

Arriving back on Coruscant, Anakin rushed John Doe to the medical facility within the Jedi temple while obviously keeping him restrained so to make sure he doesn't escape somehow.

Later on, John Doe would be moved to another facility of high security once he stabilizes.

Qui-Gon followed after him but after checking out that everything was fine had moved to report to the Council about what was happening.

"The Sith that Anakin has taken to calling John Doe seems to have entered a comatose state." Qui-Gon said to the other Jedi Masters.

"Has the cause of the effects been determined?" Mace questioned Qui-Gon.

"Tests are being conducted by both Anakin and Doctor Rig Nema." Qui-Gon responded.

Shaak Ti was present and was curious at that statement. "I didn't know that Anakin had some expertise when it came to medicine."

"It is one of his more lesser known areas of talent." Mace responded here knowing about Anakin ridiculous in-depth knowledge of science in general and its applications to real world things.

"How long until we can know of the diagnosis?" Jedi Master Plo-Koon asked.

"Both Anakin and Doctor Rig Nema didn't say."

Humming first before saying, Yoda starts. "Have patience we must."

"Master Yoda is right, for now Anakin can stop monitoring the prisoner while we have Doctor Rig Nema take over. He can get back to his own training." Mace said.

"I believe that would be for the best. I agree." Qui-Gon responded.

The Council then went on to talk about other matters that didn't include the supposed Sith they had captured but they would touch upon this topic a few times before their meeting would end.

Qui-Gon and Mace would stay behind after everything was finished, of course Qui-Gon was not apart of the Council so he had to come back at a later time. After they were finished but after it was done the two would begin their discussion.

Their discussion about Anakin, their shared apprentice.

"What is your evaluation of his performance." Mace asked Qui-Gon while they walked the grand hallways of the Jedi temple.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Qui-Gon replies. "From what I have seen, I would say that he has come a long way in a short amount of time."

"So you are suggesting he has already gone past the padawan period of his time as a Jedi?" Mace asked also thinking somewhat of the same thing.

"Yes. I do believe when on the mission we were both assigned on, I could tell that he didn't need to be directed and could take care of himself." Qui-Gon said.

"That alone wouldn't imply his readiness." Mace continued. "I want to ascertain whether or not he is ready to become a Jedi Knight."

"He is quite young to be going through and advancing so fast." Qui-Gon said with some concern.

"I am sure you are aware that his age shouldn't be a factor considering his capabilities, mindset and physical stature. In fact from what you have just told me, he is readily capable enough of taking care of himself." Mace continued.

Qui-Gon replied. "That is true and in doing so it would make him the youngest ever to become a Knight, far surpassing all others before him."

"You are the one who suggested he may be the 'Chosen One' and it would seem he lives up to some of that prophecy." Mace stated.

"You got me there."

"So, what other assessments could be made about our young apprentice." Mace asked Qui-Gon of his thoughts.

Humming to himself as they continued to walk aimlessly only to continue chatting about Anakin, he responded. "While his attitude would be of concern and his ideas that seem to be somewhat antagonistic of the Jedi code, I would say everything else is appropriate." Qui-Gon said.

"There should be nothing hindering Anakin from advancing other than smaller concerns like his age." Qui-Gon continued.

"We may want to wait awhile yet before we suggest him being nominated." Mace said thinking about the timing of bringing up such a topic, in fact he was thinking about a perfect time to advance him considering his achievements.

"How long do you suggest we hold out for then?" Qui-Gon asked seeing that Mace seemed to have a general idea of the timing.

"I think I know when we could promote him." Mace continued.

Qui-Gon quirks an eyebrow. "Do you wish to tell me of this special timing?"

"I think for now, no." Mace had been growing his own mischievous streak because of being around Anakin so much influencing him.


"Welcome back!" Barriss called out to Anakin as he had entered the training room he and his small friend group used.

Barriss had come to learn about Anakin going on his first mission soon after he had left and was a little upset he did not tell her about it before he left.

But this didn't stop her from being a bit overly excited at seeing him again.

Anakin seeing whom was within the training room replied. "I feel welcomed." Barriss again just about smashes right into Anakin embracing him before stopping herself.

Ahsoka who is also within the room has no such reservation and immediately leaps towards Anakin, latching onto his back sticking onto him purely through using the Force. "It would seem that being gone for a little over a week is too long?"

Ahsoka just nods her head behind him while Barriss just looks down a bit embarrassed. "What have you two been up too then while I was away?" Deciding to move the subject away in consideration for Barriss he asks a generic question.

Ahsoka being very energetic responds first before Barriss could try and reply. "Nothing much, it was boring. The teachers would not let us have any fun." Mini Ahsoka seemed to be pouting, at least that is how Anakin imagined her behind his back.

"How mean of them, and you Barriss?" Anakin smoothly brings her back into the conversation so she doesn't feel left out.

"I didn't do nothing much, the teachers were ok but I will have to agree with Ahsoka here that most of what happens around is boring." Barriss says honestly before quietly continuing. "Especially without you here."

Anakin can obviously hear this and maybe even the little Togruta could as well but he ignores that last part and asks another question that was at front of his mind. "By the way, where is Aayla?"

"Aayla went on a mission as well, right after you had gone." Ahsoka's muffled voice comes from behind him as she was still holding on tightly to his back.

"Is that right?" Anakin questions out loud while looking towards Barriss for confirmation.

"Yes, Ahsoka is right." Barriss replies while suspiciously looking him up and down.

Anakin himself had started to notice his thoughts were starting to drift more and more when it came to Aayla but he couldn't quite put his finger on the reason. Through the Force he was obviously able to tell there was some sort of connection between himself and her but he couldn't place it.

"Wait a second, haven't you grown even taller?" Barriss asks in slight annoyance. 'I want to grow up quicker as well.' She had noticed that Anakin was much more interested in woman older or at the very least physically older looking and considering their age it was rather strange.

She had been meaning to forcibly get Anakin checked for some type of medical condition because of his unusual growth since no one else had deemed it all to necessary to take an in-depth look at.

If she could find out a way to replicate this effect, she may be able to grow up faster herself.

"I have been getting alot of comments about that, I did not notice myself until it was pointed out to me." Anakin replied with a white lie.

Barriss decides to challenge Anakin's lie. "Really? You? Aren't you quite perceptive..."

"You are going to have to just take my word for it." Anakin replies with a small smirk.

"Whatever smartass, I think it is time that we get some practice done. Ahsoka you get down from Anakin and only watch." Barriss said with some heat in her tone.

'Seems like she needs to get something out of her system. I guess taking it out on me is the way.' Anakin thought to himself before saying. "I think you should sit this one out Ahsoka, it would seem Barriss here wants to communicate with an act rather then her words."

"Ok." Ahsoka got down from Anakin and moved out of the area.

Both got a training lightsaber so they could spar and duel with each other, the outcome of the fight doesn't matter because Anakin was going to win no matter what but that didn't mean Barriss didn't want to get her point across.

She disliked what had happened and even her Jedi training wouldn't fully contain her emotions here. This emotional trait was something she shared with her counterpart as well which would have lead her to becoming swayed by the dark side.

With Anakin here, she would be able to better control herself and have an anchor, with which she has used alot to get through the mental pressure of trying to live up to certain Jedi expectations.

"What are you waiting for?" Anakin still had the irritating smirk upon his very attractive face, at least within the eyes of Barriss.

No primal outcry was given just a swift dash towards her target and the duel had begun. Using her preferred lightsaber combat form, Form III, also known as Soresu, the Way of the Mynock, or the Resilience Form.

Anakin decides to switch it up and only rely on defensive tactics and imitates Obi-Won's way of fighting. Patience, making sure that she runs out of energy while preserving his own.

It would be the best way to deal with the current situation, as after she is done venting her emotions she would calm down and be ready for a proper talk. 'I am not sure what we would be talking about, but whatever it is it may very well get him in trouble.'

A woman's intuition was a scary thing after all.


Swearing within his mind but his face was ice. Stone cold and immune to the inner musings going on within his mental psyche.

Darth Sidious, otherwise publicly known as Sheev Palatine the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic was not having a great day.

In fact he was not having the best of weeks at all.

He had been thwarted once again by those meddlesome Jedi, not only the Jedi but it would seem that one of the pawns in his plan, Skywalker was not going in the direction he wanted.

Another thing to take into consideration was his now somewhat of an underdog of an opponent. The supposed military advisor and possibly the highest ranking person of Tatooine's government, a man that goes by the name of Vader.

"My Lord." A man asks in hesitance.

"Quiet!" Sidious lashes out at the interruption of his inner monologue not sparing the man that had done so.

Screaming the man writhes around on the ground in pain as electricity or lightning now courses through his veins replacing his blood with Sidious standing above him in a display of dominance and power.

Sidious was a patient man, alot of his accomplishments would be a testament to such a fact but that didn't mean he was immune to the petty thoughts he had when angered and would need to unleash himself every once in a while to keep a sane mind.

The dark side of the Force is indeed seductive but that doesn't mean that it is only benefits.

Just like everything within the galaxy he had learned everything had its price, and power like the power he had was fought for with tooth and nail. Subterfuge of course being his utmost tool to achieve his goals.

But it would seem his tools were incapable of enabling him another victory, even if could be considered small in the grand scheme of things to come that didn't mean it wouldn't have helped speed up the process of his domination.

"My agent was captured and you are here blabbering on and on to me about these stupid low life's." Sidious had just killed someone of not to great of importance but questions would be raised about this person disappearance.

Something trivial enough for him to settle.

The man had come in talking on and on about the disappearance of criminals within the underbelly of Coruscant, why would he care?

Their businesses being overtaken by some unknown entity? Something as trivial as this? Why bother, it is of no interest to him considering he has a galaxy to conquer, to usurp for himself and make of his own.

He is currently seated upon the greatest and most grandest of thrones even if it has not been fully achieved, the downfall of the Republic is quite certainly almost guaranteed.

'At least my current apprentice doesn't disappoint.' Sidious thought about Count Dooku or what he goes by now as Darth Tyranus. 'He may be a disappointment and would be replaced within the future but that doesn't mean I cannot squeeze the usefulness out of him right now.'

Darth Tyranus was always meant to be a pawn, no a Queen within a chessboard he is willing to sacrifice within the greater scheme of things.

Speaking to his red guards, he orders them to take the dead official out. "Get rid of this filth."

They salute and readily take the guy away with some fear being emanated from and felt through their emotions. 'Yes, fear me!' He cackles within his mind.

'My plans are still going according to my design but it would seem that it will be more difficult and take more time.' Sidious wanted to complete things as fast as possible and he didn't have much time on his plate but he had been waiting for a long while now.

Why wouldn't he wait a few more decades to rise up and have absolute control over the Republic.