
Star Wars: The dark side's light.

Rey never thought she would be able to leave the desert planet of Jakku but her life is turned upside down when she joins Emperor Palpatine. Like it or not Rey is about to be caught up in something much larger than herself. A galactic war between the First Order and the fledging Resistance. But something is awakening inside of Rey, something that might turn the tides of fortune in the galaxy...

Travis_Larowe_5697 · Movies
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Chapter two:

Ben looked at Rey. His Rey. His equal, his light in the dismal life he had since he joined Snoke. His heart sank, slowly, until he couldn't feel it anymore.

Her warm brown eyes, always filled with charm and happiness, like caramel. Her eyes were gone. In their place were the sickly yellow ones her grandfather had given her. They looked artificial on her face. Ben had to muster all his courage to keep from sobbing.

No. You didn't. Said Ben Solo.

Rey lifted her chin. I did. There was no one to stop me. I didn't intend there to be. Replied Rey.

Ben felt the Force constrict around his body, slithering around him as though it was a snake. Because it was who Sara was now, it was only fitting.

A snake. A murderous snake.

Ben dropped to his knees. No. His Sara of light. He could have prevented this. He regrets all of his previous attempt's to turn her. To sculpt her into something she wasn't.

Rey was from the throne. She walked down the steps, and Ben could see Palpatine's essence above her. His gnarled hands were caressing her face above her, running them through her hair. For a moment, he seemed caring, like a grandfather.

But then Palpatine lifted his hand. They were caked with blood. Her blood. His blood. His family's line.

And he saw string's attached to her arms. And her legs. And he saw the Emperor, with all of the Sith over his shoulders, controlling her.

The Rey he knew and loved was being controlled, like a marionette. The Sith were feeding her vicious desires, making her a feral beast. Injecting a poison into her soul that would rot the light away from her and give way for the beast to live.

Ben could see the Sith laughing as they engineered Rey.

Give her a cloak! A black one!

Make her bloodthirsty. She can never be satisfied!

Give her fangs!

Make her feel pain. Scar her!

The Jedi are dead! The Sith are reborn!

Yes! Give her a saber. One as unstable and broken as she is!

Give her strength, power. And a hunger for more!

Her precious Resistance is dead, Palpatine. Her body is ours, ours! Said all of the Sith that had ever lived.

Emperor Palpatine laughed. Rey laughed, too, an infernal sound, that didn't feel like her at all. It was perfectly pitched to that of her grandfather.

Yes friends. She is ours. She is mine. Said Emperor Palpatine.

Rey walked over to Ben and placed a hand on his cheek. Wisps of lightning crackled on her hands. She ran that hand along his face. Just the light touch burned and reopened the scar on his face. It hurt, like a thousand tiny swords were ripping away his skin. Ben roared in agony. Rey only laughed at his pain.

Her face crept to his, she brushed his lips with hers, and whispered. Die, Jedi. Rey said the last word like acid on her tongue.

Rey drew out her blue lightsaber and stabbed Ben in the chest.

The last thing Ben saw was Rey smiling, his blood on her face. Emperor Palpatine's laughter echoed in his ears.

Blood of my blood. Granddaughter, the galaxy is yours. You are mine. Said Emperor Palpatine.