
STAR WARS: The Last Descendant

In alternative reality, what if a young padawan that is a descendant of the great Jedi Master Avar Kriss, helped Anakin Skywalker and transformed the Jedi Order forever , and hook some girls in the mean time (This novel will have elements of the legends to).

King_Corvus · Sci-fi
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 In a galaxy far, far away…




After the death of Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker was accept to be in the council, but was not granted the rank of a master, his indignation toward the jedi council was great and Palpatine only worsened it, Obi-Wan was in Utapal after General Grievous and Mace Windu and other Jedis like Master Fisto are going to have his little conversation with the chancellor, our protagonist will save the republic from crumble to pieces and restore the balance.




Anakin POV:

"I'm in the council room right now, I am afraid that my only chance to save Padmé is the power of the Darkside that Palpatine said, I'm afraid that the same thing that ocurred with my mother will occur with her, this is not an option, I will not let her die with my son…"

Than the door was opened rapidly and entering the room was a padawan between his 17 and 19 years, he is a little tall having 1,83 meters and a blonde shaved hair in a roman fade style with the braid of the padawans, he had a mix of brown and white robes in a different way than the normal, a green cape, he was athletic but slim and had blue eyes, he was probably the eye candy of the girls in the order, but his name was unknown to me, just like I don't now who is his master. It was in the mean time he started to speak:

???~ Master Skylwalker, do you have time for a little chat? My name is Wilhelm Kriss, but everyone call me Wil so don't need to call my complete name, I'm here because I sensed a strong fear coming of this room and I wanted to see what was it, and this fear is coming of you, do you want to talk with someone about it? My master told me that a good way to solve a problem is to talk about his fears with someone and start thinking together…


Anakin~ Young Wil, do you have a strong connection with the force? If yes then I would like to you to meditate with me. "This boy sensed my emotions from the temple hall, this boy is special, I think he can help me find a solution in the force".


Wil~ Yes master Skywalker, I can, if this will help you.



3rd person POV:

Then, they started to meditate, Will synched with Anakin and he was able to see everything of Anakin life, he saw his childhood in Tatooine, his mother death and the nightmares of Padmé dying, Will was understanding what Anakin thought about everything. He opened his eyes and started to think in something in especific, why Palpatine revealed that he was a Sith?


Wil POV:

Wil~ Master, why Palpatine revealed to you that he was a Sith? And how he knew about yours nightmares? It's suspect that this nightmares started just a bit before he revealed himself, no?


Anakin~ Wha… yeah, it's strange now thinking about it…


Wil~ Master it's possible that Palpatine has implanted this vision that he had a mean to manipulate you?


Anakin~ Yes, this make a lot of sense and explain some things, like why he was captured so easily in the siege of Coruscant…


Wil~ Master Skywalk… you sensed it?


Anakin~ Yes, some jedi died, come with me, we are going to confront Palpatine our selves, you have potential boy, who is your master?


Wil~ Eno Cordova, master…


Anakin~ But he died, a year ago, so you needed to inform the council, no? Well let's not waist anymore time, you can do this later


Wil~ Yes, master…




Well guys, this is my first chapter, english is not my first language so please, correct me if something is wrong, and comment yours ideas, maybe I could adopt some of them, and sorry if it's to short, it is my firs time writing.

Author here, I will star doing this fic again or delete and start other fic, tell me what you guys think and after two days I will see what I will do.