
Star Wars: The Lone Sith

My Name is Sothis Kallig, heir to the Kallig bloodline which can be traced back to Aloysius Kallig and Darth Nox, two extremely powerful Sith in their own right. Like Darth Nox, my life thus far has been one of servitude, every night I'm beaten by the slave trader who owns me however tonight is the night that it all changes For as long as I can remember, I have been having dreams about the life of Darth Nox and the tomb in which he was laid to rest, it draws to it and through careful manipulation, I have convinced my 'master' to bring me to one of Courscant's moons,Hesperidium, Darth Nox's final resting place. Tonight I kill my master, enter the tomb and claim my heritage, for too long the Kallig bloodline has been in servitude, no more.

Darth_Sothus · Movies
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14 Chs

Breaker of Chains. (18 +, Disturbing Scenes.)

This chapter is considered 18+, anyone below that age, please click off of the chapter, there are sexual scenes of a disturbing nature below, again this is an 18+ chapter, please do not read on if you are under age.

<Unknown's Pov>

Scarred shitless a blonde haired girl, aged 18 backed away from the door of her room in the dark temple, her mind telling her to run as fast as she could, the day she had feared was upon her, her 18th birthday. The last 18 years of her life had lead up to this moment from a young age she had been abused physically and emotionally, her hatred of her captors was long gone at this point, all she wished to do was make them proud, her natural instincts however forced her to run, her mind screamed for to leave the room, kill anyone who stopped her.

Unable to kill those that had kept her alive for this long, the young woman backed herself as far back into the room as she could, she bumped into the a small table at the far end of the room, as the table fell, five men entered the room, the smiles on their faces said everything that the girl needed to know, her eyes became lifeless once more as they approached her, forcing her onto a wooden cross, chaining her to it on all fours.

Ripping away at her clothing, the men laughed and the ringleader said" Oh how long we have waited for this holy night, the ritual can finally begin, by sacrificing Sarris' purity we can gain the infinite powers of the dark temple."

Two of the men approached Sarris and forced their penises into her hands, at first she recoiled and tried to move her body away before she finally accepted what was going to happen to her, as the men re positioned themselves, the door burst open.

< Sothis' Pov>

The walls of the old temple began to heavily shake and creak as Sothis sped towards the screams, smashing through the old door, Sothis was paralysed by the scene in front of him, 5 robed men were forcing a young woman into acts that he considered Barbaric. The young woman was chained to a cross, her body on all fours, her hands grasping two of the men's penises, a third was about to be thrust into her mouth while a man approached from behind her, his intent clear to Sothis.

Rage overtook the young Sith lord's body, for the first time in his life he had lost hope in Galaxy as a whole, this drowned him in the Dark Side, his reason he had slowly built up eradicated, his mind was simply repeating one command,"Kill them all. Kill them all. Kill Them All."

His right hand arced upwards and the planet itself seemed to respond to his commands as a large spike of solid ground shot up, piercing one of the men clean through his body, leaving him in two pieces on the floor. Sothis followed this up by simply clapping his two hands together, although this seemed like a simply act, the consequences changed the fate of those on Dromund Kass forever.

Where the two hands met each other a tremble was sent out through the force, this small tremble got bigger and bigger as it moved away from Sothis, by the time it reached the four men it was the size of half of the room it was created in, the men felt it too late and as they turned to engage Sothis, their minds dominated, their connection to the force gone, their bodies weakened beyond their wildest nightmares, collapsing to their knees, they looked at Sothis like an injured Gazelle would to a lion, pleading for them to let them live.

The ringleader turned to Sothis and struggled to speak, squeaking out" We of the Church of Darkness would like to ask what we-"

Before he could finish, Sothis had used force speed to appear right next to him, grabbing his head, he slammed it into the table that Sarris had knocked over, while this was going on Sothis muttered" Not again, never again, Not like Mother, no more, never again, not like Mother."

Having had enough with the Ringleader sothis flipped the table over and impaled his skull on one of the table legs, turning to the other three still alive cult members, Sothis lifted them up with the force and snapped their necks one by one with his own hands, relishing the sound it made each time. Looking at the girl, Sothis handed her a robe to cover herself and said" You are free now, where is the leader of this place and the Jedi they took, where is she?"

The was paralysed by a mixture of fear and confusion, looking up at the blood covered man who appeared only a few years older than her, she asked" Who are you? Are you my new master? Please don't hurt me, I will be good."

This chapter was a bit darker than those previously, this is a common theme for this volume, the focus will be exploring Sothis' life before he landed on the moon and became a Sith lord as well as him confronting the internal darkness within him.

Have a good day and thanks for reading!

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