
Star wars: Popdance in Guangа

DantalianEvil · Movies
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1 Chs

Chapter 1

Around the glow and flashes were replaced by clumps of darkness, the play of shadows, and as if this was not enough.. there was all kinds of movement everywhere. How I wanted to understand where I was now, although there were guesses - I lived like everything was fun, then sad, I was in a hurry to catch up everywhere and therefore made a lot of mistakes. That's how exciting life has flown by, and now I am in the form of a spiritual entity at a crossroads. And really, why just stay? I have always been driven by curiosity and sometimes overcame caution, so it's time to go somewhere, just not to be bored on the spot. I got used to flying quickly and simply - it's as easy as separating from the body in deep meditation to travel to other countries. Haven't you tried it? Be sure to try it - you will get unforgettable feelings of boundless freedom! While I was slowly flying away from the planet, I saw a dozen and a half interesting phenomena - a dense spiritual clot flies as if in thought, and then a funnel opens in front of him out of nowhere and he disappears into it. So I flew to somewhere - this is clearly the border of the safe zone.. because large and very strong spiritual entities constantly broadcast a warning around that it is dangerous further, as the free hunting zone begins. I wonder if this is the place the wise Siberian shaman told about? Believe me, summer tourism in Russian Siberia is much more interesting, more useful and cooler than any of Europe and the vaunted beaches on the Mediterranean. So that's what I'm talking about - I flew to the place and saw flashing lower spirits and other malicious entities, from which the higher ones protect us in the ordinary life of the born. Here is an example to follow - a beginner like me is hunting not far away, using the ideas of science fiction and fantasy lovers and, surprisingly, very successfully.. it was as if they were sharing their experience...

For such an exciting activity, according to my subjective time, I spent more than a dozen years hunting, gradually moving further away from the safe zone. How many times have I almost been snacked on.. someone, it's scary to remember, but speed and the manifested ability to flicker through space have always saved me. No, I'm not a child prodigy at all and the most developed opponents did not lag behind in their skills at all, but my appearance in front of the guards at the border was always fatal for catching up. The guards themselves only laughed and thanked for a hearty snack. Eventually, I developed and grew up in the energy sector, relatively strong malicious spirits began to come across less and less, and attack neutral and even rare friendly ones.. I felt that this would begin the descent into self-destruction. It was time to make a choice and in his indecision flew up to one of the familiar guards that never refused good advice.

- ..and what would you like? - He asked with interest at my confused request. - I'm just warning you - even before a novice guardian, you still have a very long time to develop.

- I agree to rebirth, but that's the problem - human life is too short, and the body itself is defective - it does not tolerate heat, drowns in water, and we have no other reasonable ones.

- I see.. we have an interesting option.. go - I'm sure you'll like it very much - and opened the energy funnel of the path.

They do not refuse such offers, therefore, diligently, but briefly thanking me, I set off on my way. And now I'm flying at high speed in a long translucent tunnel with flashes of energy and I see how I'm moving away from our galaxy, then it became very tiny, but the neighboring galaxy hospitably opened its arms, a flash and I lost consciousness.

- ..Ja-ja! - I heard a loud cry from the teacher watching the youngsters, - What have you done again? Why is Joy unconscious?

- I don't drop it! He'll fall himself!

While they were arguing and figuring out the degree of my integrity, I managed to analyze the memories of the oppressed owner of the body with whom I happened to merge - I just had to accept this fact. It turned out to be a six-year-old boy of the Gungan race on the planet Naboo in a galaxy known from films, where gifted people fight with lightsabers and call themselves Jedi, or oh horror - Sith! Now the only son of Rugor Nass, the ruler of all Gungan communities, in the last clutch of eggs, has to endure the ridiculous antics of Ja-JA Binks, the son of General Siil, the only one hatched from the whole clutch. In general, there are only a few boys in the group among a bunch of girls. One of them named Nisha, giggling, sat down next to me.

- Don't pretend Joy, I saw you blink your eyes!

- I was checking if they were in place, my nice little eyes! - And Sev looked around doubtfully. In general, I seem to have merged my consciousness correctly, since the motor skills of the body give out the right movements, and the same as me now, the green juvenile seems quite cute. - What happened at all?

This was followed by laughter from the guys from all sides.

"That lunatic fell out of a tree on you!"

- Yeah? - And looked skeptically at the culprit of the commotion. - Ja-Ja, you're making progress - you were able to get in.. at least by yourself!

At this, laughter was heard from everywhere again.

- But I accidentally fall! - Exclaimed a walking misunderstanding.

- Try to accidentally fall on bigger rocks and head down - I'm sure it will help you, - and got up, dusted himself off. - It seems to have survived.

- Joy! The teacher exclaimed, frowning.

- Well, I should have thanked him at least with advice! - That's figs you'll find fault with such a brainwash.

Waving her hand, she looked at the sun.

- Lunch is coming soon, and we have classes on familiarization with nature, so go in search of something to eat. What you find, you will be fed up with.

The girls immediately became despondent and with a wistful look began to look at the vegetation around on the topic of a snack. We guys took folding children's crossbows out of their cases and went hunting - who where, but mostly in the direction of the small lake. Only Ja-JA took out a telescopic spear and went to the hill to prove to everyone that he was a great hunter, therefore he would shoot a "big predator".

- Do you think he will succeed? Gozzo, the son of Captain Tapals, asked walking next to him.

- I'm even sure that something will definitely work out! But will we be happy about it?

Giggling, we all remembered about silent walking and dispersed each in his own direction, so as not to interfere with each other. While I was walking, I remembered a note from the movie where Ja-JA becomes a general of a small army of gungans, which literally leads to a catastrophe. As they say there - the son of a general will definitely become a general, at least until the first defeat in battle, and no matter what kind of moron he is, worlds and peoples change, and senility is the same everywhere. Now to the point.. what is remembered there from the theory of Force.. it is everywhere and permeates everything around, it is quite reasonable and is generated by the organisms of the living, no matter who. Simply put, midi-chlorians are a mold that penetrates into the most malleable bodies and, with the consent of the carrier, complements or replaces itself with a kind of genetic analogue. Eventually, the effect of "going into Power" becomes achievable - this is when you can turn into the equivalent of pure energy. It doesn't sound very pleasant and not at all appetizing, but this is the local galaxy.