
Star Wars: The Deprived Sith

Broken from the beginning, deprived of the most basic, but also most important thing. Deprived of emotions since childhood, no trauma, no feelings, nothing! What happens when that “monster” gets power to take things into its own hands and thrown out to the wider galaxy? Will it learn the basics that it has been deprived of, or will it end up as a tool for someone or something? Vast powers and empires loom over the galaxy, and it’s never safe. Will that be the fall or the rise of the “monster”? P/a t.r.e.o.n(dot)com/Valancey Disclaimer: Star Wars and its expanded universe are the intellectual property of Disney, yes Disney… we know it seems crazy but it's the truth. I don't own any of the characters or settings.

Valancy · Video Games
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23 Chs

Dark Side Corruption [Edited]

The living room looked like a completely new room.

The floor, walls, and even the roof were bloodied.

Mallan and Caylmea were laying on the ground in a puddle of blood.

Their blood.

A sith trooper was standing above them, just looking at them.

His black and red armor made him look like a monster in the dark and bloodied room.

"You ignorant exile. Do you think we can't get the answer fro…"

"Captain Fora. Let's finish this quickly."



After Mallan got hit in the head and collapsed, a Sith trooper dragged him into the living room.

Where the sith lord and a ton more Sith troopers stood.

Another sith trooper threw a bunch of water on Mallan's face to wake him up.

He groggily woke up with a tremendous headache, but was quick to put that matter to the back of his head.

Mallan had to get out of this alive first.

The first person to speak was the sith lord clad in battle armor.

He questioned him in a deep and cold voice what emitted that horrifying force.

The pressure the sith felt, even from outer space, was so intense he had to fight back with his own power.

And right now the entire planet of Tatooine was covered in the dark side of the force.

It was an instant change of the planet.

It was so thick that any force sensitive close to the planet was being corrupted almost instantly.

Most Jedi in space couldn't even get close to the planet.

Even the Jedi spies were dying or falling to the dark side.

It was even affecting the normal people in horrible ways.

Crimes were skyrocketing, murders happening constantly and despicable things occurring so much it was never safe for anyone.

Old couples of fifty-plus years were slaughtering and torturing each other for no reason at all.

Tatooine has become a heaven for dark side users.

Dark Marr was called upon by the force.

He could feel it, something that should never have happened, did.

Something or someone broke, and the force was crying, screaming and seeking destruction.

And it had pulled him here, to this specific couple.

He needed to get this. Whatever it is, the empire would never again lose a war if he succeeded.

Mallan had to rearrange his thoughts to fix this.

Caylmea was scared shitless. She had never even met a normal Sith Acolyte.

But now she was being questioned by a Dark Council member.

The highest of all positions just under the Sith Emperor, with powers so huge they can obliterate entire armies.

She had never believed in the force and all that nonsense before. But it was impossible to not believe when the person in front of her could choke people without moving.


Mallan was swearing in his mind as this was not what he wanted.

'I will try to steer him away from the child. They can not be allowed to get to him.'

He could guess that the child was something really important.

Mallan is not in a good spot, he doesn't even know if lying will work.

'Was the child really that big of a deal to have a dark council member here? I have only ever seen Darth Marr once in my life, and that was on Dromund Kaas, when I was working there.'

Darth Marr stared at Caylmea.

'If she says something she shouldn't, I have to stop her. I can't allow the Empire to win this war. Their ways are horrendous and don't deserve to be called an Empire.'

"What and where is the thing?"

The Captain asks in a threatening tone, and Mallan stays silent, she then turned to Caylmea.

'Oh no, Caylmea! Please don't.'

She opens her mouth and he can only hope she does not go too far.

"W-what thi-thing?"

'Phewh, I'm lucky she is stupid sometimes.'

The captain looks at Mallan and then at her, and a smile blossoms on her face.

'I don't like that look at all.'

She looks back up at Darth Marr with a smile and asks.

"Can I do whatever I want with them, My Lord?"

Mallan doesn't like how she said that.



"Captain Fora, Let's finish this quickly."

Darth Marr voices out as he stares at his captain.

"I'm sorry, My Lord, I did not think he would silence his wife to hide the boy. I will need your help with this."

Captain Fora bows as she apologizes to him.

Darth Marr says nothing and walks up to the semi-conscious Mallan and places his hand on Mallan's head.

In a matter of seconds, Mallan starts to tremble and shake violently but stays in the grip of the Sith.

Blood was oozing out of Mallan's eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

He is still alive, but just barely.

Darth Marr used mind probe, a force trick used by sith to enter someone's mind on Mallan to find out the information that he wanted.

He could have done that in the beginning, but he was a Sith.

They strive for negative emotions and often like to torment people for the fun of it.

Darth Marr also felt it to be beneath him to use the force on a normal person.

The only reason they did not get an answer was because Mallan had been trained as a spy for the Sith Empire.

So he could withstand the torture without leaking information.

After a few seconds, he let go of Mallan, whose body fell to the floor completely limp.

"They sent him away with some pirates. Follow me."

Darth Marr said as he started walking out of the house and to their ships.

Captain Fora Followed a few steps behind him, and the Sith troopers behind her.