
Star Wars: Rise of The Order

The Order has fallen and the Jedi are dead or scattered in the Universe, all hope is lost. But what if... But what if there was a young man who could stop all this before it happens? Someone who could guide Skywalker or warn the Order of the Evil in their middle Or... Someone who makes his own order?

Barokonos · Movies
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21 Chs

First adventure. As a Baby!

.After a few hundred meters, mom and dad started to sneak trough the forest. An after a few meters I saw why. There was a deer-looking animal, the only different was that it had one big horn on the middle of his head. We, mom and dad, stalked the deer for nearly half a hour before it slowed down and and lowed it head to eat some grass.

My dad slowly put out some throw-spears I hadn't seen him putting on, and he walked in a big circle, until he was face to face to my mother, between them a 100 meter distance.

My mother held her arm in the air and began to to put he fingers down in a 5-second countdown.

When her finger clinched into a fist, he reached back and in one swift motion, he threw his spear clearly into the head.

The animal didn't even fell pain. It was instantly dead. Mom and dad got to work.

They skinned the animal, and took the meat. After that, I got a announcement :

<Skill gained: Stealth. Level 1 (0%)>

Huh? Where did that came from?*Ibo?*

<Ding; Host can learn skills from trainers trought watching and imitating. When the mastery over the skill is sufficient enought, then watching is all is needed to just gain the skill.>

So, what does that mean? Just how good is my Dad at stealth that I got the skill just trought watching? As I was thinking about this, I focused on my father and I was doing this I got another pop up!

<Skill gained : Observe. Level 1 (0%)>

Mh what is this skill? I don't know that.

I tried to click the skill mentally and surprisingly, it worked!

Observe. Level 1 (0%)

Let you see the Status of the one you are looking at.

I was excited! I looked at my dad at the moment




<Observe Level UP!!!>

Well, shit. How high is his level? But hey , I got a Level up! I think the more I have in Observe, the more I can see and I can se Informations from higher level oponents. Lets see: Observe!

Name: Bar-Scha



Well, at least I got his name. I laughted because I was so happy. Mom and dad looked at me, than in their eyes and they smiled. My dad started and my mom got me from her back and started feeding me.Yes, feeding me. I mean, I wouldn't say I enjoyed it, but I didn't fight it ether(hehehe)

After that I really got sleepy. I tried to fight it, I really did, but in the end; I had the stamina of a baby and I fell in a deep sleep.

And in this manner went 5 years away like days. And I have say, that this 5 years were, aside the time with my old family, one of the best times in m,y life. You know, my childhood wasn't the greatest. Parents were never home, and when they were, there was alrays screamin, and bla bla bla. Let's just say it was good to finally have a family that cared about you. Also, I suprised them pretty good when I started talking with them when I was already 3! My first word was mama, which my mom was pretty smug about. But a few minutes later I said papa and my dad was happy too. With 4, I was able to help in the house, and with that, my stats got a little bonus.

Name : Jar-Darus

Level 1

Race : Human

Health 40

Stamina 50

Force 530

Strength: 6

Stamina: 5

Constitution: 4

Dexterity : 5

Intelligence: 15

Wisdome: 12

Charisma: 5

Attribute Points: 1

Perks: 2

PerkPoints(PP): 0


Language: Basic Level : Max

I also learned how to use the force! It took some time and dedication, but I made it. I also got this new skills and over the five years I trained them good:

<Skill gained: Force Detection Level 10>

Force Detection Level 10

You are able to feel the force 10% better.

<Force Skill gained : Telekinesis Level 7>

Telekinesis Level 6

You are able to move 60 kg with your mind

These were the only two I was able to train. And I couldn't even train them right! Everytime I would try to train it, one of my parents would come in and would nearly catch me using them. I don't want them to find out yet. I wouldn't want them to send me to the Jedi. I mean, it would be cool to be cool to be a official jedi, but I don't want the corrupted, branwashing, BS talking order to find me and to force me Ideals on I'm not ok with.

So my life in this 5 years was pretty boring exept the training.

But then, my dad wanted to talk with me.

Hey guys!

Hope you are all well in this hard times. Here a chapter for the boredome.

Don't forget the Comments and Powerstones ;D

May the Force be with you.

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