A man in transmigrated into the Senator Thalron Veridian. While simultaneously being the King of Thyferra. Watch as he fights for his homeplanet and form factions in the Senate, while at the same time preparing for the Clone Wars.
I found myself overlooking the planet of Kamino, a water planet. Like Mon Cala and Maalan.
Immediately after we entered the sector we were contacted by a certain voice.
I almost became giggly once I heard it, it was the famous voice used by so many dope people.
Captain Rex
Commander Cody
All these men were once in a century characters and soliders, I would do a lot to get them under my command.
But it was also the voice of 200 thousand other organics at this time.
Or that is if I remember correctly.
Either way, we were quickly cleared due to both mine and Yoda's positions made it easy.
Immediately after we entered we were met with Lama Su.
"Greetings, Grand Admiral Veridian and Grand General Yoda, Senator Amidala." Lama Su said as she bowed.
"Just call me Count Veridian." I said, returning his bow.
"Call me Master Yoda, you may." Yoda said and Lama nodded, before leading us into the facility at Tipoa City.
Padme however didn't say anything.
"I assume you are here to take command of the Clone Army?" Lama Su asked as we began walking correct.
"Correct, you are. An attack on Geonosis, we are launching." Yoda said and Lama Su nodded.
"We have 200 000 units fully trained for warfare." Lama Su said as we reached his office.
"May I know the unit structure that has been created for the Clone Armies?" I asked and Lama Su nodded, pressing a few buttons as the structure popped into existence.
Lama Su allowed us to read them, not wanting to say it out-loud. A testament to the Kaminoan's social skills.
It read as follows:
Grand Army of the Republic - Indefinitive amount, the entirety of the Clones to exist.
Systems Army - 338 600 Clones, two sector armies.
Sector Armies - 169 300 Clones, four corps.
Corps - 42,325 Clones, four legions.
Legion - 10,581 Clones, four regiments.
Regiment - 2,645 Clones, four Battalions.
Battalion - 661 Clones, four companies.
Company - 165 Clones, four platoons.
Platoon - 41 Clones, four squads.
Squad - 10 Clones, lowest unit.
"Now, we have not decided the upper ranks but here are the lower ranks." Lama Su said as a new picture appeared.
This one included the Clone ranks.
Clone Marshal Commander
Clone Commander
Clone Major
Clone Captain
Clone Lieutenant
Clone Sergeant
Clone Corporal
Clone Trooper
Clone Cadet
Looking at the the chain of command, I knew I needed to change that.
"Lama Su, if I may? I would like to tweak it a bit from my professional experience." I said, I could see Lama Su get a bit annoyed but she nodded towards me.
And with that I began writing down new ranks.
- Clone Surface Marshal
- Clone Marshal Commander
- Clone Senior Commander
- Clone Regimental Commander
- Clone Battalion Commander
- Clone Major
- Clone Captain
- Clone Lieutenant
- Clone Second Lieutenant
- Clone Warrant Officer
- Clone Sergeant
- Clone Corporal
- Clone Corporal
- Clone Specialist
- Clone Lance Corporal
- Clone Trooper
- Clone Cadet
My first decision was to include more upper command ranks. The 'Clone Commander' and 'Clone Marshal Commander' was a bit to vague.
We couldn't have 2 ranks for up to 5 units, instead I created the Clone Marshal for the Sector Army, the Marshal for the Corps.
The Senior Commander for the Legion, Regimental Commander for the Regiment of course and the Battalion Commander for the Battalions.
This gave the Commanders much more working space instead of relying on the Generals authority.
This meant that, for example in 501st case.
They had no Commander but a lot of Captains.
Rex had superiority due to his relation with Anakin.
But if he dies each of the clones could legally disregard Rex's orders and not even bother being court-marshalled.
Additionally I added more lower ranks for the Clones to actually strive for promotion instead of just fighting to fight.
"Now, could you both please create high command ranks so we may inform the Clones." Lama Su said and I turned to Yoda.
He nodded and I began writing again.
Supreme Chancellor / Supreme Commander - supreme authority over the army.
Grand Admiral - Chief of the Republic Navy
Grand General - Chief of the Republic Army
Fleet Admiral - Commanding Officer of a Republic Navy Fleet
High General - Commanding Officer of a Republic System Army
Admiral - Commanding Officer of a Republic Navy Task Force
General - Commanding Officer of a Republic Army Task Force
Jedi Commander - Padawan to a Jedi General.
That was the ranks both I and Yoda had came up with on the journey here.
"Lastly, Count Veridian, you must create navy ranks to inform our clones." Lama Su said, giving me a blank space to write.
And with that I got back at it.
- Grand Admiral, Chief of the Republic Navy
- Fleet Admiral, Chief of a Republic Fleet.
- Admiral, Commanding Officer of a Republic Naval Task Force.
- Vice Admiral, Commanding Officer of a Republic Naval Task Force.
- Rear Admiral, Executive Officer of a Republic Naval Task Force.
- Commodore, Commanding Officer of a Republic Naval Squadron.
- Captain, Commanding Officer of a Republic Naval Section.
- Commander, Commanding Officer of a Republic Naval Element.
- Lieutenant Commander, Commanding Officer of a Republic Support Ship
- Lieutenant, Executice Officer of a Republic Naval Element.
- Master Chief Petty Officer, Chief of 4+ areas on a Republic Naval Ship
- Chief Petty Officer, Chief of 2+ areas on a Republic Naval Ship.
- Petty Officer, Chief of a single area on a Republic Naval Ship.
- Junior Petty Officer, Specialist in an area on a Republic Naval Ship.
- Senior Crewman, An experienced enlisted on a Republic Naval Ship.
- Crewman, a fully trained enlisted in a Republic Naval Ship.
- Junior Crewman, an enlisted receving training on a Republic Naval Ship.
As I finished that, Lama Su nodded.
"Very good, I shall make copies of this and send it to all Clones, now you must follow us. You shall meet your new army." Lama Su said as she led us through the corridors.
After 4 minutes of walking in silence we approached a balcony.
As we walked onto it we were all met with the thounderous sound of thousands upon thousands of boots hitting the ground at the exact same time and guns clicking into position.
As our heads went over the railing my eyes found itself staring at 200 thousand Clones, in their Phase 1 Armor, with DC15A's locked onto the shoulder.
I saw Yoda jump onto the railing and sat down.
"So, this is the Clone Army." I said astonished as I looked over this fine ass army, even the Royal Guards could not do that at the scale the clones did it.
I saw that Yoda didn't fully comprehend the amazing feat these clones just accomplished.
They performed a perfect boot stamp.
While it in itself was not a perilous feat, the astonishing scale of this remarkable show could not be easily underestimated.
If only a single clone failed, the resounding loud noise would last for a few milliseconds too long and it would be out of touch, it would slowly die out.
But no, the entire sound cut at the exact same time, signalling the unison these Clones had.
"If their aiming is even half as good as their formal capabilities, and if we produced a few million more. We'd be capable of fighting back." I said and I could see Lama Su smile, something almost never seen on the Kaminoan's.
"These Clones are our finest feat, they are our pride and sweat, no army that has been ever created can match the skill of the clones." Lama Su said proudly.
"They've been trained from birth and their increased grow rate ensures a perfect fit for every training routine we have, they are easy to train and genetically modified for combat, they will not freeze, cover or retreat unless ordered." Lama Su said proudly, but I could feel Yoda slightly wince at that.
"Are these the entire army, do you only have one single type of Clones?" I asked Lama Su.
"No, we have multiple variations and Commando's. We have Recon Troopers, made for scout missions. We also have SCUBA Troopers, created for underwater assault, and other basic troopers for every enforcement." Lama Su before she turned towards me.
"Additionally we have something called ARC Troopers, ARF Troopers and Republic Commandoes." Lama Su said.
"ARC Troopers, short for Advanced Recon Commandos. There's 3 Classes, Beta-Class, Alpha-Class and Null-Class, Beta Class are elite fighters chosen for their ability to stand out above the 'regulars' they fight alongside their clone trooper brothers and inspire morale, they're chosen for skill."
"The Alpha-Class Advanced Recon Commando's were 100 genetically modified clones created to be elite, they are more elite than the Beta-Class but the Alpha's work better in units of other Alpha's, they were early creations and therefore does not have the same modifications to orders, but Jango has ordered them to listen so they will no matter what."
"Lastly the Null-Class, numbering barely 6 members. They were the first ever clones and have been thought by Kal Skirata. These have been trained / tortured to retrain torture, even from Sith. And therefore they will never reveal information. They are perfect for behind the enemy lines work, these 6 are the most elite we got." Lama Su said
"Lastly, The Commando's, they are put into Squads of 4 and they are used for elite missions, while the Alpha and Beta class ARC's are useful in large battles, the Commando's thrive in special missions. Mostly working alone, they carry a lot of firepower and are perfect for extract or bombing missions." Lama Su said.
"But, they are also powerful warriors, the 4-man team can kill up to companies while working together, the armor has yet to be decided and as such we've given them ARC-Armor for now, they carry backpacks with explosives in it."
"Lastly we have the ARF Troopers, short for Advanced Recon Forces, essentially elite clone troopers. While not as elite as the ARC Troopers they are trained for guerilla tactics, the ARF wear specialised armor which allows them to spot enemy troops easier and focus on specialised targets." Lama Su said, ending her informative spree.
"I see, I suppose we need to form a Special Operations Brigade then, and include the ARC's, ARF's and the RC's." I said and Lama Su nodded.
That's when Yoda spoke for the first time ever.
"Transport ships, you have?" Yoda asked Lama Su.
"We do, we have bought 12 Acclamator-Class Assault Ships, they can transport up to 192 000 Clones as it is right now." Lama Su told Yoda.
"Very good, ensure the Clones are brought onboard the Acclamators, you must. Head for Geonosis, we will." Yoda said.
"Understood, Master Yoda. We should have them ready within 3 hours." Lama Su said and I nodded.
"Master Yoda, I'll contact my fleet and get them here, we'll protect the fleet. We have more than enough ships for the journey and to fight off any fleets, they shouldn't have organised the various fleets into one yet, Count Dooku just recently brought them under his wing." I told Yoda and he nodded.
"Depart in 3 hours, we will." Yoda said and I nodded.
As we both walked away to begin new duties, Padme stepped up.
"Greetings, Prime Minister. Now that the Military matters are dealt with, we must settle on a Senator to Represent Kamino in the Senate." Padme said as we walked away.
i = e on (patrion)
8 advance chapters at Patrion.
It really helps me stay motivated by getting a few donation. And maybe if we all are lucky i get grammarly premium and we get some better grammar :)