Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.
"Look!" Padme being the first to react amongst a group of Force-sensitive people said something about how dull their senses were but of course this was excluding Anakin, Aayla and Shaak as he had already told them about who was coming.
Everyone looked upwards seeing the unexpected arrival of Yoda, who was in a ship piloted and armed by clone troopers.
The battle began again as they were using flawed tactics but it was winning them the battle as it has been reignited with renewed vigor.
The ships being piloted by clones created a perimeter around the Jedi, plus the senator to better protect them from the droids. Everyone had gotten onto the ships as they landed, in particular however was that where Anakin went, Shaak and Aayla followed.
They make their escape.
Originally Boba would've been traumatized, angered and saddened by the death of father, Jango. Here however, Jango didn't participate in the battle due to Dooku not letting him go into it, as he had in the original timeline because he had gotten excited about the battle.
As they were moving above the planets surface, the ships came across some ships. "Aim right above the fuel cells." Anakin said to the clones within to better direct their shots.
The clones had very accurate aiming, with which they were successful in their endeavor to destroy the escape ships.
When it came to the droids, Anakin didn't need them anymore. He didn't need to take over the droid factories here as they were something he could put behind him, not that he would stop creation of droids.
No, he was going to make the Star Forge for that, and so much more.
He was thinking of upgrading the Star Forge into more than much a massive ship, droid, and whatever else construction site. He intended to include his very own medical facilities that would help him create his synths where he didn't have to rely on the Kaminoans anymore.
Of course, it would mainly still produce droids while the Kaminoans would likely still remain his main source and supply of synths, as it would take up too much space on the Star Forge.
A large battle was taking place on Geonosis between the clones who are having their first real battle, their first field test so to speak and they had Jedi leaders commanding various squadrons.
Anakin couldn't really do much here without revealing his advanced knowledge and it would be even more bullshit if he just said it was apart of a vision he had received. What he could do however was help avoid unnecessary death by better setting up the clones in better positions.
When it comes to warfare, alot of factors are important. Quantity is important as well, but even the greatest of numbers could be overwhelmed by the few if they were not careful. This invasion only works in the Jedi Orders favor because of the intimidation factor and that the clones were actually more capable than droids.
Mace landed on the ground and took control over the clone army, heading straight into the thick of things. It was chaotic and the Jedi made many mistakes and errors, especially since this was technically their first time going into such a battle of the scale it was.
Not that many of them hadn't come into conflict before.
No, this type of situation was disorienting and confusing, so there would be many mistakes to happen.
Anakin didn't want to destroy the Federation stuff because he could take control over their ships. He may have more wealth and control currently but that didn't mean he wouldn't accept more ships into his fold.
From far away, since his abilities have been increased he is able to take control over the Federation starships and bring them under his control. He waited until the cost was clear then had the ships be transported all the wa back to Tatooine where any onboard would be checked.
If deemed necessary, he would then kill those onboard.
Most of the Federation starships had droids onboard anyway, meaning that they would now be all be converted into his empires resources. 'How unfortunate for the Trade Federation.' Anakin was aware of the Viceroy and if given the chance, he would assume control over the Trade Federation himself.
He has a feeling they would be handed over to him.
In the original, the CIS was getting ready to construct the Death Star but they had no access to such a weapon of mass destruction. Anakin had made sure of that, so they could only go into retreat.
Anakin couldn't allow all of the starships to be destroyed now, so he had specifically not taken control of the ones that would have allowed the CIS members to escape.
He needed most of them alive after all.
After a long while of battling, well, what seemed like a long while with what could have happened would have been around a few minutes, the droid army started to retreat.
Anakin, along with Obi-Wan, Padme, Shaak, and Aayla were in pursuit of Dooku because Obi-Wan wanted to do his duty.
Anakin knew that it would probably only be him confronting Dooku and in fact does want to get him alone. He doesn't want Obi-Wan to overhear whatever he is going to talk about with Dooku, and he doesn't mind Aayla or Shaak listening in.
He would have to be cautious however, as he doesn't want to imply that he is doing anything that would endanger other peoples lives. Which he would be doing anyway, no matter what he did. The difference is that it would leave a bad impression of him and he wouldn't like that.
Anakin and Obi-Wan land on the outstretched hangar bay, leading into another built in cave. Before getting off however, Anakin makes sure to destroy the droids following them so that the person who had dropped him off doesn't get killed in trying to escape.
"Shaak, I want you to stay here with Padme." Anakin says to Shaak Ti.
"Ok, I can do that." Shaak replies.
"Aayla, you can come with Obi-Wan and myself." Anakin says as well.
"Ok." Aayla nods her head.
"Be safe, Ani, Aayla." Shaak adds with a solemn nod before Anakin and Aayla go off with Obi-Wan.
Before going in, making sure that he and Obi-Wan are alone, Anakin proceeds to knock him out. Completely unaware of what had happened, Obi-Wan falls unconscious as now Anakin can face Dooku. He is excited because this would be a learning experience when it comes to his lightsaber combat.
He fully intends to make the best out of the situation.
"Why did you do that for?" Aayla asked him.
"You will see once we go further in, I would have knocked you unconscious as well, if we weren't in such an intimate relationship." Anakin answered.
"Well... As long as you know what you are doing, but are you sure Obi-Wan will be safe here?" Aayla questioned him.
"He will wake up within the next few minutes. He will be completely safe here until then." Anakin answered.
Anakin wanted to use Dooku as a whetstone to sharpen his blade so to speak, among other things.
Coming into the room Dooku had stopped at, he turns around to face Anakin and Aayla. "Count Dooku, you were a respected member of the Jedi. Why have you done this." Aayla questioned in a commanding tone, unafraid of the powerful Force-sensitive before her.
"Aayla, I think that you should stay back for a bit." Anakin said before Aayla didn't listen to him and charged at Dooku.
Aayla managed to fend off Dooku's Force lightning attack which would have put the original Anakin out of commission for the next minute or so.
"As you see, my Jedi powers are far more beyond yours." Dooku says as Aayla now backs away moving back towards Anakin with her lightsaber still ignited.
Through the Force Dyad, Anakin becomes stronger the more woman he is connected with but so to does those whom are connected to him as well, within the Force. This was the reason Aayla was able to successfully block the lightning and come out relatively unscathed.
"I would suggest that the two of you back down." Dooku says as he starts to circle them.
He blasts another wave of Force lightning at the both of them but Aayla, now aware of his capabilities easily defends such an attack using her lightsaber.
"Count Dooku, I am not here for the Jedi." Anakin said out of nowhere as Aayla became confused but still went along with what he wanted.
"Oh? And here I had thought you had." Dooku said surprised. "If you are not here for the JEdi, then I must ask. Who are you here for?"
"I am here to secure a proper deal between the Empyrean and the CIS."
"So, you are here to sign the treaty then? That is wonderful, we wouldn't mind and would be most delighted to have-" Dooku is interrupted by Anakin.
"No. The Empyrean doesn't want any part in whatever war has been started here today." Anakin was deciding how much he should reveal as Dooku may report back to Palpatine about what he says. "I want to make sure that if the Empyrean allows any further trade between you and those who join you, that you keep your armies away from them."
Anakin then continued. "Another thing I want within this small agreement however is to make sure that the Trade Federation doesn't have a part in the war as well. I want them, no the Empyrean wants them to pay for their actions."
"That is quite the big ask of you, young Master Skywalker. I am well aware that the Trade Federation has become a nuisance, but you cant just expect me to hand them over as they are a generous part of the armies the CIS has." Dooku explained not saying no, but not agreeing either.
"A non-aggression pact." Anakin stated. "The Empyrean will not raise up its banners against you or for the Republic. This would be similar in nature to what the Republic currently has with the Empyrean."
"And the Trade Federation." Dooku asks, still not having agreed.
"The Empyrean will only take one third of the accumulative wealth and resources, including droids for themselves. Is this agreeable?"
Dooku takes a brief pause before saying. "Yes. I do believe this is appropriate."
"Well, now that this is over. I think it is high time we have a little duel, dont you agree Aayla?" Anakin spoke out loud before igniting his saber, but this time he was able to mix and match the coloring of the crystals.
It came out as purple, both of them.
"I do." Aayla smiled now knowing what Anakin wanted. "Wait, when did you have a purple lightsaber?" She said confused, seeing this new lightsaber color.
"You two seem quite close, it would seem." Dooku stated before continuing. "I do hope you live up to your reputation as the 'Chosen One.'" He ignited his red lightsaber, which was perfect when it came to dueling, specifically one on ones but that didn't mean he would be incapable here.
While all of that was going on, Shaak, along with Padme had made it their top priority to make sure they surround the area to capture Dooku. They used the clones to help them with this endeavor and they gladly followed orders.
However, what was actually both of the women's top priority right now was ensuring that Anakin would be safe as he had gone into the metaphorical tigers den.
Anakin and Aayla were working in tandem with perfect synchronization as they engaged Dooku, which was pushing him back by quite a bit. He was easily able to handle his own situation however as his defensive capabilities were quite good with the lightsaber.
"You two seem to be made for each other." Dooku said after having a brief reprieve from their combined efforts. "If I didn't know any better, I would say you two were in some kind of relationship, but that wouldn't be the way of the Jedi, now would it."
"You should really mind your own business there, Count." Aayla spoke up, slightly worried about where this conversation was going.
"Are you worried? Don't be, I didn't agree with the Jedi for a reason." Dooku explained before reengaging Aayla and Anakin.
Anakin allowed Aayla to take the lead while he supported her as this would help her become better at lightsaber combat more than he would. With her style she was able to attack Dooku and didn't seem to tire, which was a minor benefit by being so close to Anakin.
The Dyad was an extremely broken connection that allowed immense benefits, even more so when one takes into consideration that Anakin could become stronger as well, which when he does it creates a chain reaction and makes others connected to him stronger as well.
After a while of intense combat however, Aayla now starts to tire making Anakin take the lead himself, more and more with him learning very quickly from his short exchanges with Dooku.
"Count, it would seem that our time of battling is over." Anakin suddenly stopped which prompted Aayla to stop as well.
"Oh? And why is-" Dooku stops as well, as he begins to sense the approach of someone he is familiar with.
Backing off, Anakin and Aayla take a back seat seeing as Yoda has finally showed up to the scene. "Master Yoda." Dooku said a little surprised as he turned around to confront the green alien.
"Count Dooku." Yoda replied.
"You have interfered with our affairs for the last time." Dooku said as he used telekinesis to rip a machine on the wall and throw it towards the Grandmaster.
Yoda easily repels the object as Dooku then starts to throw even more things at Yoda, all being reflected which then prompts Dooku to look towards the ceiling.
He draws on the Force and starts to break down the ceiling above Yoda, letting it fall onto Yoda, which Yoda again is able to stop in time.
"Powerful you have become, Dooku." Yoda spoke after their brief exchange and display of their telekinetic abilities. "The dark side, I sense in you."
To further explain just exactly why Yoda was able to sense Dooku's dark side alignment rather than Palpatine's or Anakin's leads back to two things. Dooku is inexperienced in how to hide his Force energies, or more specifically his Force alignment within the Force.
Second is that Dooku also has a Force bond with Yoda, because they were once master and apprentice a long time ago.
"I've become more powerful than any Jedi, well, it would seem any except your sprawling Master Skywalker, that is. It would seem that Qui-Gon was right about him being the Chosen One." Dooku responded while referencing towards Anakin whom was watching them alongside Aayla.
"I do believe however, that I have become even more powerful than even you, Master Yoda." Dooku then begins to use Force lightning against the old alien.
Yoda reflects this however, without the aid of a lightsaber, pushing it back towards Dooku.
"Much to learn, you still have." Yoda spoke to Dooku.
"It is obvious that this contest cannot be decided by our knowledge of the Force, but by our skills with a lightsaber." Dooku reignites his lightsaber.