. "So you are the man who destroyed his own planet to not fall to enemy Hands? I like you. Unlike the species of this hostile universe that fallen through chaos after rebelling against me god your species have not only transcended but learned mat trance. Good that you destroyed the prototypes. You do not worship chaos or fell under the alure of the enemy your species was supposed to be the solution to order I made Yet the chaos have corrupted them but you are different you are not corrupted. You did the right thing." The man said smiling at me. "What are you?" I asked. He created a chair, and made a glass of wine out of thin air. ah I've met god.. He looked exactly like what the abrahamic faiths called god. "Well I'm god and I'm here to propose you a solution. To destroy the beings who destroyed your species and made them into slaves. I propose and destroy the destruction of chaos or what the species who worships chaos the force. I'm here to offer you the job to destroy the people who desecrated your world. Im going to give you the ability to manipulate matter by your own will. You will grant order to the chaotic universe. You will be my servitor but in return you will see the people who desecrated your world die." I smiled wickedly. "I accept my Lord...." The man started laughing "Good. I shall name you Gespen the spear head. But be warned some still have the ability to manipulate chaos and worship it.. Kill them. Bring order..." I smiled. The thought of getting revenge made happy with murderous glee. "I shall my Lord." Then I woke up in some sort of city. So my revenge filled journey began...

biohazar · Movies
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19 Chs

chapter 6: The outer arm invasion

The fleet admiral sighed as the gestalt reports about what happened. Well technically he didn't do anything that is a warcrime he still brutalized the human collaborators of the galactic council. "So the crazy colonel is on a crusade to free every human in this planet?" He asked to the others in the gestalt channel's. "Sounds about right." Said a rear admiral. "Sanchez. Make sure that the human doesn't do anything too drastic. Also please tell him don't use the uranium cartridges. He's going to irradiate this damn planet even further."

Large explosions can be seen as the thermonuclear missiles hit the shielded outposts. Large mushroom clouds can be seen from space making a symphony of death as nuclear missiles hit their intended targets.

Meanwhile down in the blue paradise planet....

"HAHAHAHA! I'VE NEVER FELT SO ALIVE!" I said smiling while ripping the filthy xeno's who didn't surrender limb from bloody limb. The other humans cheered as their abusers died horribly. While some looked at disbelief as I tear the xeno's limb from limb. "Go on! Come to papa!" I shouted at the second wave of enslavers. Suddenly I got shot with a plasma bolt causing another flesh wound. I smiled, and pulled out a Glock chambered in .357 magnum with depleted uranium as it's tip. I continued open firing an any xeno who even posses a threat to me. The only good xeno's is a dead xeno. After I ran out bullets I continued my crusade by bludgeoning them to death with a rock. The others looked mortified at the pure bloody carnage. Parents shielded their children from the bloody scene. I sighed as I might need some psychologists to check on the civilians. "This is gespen to HMS Bismarck. We may need some medical personnel on the planet. There are injured civilians, a lot of xeno's who were married to some of the humans here, and scared children." I said over the gestalt channel.

Meanwhile in the HMS Bismarck.....

Thousands of gestalt intelligences watched as new suns were born, and dissipated. The planet was bombarded with missiles, and nuclear railgun slugs. They watched as military outposts were destroyed but the population centers were completely fine. A dozen of Shielded military outposts were destroyed by beautiful looking fireballs that can be seen above the atmosphere.

"Here comes the sun do~do~do."

"Here comes the sun, and i say." An old sang ran through the channels as they were enjoying the beautiful stunning sights in front of them. It was eeriely beautiful in a maddening way. Like you were staring at a void and started to hear voices coming from the void.

"All medical personnel gestalt please enter medical dropship for humanitarian operations. Please be in t-minus 20 minutes. Ready all medical equipment, and bring them with you to be used in any civilians that got hurt by the fighting in the planet."

Meanwhile the shock troops.....

"Get down!" One of the shock troops said while carrying a child trying to save it from being enslaved for his entire life because the child's mother was accidentally shot by one of the gestalt intelligences because a xeno used them as hostages. All of them got down, and a sound of a grenade exploding was heard. The trooper shot back, and tossed a fusion grenade. He got down back again, and a flash appeared creating a large creater behind them. Suddenly a large tank appeared. "Holy shit! Does someone have a demolition charge?" Asked one of them. "Nope." Another said while sighing. "Well.. It's been a good time serving with you boys." Said another gestalt intelligence. One of them charged at the tank, and got obliterated. "Run. Save the child." The gestalt holding the child said. He then gave the child to the other gestalts. He then snuck up the tank behind by using the nearby rocks as cover.

He then jumped up the tank, and opened the hatch. He tried to sneakily toss a fusion grenade but got shot in the power cell/chest. He fell over at the open hatch, and the tank blew up in a flash of light. The gestalts ran as fast as they can, and went to an extraction point. They watched as the death corpses of their comrades were desecrated, and being scrapped for parts because the attack on the outpost was met with a heavy resistance. Enemy tanks littered the streets. Shooting at any cover if encase any other gestalt survived the attacks.

Back at the colonel....

More, and more medical dropships arrived at the planet. The others were getting evacuated. I ran back to a hover bike I stole, and got to the nearest offensive operation.

When I arrived a saw some troops readying trenches for any incoming enemy tanks. I accidentally ran over a trench, and fallen into a trench. I sighed, and picked myself up from the trench. The troops are already using some of the 3d printers we have, and made plastic explosives. I then asked the gestalt channel's if there was tanks seen in the battlefield. "Yes there were. two hundred clicks from here. ETA 1 hour." Said a recon scout gestalt in the channel. I thanked him, and asked the nearest gestalt to make mk10 ATMP W. An anti tank man portable warheads with a yield of 2 kilotons.

Gestalt soldiers littered the staging point, as some were repairing their comrades who was attacked by one of the tanks made by the council. The gestalt was leaking lubricants, and missing an arm. Other gestalt brought another extra arm, and replaced his left arm that got lost in the fighting.

An hour went by as a large column of enemy armoured vehicles arrived. The gestalts readied their ATMP's, and shot at the incoming wave of enemy soldiers. Hundreds of warheads tracked their targets, and some hit their targets but most were destroyed by point defense systems. Luckily the warheads had a damage range of a hundred meters, and destroyed three dozen armored vehicles but there was still two dozen. I then got a ATMP, and joined the second volley of warheads. The same thing happened but there are only two tanks left but stopped moving. It looked like their circuits were fried from all of that E.M blasts. Some of the gestalts shot it with ATMP's but didn't move, and got destroyed by the atomic blasts. "Weapons clear. Code green." I said over the gestalt channel's. Shock troopers took initiatives, and attacked the enemy in an aggressive push. Dozens of grenades were tossed at the enemy. Clouds of paralyzing agents littered the air. Attacking any filtration system, and paralyzing the enemy. Those who didn't surrender, and weren't paralyzed were shot, and was planned to be buried in a large mass grave later. After the gas dissolved I charged at the enemy. A few pockets of enemies fought with passion, and give a fierce resistance. Enemy plasma shots littered the air. I created a mosin nagant, a scope, and a few clips of depleted uranium tip sabots made in the cartridges of 7.62x51r. I saw a few enemies, and searched for their high ranking commanders. I found a few, and shot them from 300 meters away. Some commanders were killed, and some were bleeding in the ground. Some troops surrended, some fought to the last man. Drop ships passed above us reinforcing some of the pinned down troops on the continent. Nuclear hellfire rained in the distance as some of the outposts were too heavily fortified, and was bombarded with more nuclear weapons. Medics ran to the injured surrender enemies, and helped the gestalts who were injured from the fighting leaking lubricants. I then joined one of the dropships to reinforce the pinned down gestalts in the continent. While in transport I created more cartridges, and a few clips.

After 15 minutes we arrived at one of the pinned gestalt. I took the task of sniper, and searched for the enemy commanders. If I kill the commanders the enemy will either get confused causing us to get the upper hand, or surrending as their chain of command was killed. I then saw a soldier wearing a crest of a commander, and shot him in the neck. I then search for more high ranking officers and shot them in the head. The enemy losing their chain of command was devastated causing confusion. Some were deserting while some fought to the last man. I then shot at the escaping soldiers. I wasn't going to let possible threats get away. It's either kill or be killed in the warzone. One mistake, and you lose all your troops. If I let them go they might regroup, and launch as counter offensive. We aren't prepared yet for a war of attrition. The plan is for a lightning war. You need to strike hard, and act fast. We can't risk them calling for more reinforcements. It's already 12 hours since land fall, and we've captured 800 miles. A lightning war was going to be the best outcome, and for this to happen I won't let the enemy retreat, and plan for a counter offensive. Kill enemy leaders, and sew chaos in their ranks. It's the main point of the sniper. After I shot all of the retreating enemies I focused on the enemies who fought fiercely. They won't notice the glint of a scope if they are too focus on fighting for survival. Bodies littered the grounds. The outpost was finally captured after I easily picked off the enemy. Gestalt bodies were retrieved, and was buried with honors. The dead of the enemy who fought fiercely was buried with honors while those who retreated and was killed was buried in a mass grave.

Total casualties within 15 hours:

Gestalt casualties: 34,791

Enemy casualties: 38,672

Civilian casualties: 120,792

To be continued in the next chapter...

You must be asking what is a gestalt intelligence? gestalt intelligence in science fiction is a plot device in which multiple minds, or consciousnesses, are linked into a single, collective consciousness or intelligence. It's a hive mind that is either artificial or natural. Individuals still have autonomy but can access information by asking others connected on the gestalt kinda like the internet.

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