
Star Wars: The Holocron's Vengeance

"My name is... WAS Xim Taa, I was enslaved as a boy to a cursed Holocron, my mind moulded by its desires, I did everything it wanted and it still led to my death," *That's not true, I have given you a second chance at life, starting with the powers you gathered last time around* "The Holocron in question was built by some unknown race centuries ago, they were wiped out in a force related accident according to the Holocron. It is now sentient and I have full access to its abilities with a single goal in mind, do what I failed to do in my first life, KIll Vitiate, KIll Valkorian and KIll Tenebrae once and for all."

The_Redeemer · Video Games
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Age: 52 (18 in appearance)

Race: Sith Pure Blood

Level: 52 (0/75,000)

Affiliations: The Sith Empire (Current)

Stats: Power: B (0/50,000) Endurance: S (0/550,000) Dexterity: A (0/100,000) Agility: C (0/25,000)

Charisma: SS (0/1,000,000)


Mastery: Dark Side: S (60/550,000) Light Side: C (5/25,000) Unknown Force: B (0/50,000) (Juyo Form: A (35/100,000)

Combat Skills: Force Choke: S (40/550,000) Force lighting: S (40/550,000) Mind Trick fear: S (40/550,000) Mind Trick (Light) C (5/25,000) Cure/heal: C (5/25,000) Force Cloak S (40/550,000) Force Storm B (0/50,000) Force Sever S (40/550,000)

Passive Abilities: Regeneration: B (0/50,000) Dark Side Master: S (60/550,000)