
Star Wars: The Holocron's Vengeance

"My name is... WAS Xim Taa, I was enslaved as a boy to a cursed Holocron, my mind moulded by its desires, I did everything it wanted and it still led to my death," *That's not true, I have given you a second chance at life, starting with the powers you gathered last time around* "The Holocron in question was built by some unknown race centuries ago, they were wiped out in a force related accident according to the Holocron. It is now sentient and I have full access to its abilities with a single goal in mind, do what I failed to do in my first life, KIll Vitiate, KIll Valkorian and KIll Tenebrae once and for all."

The_Redeemer · Video Games
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3 Chs

Korriban 1/?

"You have entered the space around the Sith Empire's Holy planet Korriban, Identify yourself."

Jadius rolled her eyes, "This is the personal vessel of Lord Fladius, he died battling against a Jedi assassin squad, his apprentice seeks to lay his body to rest and gain his promotion to Sith lord in his former Master's place."

"Land in the docking bay 3A, an imperial team will greet you in your bay to confirm your story."

Jadius stared at the space station hovering above the planet for a second before she spoke

"So they were always this uptight, I thought it was due to the war with the Eternal Empire."

A smile appeared on my face, as I walked beside her, the feeling of pure darkness radiating off the planet in front of me washing over my entire body. My body in return reached out to the planet, a connection quickly forming between the two,

"The Sith here do not know that their Emperor wants them dead, they all blindly follow him in the hopes of gaining his praise, there is one I may be able to convince to help me, it solely depends on where Darth Mar is regarding his hatred of the Emperor."

Jadius looked up from the piloting console as we calmy entered the docking bay, "Meredith is down here, isn't she? Are you going to try and recruit her as your apprentice? I knew you too were a thing before."

I simply shook my head, "No seeing her die once was enough, although the pain of her death can be used to fuel me, I don't want to repeat the process again, I will let her train here and if our paths cross, I will revise that choice."

Jadius tried to reach out and give me a small hug, subconsciously I pulled away from her, "I need to make sure my clothing is up to standard, get in your battle armour and tell the Imps out there, I will be with them shortly."

Jadius visibly looked hurt at my rejection as she walked into the small armoury, I need to keep them all at arm's length, for now, their deaths still weigh heavily on my mind. The pain will make me stronger however I don't want a repeat of events if they can be avoided, seeing the spine of someone you care about ripped to pieces by someone else's mind is a scarring process.

Their screams haunt me every time my eyes close, every time I enter meditation, my ears are assaulted, until I know I can protect them, they can't get too close.


A few minutes later, I find myself staring at my reflection in the mirror, Lord Fladius' robes fitted me perfectly, a little too perfectly, his mask hid my appearance well enough for now.

'Who was Lord Fladius?'

*A Sith who genuinely did die to a Jedi assassin hit squad 6 months ago, this ship was his as is everything in it, I simply 'Acquired' it after his passing.*

'I see'

"Where is your Sith Master Imp?"

I here a fellow Sith shout from outside the SHip, he was loud, ridiculously so considering I'm still in here, I walked out towards the Sith, slowly making my way down the ramp. Maintaining staring directly at him as I close the distance between us, his hand was raised, he looked as if he were about to strike Jadius.

"Lay a single finger on my servant and you will lose it, am I understood?"


The Sith in question punched Jadius in the face, to his surprise she simply moved her head back to look at the Sith.

"Permission to engage my Lord?"

I nodded to her, "Permission granted."

Before the Sith Knew what hit him, Jadius struck him in the stomach with her Vibrosword, with a speed I would be proud of, she then grabbed him by his hair, slamming his skull into her knee. As the Imps that came with the Sith aimed their weapons at her, she simply placed her blade at the Siths neck, "Your order, my lord?"

I walked towards the Imps, my hand slightly hovering over my lightsaber, drawing their eyes to it, shock covered their faces, why you ask? My lightsaber had a unique design, not a standard-issue one like most apprentices are meant to have, which meant they had either pissed off a lord or Darth or an apprentice of a Darth.

The hilt of my sabre was made from a rare metal found only on the planet Iokath, the metal was slightly force-sensitive, allowing me to form a connection between the Lightsabre and myself, a mini force nexus if you will.

There were many engravings on the Hilt, I had failed to translate them in my last life, I will make sure I do this time around if only to understand my weapon better.

"Cut off his hand, I warned him."

Ignoring the screams of the Sith and the looks of dread on the face of the Imperials, I made my way towards the shuttle bay, I had returned to Korriban once more...

(Start of Flash Back, the first arrival at Korriban)

Standing in front of the latest batch of Apprentices, Lana spoke" I will be heading towards the main academy while you four will begin your first trail as my apprentices, I don't expect all of you to return from the trial and if only one of you does, they will become my true apprentice. The trail you will depart on is to explore the ruins of the Tomb of Tulak Hord within the valley of the Dark Lords. You will need an artefact from the tomb to pass the trail, you may work together or alone however each person on a team will need to acquire an artefact for the team to pass. You have until we land to decide whether you work alone or in a team. I hope at least one of you survives the trial, I need a worthy apprentice to help with infiltration work."

Out of nowhere a cold voice filled the mind of Xim, it said:

*Forge an alliance that will stand the test of time. Reward: 10 loyal Imperial troops, 500 exp and +20 to each of your stats.*

Xim stood there stunned, he spoke in his head" What the hell are you? What are stats? why are they important to me?"

*The Holocron will pass ancient and lost Force knowledge to the host alongside the masters, however, the Host has to earn this knowledge by levelling up and following the Holocron's missions. Alongside Force knowledge, the Holocron will provide the host with other useful things, like an Empire management screen, Follower management screen, a Legend Screen and a personal Status screen. Currently, the host can only access the personal Status screen, displaying it now."

Name: Xim Taa

Age: 16

Race: Sith Pure Blood

Level: 0 (0/75)

Affiliations: The Sith Empire (Current)

Stats: Power: D (0/100) Endurance: C (0/150) Dexterity: D (0/100) Agility: C (0/150)

Charisma: D (0/100)

Artefacts: None

Mastery: Dark Side: C (60/150) Light Side: E (5/75) Juyo Form: C (35/100)

Combat Skills: Force Choke: C (40/150) Force lighting: C (40/150) Mind Trick fear: C (40/150) Mind Trick (Light) E (5/75) Cure/heal: E (5/75)

Passive Abilities:

Xim clearly confused asked' So this is a summary of my current abilities? What is it measured against? I see my training in the light side of the force as truly a waste of time. Is the mission referring to one of my fellow apprentices or my master?"

*You are not high enough level to know who your achievements are being compared to. Your body's current constitution rejects the light side of the force, missions may appear to help you deal with that as time proceeds. It is referring to your fellow apprentices, this is all the help the Holocron can give, good luck.*

Xim sized up his fellow apprentices and found that only one of them would not slow him down if they were to work together, he approached the young woman and said" I'm willing to work as pair if you wish too, you are the only one here who will not slow me down in the ruins. I will give you until we land to think it over, this is only a one time offer if you reject it now I will consider you my rival going forwards. As you saw with the idiot apprentice, being on my bad side has no benefits to you, well I have said my piece. I will approach you again when we land to hear your final choice."

Xim then walked towards a vacant room and began meditating in the dark side of the force, the fluctuation in his meditation surprised everyone on the ship, including Lana who could feel his potential to some extent. She knew with enough training he could become one of the most powerful Sith to ever live, she counted herself lucky to take this Sith in as her apprentice and made a silent vow to never cross him, if she could avoid it.

While Xim was meditating the ship landed on Korriban, Lana knocked on the door to his meditation chamber before saying"We have arrived two of the apprentices have already started to make their way towards the tomb, apprentice Meredith stayed behind stating that you two were going as a pair."

Xim smiled at the words and rose from the floor and opened the door, he then bowed towards Lana saying"This apprentice will now go and complete this task for you my lord"

He then walked toward the young woman and said"Your name is Meredith right? Thank you for making the right choice, working together will increase both of our chances of surviving, I'm ready to leave whenever you are."

Meredith smiled at Xim and said"We all felt a powerful fluctuation in the force when you began to meditate, I couldn't sense how strong you were because I was overwhelmed by the darkness that seeped out of you at that time. After that it was easy to make my choice, I believe the other two apprentices will try to kill you when we enter the tomb. Please be careful."

Xim smiled at Meredith which caused a small amount of blush to appear on her white cheeks, he gently pushed her long brown hair behind her ears so he could get a clear view of her face, he then lightly cupped her cheek and looked directly into her beautiful brown eyes before saying" Thank you for your concern, I'm more worried about you though. You are too young and beautiful to die in a place like a tomb, just stick around me and you will be fine. Let's leave, flirting in front of our Lord doesn't feel right to me."

(End Of flashback)

Thanks for reading.

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