
Star Wars: Skywalker

Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.

Link_Id · Movies
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274 Chs

V.1-C.40│Slave Rebellion VI│

Jabba the Hutt had impressively escaped from the situation happening on Tatooine or at least he thought he did.

His swift retreat had not gone unnoticed by alot of people given his stature and the stature of his people, how could he possibly be camouflaged or even get around the flaws of his form.

What Jabba doesn't realize about his situation is what some would call, 'fucked.'

Jabba is forced to leave what has amounted to the total accumulation of his life, the riches he had obtained whether that be legal or otherwise. The palace he had built for himself to enjoy the rest of his life until the end of his days.

The planet he had come into possession of, all of it was his and he had people under him. Under what he would say as his mighty and benevolent rule.

He had basically lived the entirety of his life here on Tatooine and had enjoyed the benefits of being such a prominent crime overlord, with a criminal empire of his own. Everyone asking him for favors, money, slaves, all sorts of things that he had in droves.

Gone. Gone like the wind and dissolved into the sandy dunes of Tatooine.

'No. My things have not been thrown away by me, they have been taken. Stolen! I will get my revenge.'

The B'omarr Order built a monastery on the planet in 670 years prior which the bandit Alkhara, who worked for the Bureau of Ethnicity and Socialization, used as a hideout in 520 years prior to current times.

Shortly thereafter, 34 years after the bandit had been here or 486 years prior, the notorious Jabba the Hutt chased Alkhara out of his citadel of operations and claimed the B'omarr Monastery for his personal palace and made it the center of his empire.

'400 years I have spent here building my empire, I cannot simply give up on it. I will come back.' Jabba's then stewed some more in his thoughts about the situation. 'The audacity of these stupid slaves of which I own, for them to go against me.'

Blaming the slaves for the rebellion, he is not wrong but the main cause for concern or the person who had started this all did not seem to be the target of Jabba's building hatred.

No, Jabba could only fear the monstrous being that had come before him. Once made known that he was special in some way Jabba had decided that he would just put a bounty out on the monsters head.

Of course after he had dealt with his current anger.

Jabba moved over to a device within his personal bedroom onboard his escape ship. 'This shall teach those lowlifes slaves a lesson.' Pressing the button Jabba laughs in glee not realizing that what he had done had amounted to nothing.

It was completely useless but how would he know.

Vader having changed his mind about Jabba fleeing from the planet intercepted Jabba before he could leave.

"My lord, it seems that we are surrounded."

Jabba looks towards his attendant that had stuck with him with a disgruntled expression resting on his face.

"Cheesta ka. Bos boonkee hoohah, uba cha chees beeogala an do hi tu pee. (Just go. Get around them, you dont be stupid and do what I say.)" Jabba insults the man in his native tongue.

"But my lord surely you see that our situation is dire and we must find a way out of this this other than avoiding them altogether. I am afraid it wouldn't work."

Jabba then decides that enough is enough, just has his most favored right hand man and servant killed. "Kaosooo! Uba choo kachu. (Enough! You die now.)"

Bib Fortuna's face pales even more then what his skin complexion would be able to do because of his alien heritage. "No, my lord! Please forgive m-"

Before Bib Fortuna could finish off his sentence he was gunned down by the combat droids Jabba had control over. Jabba does not, in fact laugh at the death of his subordinate and starts to regret that he had killed one of his supporters.

'It doesn't matter to me anyway, there will be more in the future.' But just like that his guilt was absolved.

"My lord." A droid came over to Jabba. "A communication request has come through."

"Cha baatu baatu, cheesta bos pushee wum kuta. (Don't bother, just get out of here.)"

"Right away."

The droid walks off while Jabba goes back to playing with the device within his hand laughing internally at what he thought he had done.


While Jabba was occupied, Vader had already taken over the ship and was now trying to infiltrate the droids onboard. 'Once I have Jabba captured I am sure he could be held for ransom but if no one is willing to pay up, I guess he will just be executed for his crimes.'

'No more little Rotta, or maybe there might be. Who knows Jabba may have had the chance to get laid before everything had begun.'

Vader had now taken not only Jabba's escape ship but had also gotten control of the droids onboard. All of them.

"Board them."

"Yes sir." Some resistance fighters had joined him knowing he was going after Jabba, practically jumping at the chance of capturing the big bad crime lord.

'How bloodthirsty.'

Vader on another ship is the first to approach and enter the connection point between both ships and while doing so a droid rushes towards him with its weapon drawn.

"Watch out sir! The droids going to hurt you!" Someone yells out ready to retaliate.

Before anyone could shoot the droid down Vader raises his hand signaling them to stop. "It is ok, this droid and in fact all the droids are a plant created by me."

Someone calls out from behind. "Amazing forethought!"

Vader moves towards the droid. "Report."

The droid responds. "Master, Jabba the Hutt has been confined to his sleeping quarters and is not aware of his current predicament."

"Good, I will confront the beast myself." Vader moves past the droid with a few people looking confused behind him joining his march towards the Hutt's quarters.

"Everyone else must stay outside while I discuss some things with the Hutt." Vader turns back to everyone and states his command.

The people seem hesitant but still go along with his plan.

Entering those from outside cannot see what is going on but do have a limited ability to hear what could be going on.

There was some talking and then Jabba's loud voice exclaiming from within with a somewhat startled cry before things go silent.

Vader walks out of the room completely unharmed. No one can exactly tell what had happened but know that Jabba should at the very least be beaten up. "We are good here. Secure the ship and let us get back down to Tatooine. We will deal with Jabba there."

Back down on Tatooine daybreak was happening and situation was now not as chaotic. With order being restored by the plethora of droids patrolling the streets of the various outposts settlements and towns.

Most of the people walking everywhere now were either the commoner folk that had nothing to do with the resistance and the people whom had fought with or were apart of said slave resistance.

Many families were properly reunited with loved ones and the only deaths to occur were from criminals or slavers that resisted arrest. Friends were now starting to clean up the mess that had occurred and many other things were happening to symbolize to start of a new civilization.

The slavers that were successfully held captive were thrown into the jail cells specifically constructed on some of the ships from Anakin.

"Boy, did you see me? I think I did your mother proud." The drunken man that was now sober said to his kid.

"No father, I did not. You told me to hide remember, so I did."

The father had forgotten what he said and within the heat of the moment at that time did not pay too much attention to himself or most of his surroundings. He was quite drunk himself at the time.

The ship Vader was on started to land on the outskirts of Mos Espa and upon arrival near everyone disembarked to rejoin with everyone else. 'Now what?'

Vader had alot of experience when it came to leadership in militaristic situations but had little in the areas of politics and now this would be the time for such a thing to start. The beginning of a new civilization hopefully ruled by him but lets not get ahead of ourselves, he still needs to take care of Jabba.


Vader had gone deep into Jabba's mind scouring and devouring every memory of use to him while disregarding the rest.

This had inadvertently caused Jabba to shut down making him unconscious.

This gave Vader even more of an easier time bisecting the mind of a being practically around 600 years of age. It was no easy task or small feat to accomplish considering the many memories that would be benign or totally useless for him.

What Vader wanted was the really special people he interreacted with, the ones who were high up within whatever place they came from. The people who participated in and traded slaves.

These were the people Vader had decided were to be put on his hit list. There were other criminals of minor significance that participated in and did things that were damaging to the lives of others. Of course within every situation there is nuance but Anakin cannot see any situation in which the depravity of another beings free will being right.

'Actions have consequences after all.'

"Today we have fought and we have become victorious but now we must discuss what happens next. What happens to the slavers we have now locked away and what must be done with Jabba the Hutt."

"There are other things to approach with the situation here on Tatooine and that is the situation we are in with our economy, the population and the other problems still present. First and most important would be the leaders to help guide everyone in the right direction."

"So people will be put into office with which their position stands, the culture and religion of our people is quite sparse but varied because of our upbringings no doubt. I would hereby like to nominate people."

Vader starts to list off people and to which departments of the new government would go to. Some leaders that come from the natives of the planet were chosen. Tuskens and Jawas were not discriminated against and would get at least one seat.

'They have been rather well behaved.'

Some people seem to have other things on their minds right now and would like to just go home and rest up but Vader has to force his hand here to make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

The rest of the meeting goes quite boring but by the end of it all everyone has come to their supposed positions. Those who were excluded were done so because of a combination of factors.

Vader had taken into account peoples personalities, characters, skills and background like culture or religion into account when selecting them for the right jobs. He had become the de-facto leader of the new empire for now, but there was no true leader. Not one selected or voted into office anyway.

There had been talks though that happened right after the confirmation, celebrations that led to some very wild ideas to appear given precedence to a new idea. A sort of royal family that everyone could agree on.

The Skywalker royal family to be exact. That was what everyone had started to call it, but Anakin was extremely confused as to how this came about. On one hand it made sense that his mother or himself would be rewarded in some fashion but not to outright become the ruling house of Tatooine.

This does work out in his favor though and could be used to his advantage but he cant be here to oversee the entire process.

He has other things planned and cannot be ruling over one planet when he would be doing so much more at a grander scale.

He wouldn't mind the whole royal thing but he as Anakin would not be able to keep the title because he is a Jedi, technically in the future he can come back and plans to do so but for now it would be of little use except to increase his influence.

'Not that I dont already control the people and beings of Tatooine.'

Anakin had also decided that he would be moving all of his droids, well nearly all of them from Dathomir over to here where they could help him make this place a utopia. It would not leave Dathomir defenseless but he would also fulfill the agreement he has with Talzin.

To let her gain full control of Dathomir, at least nearly full as he would still be in control of many things over there but that doesn't matter.

"What are we going to do with the Hutt?" Grievous asks next to him.

"We are either going to sell him off or execute him, publicly." Vader says rather cruelly.

"The people would most likely want the second option but I dont think you care either way."

"Not really."

"What happens next then?"

"Well, Jabba now being deposed, it would only mean that would have to elect a leader, someone who will represent the people and what better person-"

"Then you?" Grievous cuts off.

"Not necessarily, someone who can be cultivated into a good leader but someone who at the same time would be subordinate to me. I have a few candidates but to really nail this choice of mine down a through screening process is needed."

"Makes sense, then what about me?"

"You can stay here for now, your militaristic leadership skills will come in handy depending on who will think Tatooine is now an easy target." Vader says but then continues. "But I doubt anyone would want to take Tatooine, unless the other Hutt's want to do so themselves no one else should come knocking."

'I have ideas on how to make the planet thrive but for now I should deal with the aftermath.' Anakin thinks to himself. 'Actions do have consequences.'

Merry Christmas from NZ.

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