
Star Wars: Skywalker

Reincarnated as Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One.

Link_Id · Movies
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274 Chs

V.1-C.23│Duel of the Fates I│

"She is more foolish then I thought." The holographic figure of Sith Lord Sidious states as he communicates with his pawns.

"We are sending all troops to meet this army assembling near the swamp. It appears to be made up of primitives." The Viceroy reports.

"This will work to our advantage." Darth Sidious says.

"I have your approval to proceed then, my Lord?"

"Wipe them out." The Sith Lord pauses for dramatic effect. "All of them."



Sneaking their way through the area and split off into different directions, Padme, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin all stay hidden just behind some cover. Padme signals to Panaka that they are in position.

Qui-Gon turns to Anakin and starts to speak to him. "Once we get inside, I want you to find a safe place to hide and stay there." Anakin doesn't reply and only nods.

'Well, I plan to get on a ship and get some of the action. I dont plan to sit around and do nothing, let alone how the original did. The closer I get to the Flagship which controls the droids the faster I will be able to take control.'

'I have already made progress and I am close to finishing. All I need to do is to speed up the progress and that would require going towards the control ship.' Anakin thinks.

The ambush is set and the groups, both Padme's and Panaka's is ready. Aimed and ready to go they fire blowing up one of the tank like vehicles parked outside the palace by using their own specialized vehicle procured from the Naboo resistance.

This draws the attention of the droids guarding the area and it draws them in. Captain Panaka loops back around and meets up just behind Padme, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin, following them inside.

The distraction doesn't fully work as some droids also spot the group trying to enter the palace and start blasting.

Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan activate their lightsabers deflecting the shots fired in their direction while taking care of the few droids left standing guard outside the palace entrance.

The group is successful and make it inside without the rest of the droids noticing them. A few other volunteer guardsman enter alongside the group.

The supposed droids that the Gungan army was to face was not there and alot of the reinforcements for the Viceroy to rely on. 'All thanks to my doing. No lives lost simply because I was well prepared to handle the situation.'

Within the droid control ship, all units had been recalled or at least all units directly connected to the vessel was recalled. Mostly the ones that were inactivated, thus saving many lives.

The night before Anakin had left with the group back on Tatooine he had some ideas on delaying Maul by taking his ship while distracted.

This would possibly delay Maul just enough so Qui-Gon and Maul do not get into a fight as he was his ticket into the Jedi. Without Qui-Gon's insistence that he must be trained as a Jedi he would not have the chance to be allowed to enter.

The group has made their way back inside conveniently where many ships are docked and are fully resupplied with necessary repairs and full fuel tanks.

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Padme are the first to make an entrance and the two Jedi protect Padme from the blaster shots from the droids within the bay. Padme along with the guardsman have their own blaster weapons using it against the droids.

"Ani, go find cover." Qui-Gon tells Anakin. "Quick."

'Well, well, well, I guess this is where the fun begins.' Anakin thinks to himself moving to the side whilst easily dodging the blaster shots. 'Which ship will I commandeer for myself.'

The guardsman that had come along were actually pilots as Padme exclaims to them. "Get to your ships." Everyone spreads out and heads further into the hangar bay.

Deciding to do a little more than just sit behind some cover before whisking himself away in a ship, Anakin uses telekinesis subtly to guide one of the fallen droids blasters in his direction.

The pilots hop into their ships as they are being fired at. 'I think I should save a few lives.' Anakin now has the blaster and with precision aiming is able to take care of a few of the droids that would have managed to take a life.

'I do dislike unnecessary death.' Anakin thinks to himself while getting in a position close to one of the ships.

R2-D2 hops into one of the ships while communicating to Anakin to hop in. 'I did manage to learn what an astromech is saying. Through Mechu-Deru I was able to pick up a few things in terms of the language of droids.'

'I am sorry to one of those pilots, but I am going to have to commandeer your ship.' The original Anakin would get on the ship because it was safe but also because the pilot that was meant to get on had been killed.

This time the pilot might have been saved but that doesn't mean he would stop his plan. More and more of the pilots are able to get into their ships and then fly from the outside of the hangar bay. They are going towards the starship fleet orbiting the planet.

'I do not have to go on an epic flight and put my life on the line to save everyone, preparedness is key to survival.'

All the pilots getting into their ships do not know about the current situation with Anakin taking control of the droid control ship and they all believe that it is their mission to destroy it. Near all of the droids had been recalled back to the flagship while Anakin was in control.

In fact the flagship is just about prepared to leave the Naboo system and travel all the way to Dathomir for a reconstruction and connection establishment of his droid army.


'I thought that me stealing his ship would delay Maul from getting here but I guess I should have expected he would have have options in an event he is stranded.' Anakin sensed Maul was close and that what he had done had probably empowered Maul's abilities.

'I have just made him more angry, great.'

'Well. Now it is time for the grand entrance that would introduce Maul fully.' Everyone walks to one of the doors and just as everyone is about to get there it opens revealing the Sith apprentice, Darth Maul.

Maul has his head bowed, but he slowly raises his head showing his corrupted, burning yellow eyes. An indication of dark side allegiance. 'I can hear the music now. Duel of the Fates.' Anakin decides to use his Force technique now to hide his presence within the Force while everyone is distracted and takes control of the ship through Mechu-Deru.

'I can handle splitting my consciousness in two directions. At least for now, anymore then this it would be a pain and start to cause minor headaches. I will focus entirely while keeping a small part of my consciousness here to make sure and alert me when I am needed.' Anakin hops off the ship without making a sound and stays clear out of sight.

Everyone is too scared to approach any further. "We will handle this." Qui-Gon steps forward indicating to everyone the problem in front of them is something they would be unable to handle.

"We will take the long way." Padme decides in a split second with everyone else but Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan and Anakin following her.

'I will try to manipulate events so Maul doesn't die. I wouldn't want my ally to complain to me about the death of her favorite son, not that she would know it was me who had caused the death. It is best she is kept in her sane mind for as long as I can.'

Maul drops his dark hood, exposing more of his Zabrak features.

'That's right, there are also droidekas.' Droidekas come from behind and roll into the scene and start to impede Padme and the rest.

Maul ignites his double sided saber revealing the bleeding red color of its light. Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan also ignite their sabers in response. They engage in combat finally, starting with the intense use of their lightsabers.

'It does really show just how powerful Maul is or at least shows the results of his training that he is able to combat two Jedi at the same time. I know in general the dark side provide more oomph but that doesn't mean the light side of the Force is anything to scoff at either.'

Deciding to act before any lives could be taken, Anakin starts and manipulates the ship in the direction of the droidekas. Destroying the droidekas, now Anakin is free to put most of his attention on the fight between the three Force-sensitives.

'The ship will be fine by itself, at least for now. I have made a rudimentary artificial intelligence program for the ship so it can do the basic things while I can control the more finer parts freeing up my attention from having to help destroy the flagship.'

"Lets go!" Padme exclaims as they start to exit the hangar and go into the area they want.

The intense duel is still ongoing as the fight for their lives, both of the Jedi and the Sith apprentice. Maul leads the two into another area. 'I just have to focus and concentrate. As long as Qui-Gon is not outright killed and Maul is also not killed, I would have achieved my goal.'

Obi-Wan is pushed away with a Force enhanced kick by Maul to create some room for himself. Qui-Gon engages with the apprentice, their goal is not to kill Maul but capture him to interrogate him as it was requested by the Jedi council to find out about this attacker.

'It is harder to incapacitate then kill after all. I do have experience myself.' Obi-Wan rejoins the fight as Anakin quietly follows behind the three.

Entering another room that has a large drop the three continue to engage in this long duel that would decide the fate of those in the room.


The lightsaber duel between the Force-sensitive individuals is still going on and at this point it is slowly turning into a battle of attrition. Their hidden watcher keeps a close eye on their battle, mentally recording their patterns, forms, movements and everything else he could make to his advantage.

'Telepathic abilities, at least my version of telepathy sure is great.' Anakin thoughts on his mental capabilities. 'The lighting is intense though and it doesn't help they have chosen to fight in this area in particular. As a precaution I will just use Mechu-Deru to control those laser doors that turn on and off.'

Maul gives Obi-Wan a well placed kick, forcing him off of the ledge but landing and hanging on to another ledge of the platform pathways below.

Qui-Gon overpowers Maul and hits Maul off of the edge as well but Maul has a easier time landing with risk of falling off another edge. Qui-Gon follows him down which leaves him exposed allowing Maul to kick Qui-Gon away before he could do anything else.

The two then continue with Maul on the defensive and Qui-Gon aggressively pursuing. The two exchange blows of their lightsabers as they tow the line of being able to be pushed down at any second.

Obi-Wan finally gets up and tries to follow after the two but has lost some ground so he will have to catch up.

'Here it is, the fate of Qui-Gon will be decided.' Anakin delving deep into the Force starts to send out small ripples beginning to concentrate on the moment that is to come.

Qui-Gon and Maul enter the laser doors but before they could continue are cut off from each other. 'The calm before the storm.'

Qui-Gon sits down for a rest as he waits while Maul walks back and forth impatiently.

With the Gungans they had not experienced any attack so they did not have to provide a distraction anymore, the Viceroy is practically near defenseless.

He still has access to some droids that were not directly controlled by the droid control ship but that was only able to protect him for a little abit as he had been swiftly captured by Padme and her group that went after him.

Maul continuously paces back and forth with impatience and a cold look on his face staring directly at his prey, Qui-Gon.

Qui-Gon, as if at peace with his surroundings has his eyes closed distancing himself to keep his head clear for the following fight but is also trying to rest his body if only for a minute.

On instinct Qui-Gon jumps up and reengages Maul in combat within the final layer. The final room. Obi-Wan rushes in from behind trying to make it in time to help and reinforce his master.

Going around the room Maul and Qui-Gon continue to exchange blows at a quick pace, keeping themselves steady so as to not lose balance and fall off of the ledge into the hole. The laser doors close once again leaving Obi-Wan behind.

Going back and forth the two continuously beat on each other trying to gain the upper hand, but Maul could tell that Qui-Gon was starting to lose his energy. This leaves Qui-Gon to go on the defensive.

'The moment is coming.' Silently Anakin has built up to this moment, and within the Force it is resounding to his call.

Maul pushes Qui-Gon back now going on the offensive, aggressively attacking Qui-Gon with at much hate, anger and whatever other emotion Maul has pent up to draw from.

Obi-Wan can only watch on in concern as he too can tell his master is losing and it would not be long before he makes a mistake.

A silence has built up within the Force and the only thing that could be heard was the clash of sabers between Qui-Gon and Maul. Something is different though.

The two stare each other down knowing full well that this moment would decide who wins and who dies. They continue to clash, up, down, left, right in all directions as both try to out maneuver each other, both looking for openings.

Qui-Gon messes up he goes for an overarching swing but does not have the power or energy to swiftly evade the next attack.

A change, a reckoning, a shift. Maul seeing an opening disorients Qui-Gon by hitting his face. The next moment would have originally had Qui-Gon be stabbed by Maul's saber through his abdomen. Maul goes in for the kill but just as he is about to pierce the stunned Jedi a storm is felt through the Force and negates Mauls saber just long enough for Qui-Gon to regain his bearings.

'What was that?' Qui-Gon doesn't think to deeply about the occurrence and retreats a bit so he can reassess his situation. 'I shall preserve my energy for now and await for Obi-Wan. Then we can finish him together.'

Maul's thoughts on the other hand were not so pleasant as this angers him even further knowing he had been interrupted by someone or something. He may not get the chance to kill the Jedi again.

Obi-Wan outside is relieved that nothing bad had happened and also does not think to deeply about it and buries his curiosity for another time.

From what was originally written, I had to crunch the chapters down so there will only be one more after this one till we catch up to what I had written before. I have reduced everything down to what I thought was important to add.

What should Anakin's lightsaber look like? Coloring, hilt, dualwield or single?

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