
Phase 1: A galaxy torn asunder pt2


Part 2​

One week after Chancellor Palpatine's assassination, the Holonet was taken over by another message from a deceased man. This time it wasn't a largely unknown if important government official like Director Yle.

A bit younger looking Sheev Palpatine appeared in the homes of trillions all over Republic space. He waved, then leaned forward so he could place his hands on his desk. Behind him a window showed an ordinary evening on Coruscant.

"My fellow citizens, I hope that this recording would serve no other purpose but a historical footnote, while we're all enjoying a better future." Palpatine smiled ruefully. "However, as your Chancellor, it is my solemn duty to the Republic, to each one of you, to make sure some secrets don't die with me if misfortune befalls me."

Palpatine leaned back and his expression sobered.

"At the time this recording is taken, I've been Chancellor for a little over one year. In that time, its been the greatest of previlegies to represent you. Sitting in this chair, seeing firsthand how the Republic works on all levels, it is a unique experience. It was eye opening for me and I've been a Senator representing my homeworld of Naboo for years before being elected to this post. It is my solemn hope that by the time anyone views this recording, the galaxy we live in, the great Republic you elected me to serve, is a better place."

The Chancellor straightened and looked into the camera with bright eyes.

"I hope that none of you had suffered as my homeworld did under after the Trade Federation invaded. I hope that I've been able to make the Senate the institution it is meant to be: a forum where every Republic member could come to address their grievances, come forward with their problems and find a swift and constructive solution." Palpatine sighed sadly. "It is my hope that no more Republic citizens would suffer under an invaders heels. I hope no more worlds like Naboo would be abandoned while the Senate is tied up in procedures and proven useless."

Palpatine looked down in shame.

"If you're watching this recording as anything else but a part of historical holo, then I've failed my duty. I've failed you and I beg for your forgiveness."

The Chancellor paused for a moment. When he looked up, his eyes were haunted.

"I can't in a good conscience let the Republic continue be the inefficient, corrupt mess I've come to know as a Chancellor. Some might say that I do it for vengeance. Because I'm from Naboo and my home was invaded." Palpatine shrugged. "What of it? Naboo is my precious home. A sovereign member of the Republic. It was invaded. It was conquered."

Palpatine stood up and pointed to the floor.

"The Senate ignored the plight of my people. Just like it would ignore yours if the pay-off is big enough." He took a deep breath and visibly struggled to calm down. "It is no baseless accusation I'm making, my fellow citizens. I've uncovered evidence of widespread ongoing corruption within the Senate. I'm not sure exactly whom I could trust in this building, much less the courts. This is why I'm making this recordings and attaching all I've found out so far. If an 'accident' befalls me before justice could be served, then the evidence shouldn't vanish with my death..."

The Chancellor tapped a few buttons on the terminal built into his desk and multiple windows were projected around him. Data began scrolling down each one of them. Recorded conversations, bank statements, assorted paperwork connecting multiple Senators with the Trade Federation. Ironclad proof of bribes and blackmail. Senators and corporations knowingly making deals which weren't in the best interests of either their people or the Republic as a whole in exchange of favors or various personal benefits…

That was simply the first and oldest of Palpatine's dead-man switches. Each year he made a new one cataloging more and more corruption, which in turn proved his fears that simply going to the courts wouldn't be enough.

Their members were more often than not compromised too – either outright bought or appointed by people who were. The revelations were still ongoing. More than enough evidence had been unveiled and confirmed as real to paralyze the Republic and there were still years worth of messages waiting to fire up.


Senate Chamber

Senate building


Obi-Wan put his thoughts about Palpatine's shenanigans out of his mind for a moment and walked on the Mandalorian platform to stand beside his wife. Her security detail gave him curt nods of respect and continued to ignore him while looking for anything out of place.

"Are you all right?" Satine activated a privacy field, cutting off the current speaker and the noise made by the rest of the Senators.

"You were right." Obi-Wan admitted.

"I'm sorry."

"Me too." Even here, Kenobi could still feel the ghosts at the Jedi Temple looking accusingly at him. "Any change?"

"Same old." Satine sighed in exasperation.

"Everyone trying to cover their backsides while shoving the blame to their former friends." Obi-Wan sneered in disgust. There was a war going on! The Republic needed Chancellor, however the Senate was too busy pointed fingers at each other to seriously contemplate electing someone to the post. Only at the first session post the coup there were any real attempts to get a new Chancellor in place. However, politics interfered. Bail Organa was tainted thanks to his close association with the Jedi and was gleefully rejected by a solid majority. Kuat's representative, who was the next most likely candidate was shot down by a combination of outrage after his people refused to sent help to Corellia and fear that if he was elected it wouldn't be long before he could rule as a dictator and ignore the Senate.

That was even a reasonable concern, because with Corellia losing most of its industry and the system itself under enemy control, nothing short than a reasonably large alliance could hope to rival Kuat either politically or economically. In retaliation, Senator Danu ensured no one else could get enough votes to become Chancellor. The consequences were plain to see – everyone was busy denying Palpatine's accusations from beyond the grave, when they weren't cursing the man's very name.

"Satine, this can't go on! Until a new Chancellor countermands Order 66, my hands are tied." Obi-Wan admitted. His hands were tied. In retrospect, Yularen had gotten quite lucky with admiral Felix at Corellia. Many of the other Clones were much less reasonable as far as Order 66 was concerned. They knew that their actions were hurting the Republic, regretted the necessity, but weren't bulging. Until the Chancellor called them off, their primary mission was hunting down the Jedi and that was it.

It was, insane, it was frustrating, yet Obi-Wan couldn't find a loophole that all but a handful of Clones would accept. The only bright ray of hope were the various special-operations units ARCs and Commandos alike, who were much more reasonable. Kenobi knew that they had either arrested or extracted various Jedi and were keeping them safe until the dust settled and could be determined who was guilty and who innocent.

"This is your glorious Republic, husband." Came Satine's deadpan response. "Lock them in until they elect a new Chancellor?" She half-joked.

"I'm sorely tempted." Obi-Wan grumbled. "At least Veil isn't here or the circus would be even worse. Any news from our glorious leader?"

"Nothing new. I told you the last thing I heard, which isn't any different from what your people concluded."

"He's gone to ground with a significant part of a Sector fleet and the Separatists are trying to hunt him down with no luck so far."

"He'll turn up eventually."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Obi-Wan admitted.

"How deep did you look into his history, Obi?"

"All the Jedi had."

"Not a good enough answer. Our tales tell of a man who doesn't shy from burning whole worlds or drowning them in blood when he deems it necessary, however he had never done it without a good enough reason." Satine whispered.

"You sound like you want him to come back." Kenobi sounded torn.

"And you're unsure what you'll do when he comes back, aren't you husband? I don't like what he does, Obi-Wan. "However considering all this," Satine waved at the chamber, I'll not only welcome his return but gleefully cheer him. Mandalore is under siege and I we both know that even if a new Chancellor is elected today, they might not give you leave to relieve our home."

"Sad but true. I'll be ordered to remove the Separatists from the Core before using everything in my disposal." Obi-Wan reluctantly agreed. "Any ideas?"

"Nothing you'll find acceptable or even funny."