
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 27 – Is it my birthday?

He let Lyn by herself as she seems to be enjoying herself and left to do something he wanted to ever since he landed on Ossus, explore the old warships to find everything useful.

The number of crashed starships on Ossus was crazy, they aged mainly from around 3900 BBY and 3600 BBY. The latest being when a group of Jedis colonist fled an onslaught of Zakuul Empire led by Arcann and Vaylin, but were attacked by the Siths later on.

For someone as technology crazy like Layan, Ossus was a paradise, the only downside was there was no technology of Zakuul who was said to be one of the most advanced civilization of the galaxy.

His first stop was a Hammerhead-class cruiser, one of the most popular ship of the past history. Like implied in the name, it had a hammer head and was one of the most robust ship during its time. The ship was damaged and rusted out.

Layan stepped in through a huge hole in the side of the ship that must have been made during a battle. Inside the ship was like in the outside everything was torn apart and rust covered almost everything.

No energy was left in the circuits and some doors were closed so he had to cut them open with his lightsaber. A few things could be re-used even if they were few. After forcefully opening a door with his lightsaber, he found a droid covered in dust, but in comparison to the few he saw previously, this one seems intact and complete.

This droid was a service class droid, a Hollis-series steward droid, his previously so famous golden color coating was covered in rust. Taking the plating off the droid, he saw that every component was intact except for his visual sensors.

"Finally, something interesting, but it has to be a service droid. I would have preferred a Sith war droid Mark I, which inspired the currents Droideka used by the separatists. I hope I'll find something better at the next stop."

After calling T3, the droid landed the ship near his position and Layan loaded the droid into the main hold of the Phoenix.

After a short trip on his speeder bike he saw a few starfighter, or what was left of it, but nothing could be salvage of it, the damages were too important.

His next stop was a huge ship of more than 1,200 meters, a centurion-class cruiser used during the time of the Sith Triumvirate and Darth Revan's Sith empire, to say around 3900 BBY. Outwardly, it looked like a Venator-class cruiser and seems to have taken only a few damages, but it should not be the same thing inside. It didn't crash for nothing.

All the escapes pods were missing, so Layan cut open an aperture here as the metal was thinner. Inside were long empty corridors in a dull gray color. The bridge was intact but problem start when he was in the engine room, everything was screwed.

"Is it this body birthday?"

It was his reaction when he enters one of the two hangars of the ship. It was filled to the brim with Sith Fighters a type of starfighters looking like Vader TIE interceptor but far simpler and with an older design. Except a few that impacted the walls during the crash, all of them were in an almost perfect state.

"They were preserved from natural degradation in this hangar. If the other hangar is just as full, it will make almost 100 starfighters ready to engage in battle."

Putting his hand on the folded wing of a Sith fighter, he was happy as these ships could serve as their defense for the time being, even if no one is planned to come on Ossus in the next 3 years.

Opening the cockpit, he sat on the pilot seat and tried to make it work, but the battery discharged slowly over 3,000 years and all the fuel and pieces would have to be cleaned before trying to make them fly again.

He continued his exploration of the ship with the massive holds which may still be loaded with war droids, and indeed, he was right, the holds were full, but not with Sentinels droids like he thought but with Mark IV Assault Droids.

Mark IV Assault Droids were quadrupedal droids looking a bit like spiders and equipped with dual heavy cannons and sometimes shield generators. Their only downside was their slow speed and lack of maneuverability, hence, they were used mainly for defensive purposes.

His joy reached a peak, and he hurried to examine the droids, and as he hoped for, all of them were equipped with energy shield generators, which was pretty rare on this droid's model.

He now had over 300 droids equipped with energy shields and a good stock of starfighter, it really was his lucky day.

"I really love this world. What will I find next?"

Happy with his findings, he resumed his searches hoping to find more. Not long after, while riding his bike, he saw a metallic glow coming from the ground, coming near it he discovered that it was what looked like the cockpit of the ship but only was seeable everything else was buried underground.

Turning on his lightsaber, he plunged the blade through the metal and cut out a circle-shaped aperture. Jumping through it, he landed inside the ship with his lightsaber blade as the only lighting source.

Navigating through the small corridors, he arrived to a door he opened with the force and saw dozens of humanoids shape standing straight in front of him, unmoving.

Lifting up, his lightsaber, he got a better view of the humanoid shapes. It was Sentinels Droids, the most common troops 3900 years ago. Their magnetic foots and gyroscopic systems prevented them from falling like dominoes or crash in the ship's walls.

They looked like human soldiers wearing armors, the only thing that gave them out being droids was their members that were too much square shaped and didn't look human. All of them were carrying blasters and their plating seems reinforced.

Examining a sentinel droid, he opened a compartment on the back to see if these models were equipped with shields generators but he was not as lucky as last time as they were just commons sentinels' droids without modifications except for a reinforced plating.

"Really not lucky but if I'm right, I must be inside a KT-400 military droid carrier which mean 400 droids must be inside waiting for me to reprogram them to serve my own interests."

A common ship with a compact three-pronged shape, the KT-400 was fairly common and was used as troop transports on the battlefield. It was fairly easy for him to identify it once inside as the form of the ship was really peculiar.

Leaving the buried ship, he wanted to continue his explorations as he was like a kid in a toy shop with an infinite amount of credits, but the two moons of Ossus were already showing in the sky and he had to head back as while he was enjoying himself, everyone was working hard in building the settlement.

When he got back, everyone was eating while laughing at the encampment. Lyn was laughing with a group of the younger Ysannas, seems like she finally made friends.

Layan headed directly toward the Phoenix that was parked not far away and took a small lunch with the food he bought back on Corellia. After that, he headed to the main hold and started to work on the service droid he found as the beginning of his search.

After a good cleaning of every piece and replacing every broken piece with new ones from the stock of spare pieces, he bought on Corellia. Finally, after using the skill known as Mechu-Deru, he overwrote the circuitry of the droids to make him loyal to him as his new master.

Service droids weren't Layan favorites as they weren't able to fight but this precise type was used to take care of luxurious ships and influent peoples, it was the best droids when it came to take care of comfort inside a spaceship.

Finally, the sensors of the droids which looked like eyes illuminated in a golden color.

"Hello, Master. I'm C2-V2, a Hollis-series steward droid I'll do my very best to take care of your comfort and this ship. Would you like to have an overview of my functions?"

The ship raised his torso from the worktable where Layan lay it down for the time of the reparations.

"No need. You can start to work right now."

"Understood, master."

The robot raised from the table and headed toward the lounge where he started to take care of cleaning the table and everything else until it became spotless.

Layan was watching the now silver droid as he changed the plating but didn't bother to paint back into its original color. Maybe he'll do it later. Now, he was a bit tired and wanted to sleep as his exploration tired him off.