
Star Wars: The Holocron's Vengeance

"My name is... WAS Xim Taa, I was enslaved as a boy to a cursed Holocron, my mind moulded by its desires, I did everything it wanted and it still led to my death," *That's not true, I have given you a second chance at life, starting with the powers you gathered last time around* "The Holocron in question was built by some unknown race centuries ago, they were wiped out in a force related accident according to the Holocron. It is now sentient and I have full access to its abilities with a single goal in mind, do what I failed to do in my first life, KIll Vitiate, KIll Valkorian and KIll Tenebrae once and for all."

The_Redeemer · Video Games
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3 Chs

The Return (Proof of Concept)


A large portal opened on a small unimportant island on the south side of Lehon, out of the portal fell a single Sith, his armour burning, his hood demolished by the battle that took place 50 years into his future, on a currently hidden world known as Zakuul.

The Sith placed his hand over his face, feeling where his left eye should be and finding nothing but an empty crator, cauterized by the lightning that destroyed his eye in the first place. His face burnt beyond recognition, deep scars littered his body.

The armour he prided himself on was torn to pieces, only half of the chest piece survived the fight while the simple ripped cloth was all that was left protecting his legs, 7 years he had spent finding the rare resources required to build the armour, a further 2 spent creating the bloody thing.

Just to see it torn apart by the guy it was meant to save him from, looking to his mutilated chest, the Sith still saw the device powering his hatred of the universe, a tool that had created fake masters to teach him and lessons to brainwash him, as Sith contemplated ripping the device out of his chest, he breathed in.

The smell, this smell, he was home, where his journey had first started, he was back on Lehon...

(Flashback to the past, when XIm first found the Holocron)

On a large island, near the equator of the planet named Lehon, a small boy was running around and playing in the ruins of an ancient temple. The boy had been alone on this island for as long as he could remember, just him and the fish he hunts for food.

Today was different however as he accidentally activated an ancient Rakatan terminal which began to furiously scold the boy until he fled down into the depths of the temple, the deepest he had ever been, the boy saw blue 'shadows' that were interacting with one another. Some appeared to be fighting one another with weapons that glowed in different colours, some red, some blue and some green. Others were moving objects from a distance with just their hands while others were reading some sort of toy.

The young boy was enthralled by all of this and began looking through all of the rooms in the hopes of finding something interesting or something new to play with.

As he enters the room before last he senses something different than the darkness he has felt his entire life. Like a blast of sunlight on a cold winter's day his eyes were drawn towards the object and reached out to touch it when a blue 'shadow' appeared in front of him and remarked "The Holocron that you are reaching for is unique and the only one of its kind. It can grant you the power and techniques to get off this island and the world however there will be a time when the Holocron will be a great hindrance to you and may kill you outright, This Holocron was designed for those who have been trained for decades not someone who has not even learnt the basics of force mastery. The choice is your young one"

As soon as the boy heard he could leave the island he began to edge closer and closer to the Holocron and when the blue 'shadow' vanished he grasped the Holocron into his hands and felt a stinging pain as it began to fuse into his body. The skin on his chest began to bubble as it surrounded the Holocron and began to drag it into his body, the boy began to scream and cry at the entire process until it ended, he then returned to his stance of wonder.

A voice appeared out of nowhere "So you are my new padawan? I sense the dark side is very strong within you, this will not do, I believe the force has brought you to me and I hope I can save you from the darkness deep within you" The boy was startled and began to run out of the temple. The voice was amused by this and said "Boy, why are you running? I'm inside your head, there is nowhere you can go, I have a feeling this journey of ours will be interesting."

"What is your name boy and why did you take the Holocron?" the voice asked.

"What is a name, what is a boy? I'm confused and I picked up the golden box because it looked and felt different to everything in this place." The boy replied still slightly shaken by the events that have taken place in the last few hours. "Felt different? How could you know how it felt before you touched it?"

The voice said in a surprised manner, the boy thought about his answer and answered "I can feel the darkness that surrounds me and dwells deep within me but the box was like a bright light in the darkness and this attracted me to it. It felt different compared to everything I have played with before, I just wanted a new toy to play with as well as to get off this boring land. The blue shadow promised me that the box could let me go and see the stars, I don't want to be alone here anymore".

His response startled the Jedi master who pondered how to move forward in this scenario. 'This child's force sensitivity is some of the best I have ever seen, only Revan had better potential at his young age. I'm sorry I failed you Revan, I will teach this child correctly in your memory. I will teach him to be strong in the light but to accept that darkness has its strength too. I will mentally prepare him so he can resist the temptations of both the light and dark sides. I will keep him in perfect harmony as I wish I could have provided for you'.

The short 'man' appeared in front of the young boy, they were roughly the same height, the 'man' was withered and old, this gave the boy the impression that he had wisdom that he would never understand.

The 'man' smiled at the boy and said" The blue shadow was something called a force ghost, it is what happens when Jedi like me die with a strong connection to the force. Well, there was one exception but he will be discussed at a later date. You have the potential to become a very strong Jedi if you wish to be however the darkness within you will most likely be with you forever. I instead propose that I teach you how to control the darkness within you as well as the teachings of the light. I understand that this is a lot for a child to take in but you don't have a choice in this matter because the Holocron inside you will kill you if you go without any training at all. If you understood what I said nod your head three times."

The boy began nodding slowly, he began to wonder what sort of adventures he would have once he became strong and left this planet. He pictured himself in brown robes like those in the ruins, using a green coloured weapon to protect the light, the innocent and the poor. His striking figure is the protector of thousands, including those he loves. He also pictured himself as a tyrant who ruled over all the planets wielding a dark red coloured weapon, with people bowing at his feet as if he were an emperor. His final vision of himself was him wearing a pure white robe with a black highlight running along his waist and streaking down the back of the robes. His face had several scars, one of his eyes was blue while the other was red. His weapon was sliver coloured with a black and grey handle.

The Jedi Master nodded as these visions filled the boy's mind, he hoped he could teach the boy how to embrace both light and dark to their full extent.

"I hereby accept you as my padawan, A name is a common way people will address you. My name is Jedi Master Vandar Tokare , your name shall be Xim Taa. I have trained some of the best Jedi in the order and I hope you will follow in their steps on the path to greatness. "

Xim nodded his head eagerly and said " Master Vandar when will be leaving the planet?"

Master Vandar just smiled and said " When you get strong enough, others will sense your presence and come to collect you. Until that day comes I will teach all I know in regards to a form of your choosing as well as the ways of the force. We shall begin our training with a story about a man who was caught in between the light and dark until it tore him apart and killed him. He is one of the strongest Jedis ever and was just as good as a Sith Lord ."

Xim ecstatically sat down and listened to the tale his master recited, it was the tale of Darth Revan and this was an important tale to tell Xim as it explained to him the danger involved in not keeping the darkness in check. Xim absorbed the story and he swore silently to himself to always keep the light and dark inside him in a state of perfect balance, bringing both chaos and order to the galaxy. *

(Flashback End)

The Sith rose to his feet barely forcing his body to stop swaying, he could feel the force running rampant through him, creating and destroying his cells, remodelling him into something, something he would rather not become.

"What are you doing to me now?"

*Repairing the damage done by the Eternal Emperor, you got rather reckless there, lost your men and ships for no reason, I thought we go past your reckless phase after the incidents with the Jedi in your past life?*

The Sith Snarled out a response " YOU told me he had to die, you never said I had to survive, I find being your puppet a bore now, I'm done doing as you say."

*Even with the power and control over the galaxy you could gain from it?*

"Sith are meant to break their chains, I simply traded mine from the empire and the emperor to you and the cosmic force, not this time around."

*How about we strike a deal this time around? One that gives us both what we really want, I give you power and in return, you destroy Vitiate and his force clones.*

"I want everything to be optional, no harsh punishments for refusing to kill my wife, I want to know why you want the emperor dead so much and what you plan to do once he is dead."

*I want him dead as I have a deal with the Force, he dies and I live, it has allowed me to select a champion to do this for me as well as allow me to use the abilities given to me by creators to assist you.*

"The rest?"

*All in good time, all in good time. Do you agree?*

"For now."


*Mission Passed: Survie your first battle with Tenebrae. Rewards: Body reconstruction (Master), Fury-class Imperial interceptor and Jadius will be resurrected as your second in command, do not let her die again.*


*Mission offered: Return to Korriban and claim an apprentice. Rewards: A Sith Holocron, 500 loyal Imperial troops.*

"I see, faction building much earlier this time around."

*Well you are a lot stronger than you were at the start, might as well make use of it.*

As Plastered everywhere this is simply a proof of concept, didn't have much time to throw this together and it will be adjusted in the future, not sure when the next chapter will be released but I swear Mccallam better keep his mouth shut next time >__>

Thanks for reading see you around :P

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