
Star Wars: New Fate (Dropped)

Layan died at the hand of an Empire's assassin and found a way to send his consciousness back into the past. What will be the consequences of his actions?

Faylan · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 26 – Restoration Plan

After some time, the two started to tell each other live's experience.

Layan was happy two have two prestigious masters to rebuilt a new order on sane bases devoid of mistakes accumulated over millennia's like the fear and denial of the dark side instead of accepting it and accepting the fact that the dark side can't be destroyed.

He left when he saw that conversation didn't seem to end and started to tour around the future building sites.

As the droids have arrived, they could start to create a real settlement rather than an encampment. The place they chose to build it was near the Great Library, a vast amount of ruins was located here which would serve as a base they would re-use the stones to build new houses.

Layan discussed it with Ood, even if he didn't care much about it, he would have to take care of this new order. Even if the old master acted as the leader in the eyes of everyone, he told Layan that he believed the force acted through him and that the actions for the future were for him to take.

The lessons were canceled for today and the Ysannas, previously a nomadic people start to build true durable homes for their sake. The idea may be problematic for any other people as they had to change their traditions to them, on the other hand, it was a purpose. They finally will become and jedis and thus were reclaiming the ruins to live like their ancestors.

Under their efforts and the help of the CLL-M2 heavy lifter droids, the town's first stone was put down. The settlement would be small at the beginning as it needed to accommodate only 200 peoples most of them being family members with each other.

Lower in the valley, near the entrance of the canyon where Ood was located for the time being. Previously, a river was going down this canyon. The plan was to make it flow again and use it to supply the future town in water and serve as a near water source to help the field crops grow.

The 100 Mark II Z3-NO landscaping droid had already started to dig the ground and pulverize every rock in the future location of the fields crop. The fields started to take shape at a fast pace even if for the time being it was just an outline. In a bit more than a day, the field would be ready and the seeds will be sown.

The Mark II Z3-NO landscaping droid is roughly shaped like a dome with several appendages. It has all sort of tools used in the agricultural domain, it can take care of the fields, create one, or change the environment. Ossus soil may be almost infertile but with the help of these droids and the jedis abilities, this world will be green again in some years.

Layan walked through these places and looked as this place was slowly changing for the better. After this walk, he joined back Ood and Vima.

"So did your conversation helped you even a bit Vima?"

The crone was a precious asset, but Layan was still concerned about her mental state. Some think that the force has a consciousness, but it doesn't mean you have to obey every vision. It could prove to be treacherous, that's why Layan was still cautious of the old woman despite his admiration for her and her family.

She turned around and looked at him as if he said something wrong.

"Vima isn't crazy. Vima doesn't need help."

"Sure, you were living in the streets like a beggar, you a once-proud Jedi and last remaining known member of the Sunrider bloodline, but you don't need help. Let's not forget you call yourself by your name."

The old woman stopped when he said that, and her expression changed. Ood seem a bit sad about the condition of his friend's descendant and talk to reassure her.

"We'll slowly work on it. You suffered for years. You can't recover in a day."

The mood was a bit downcast, but what was annoying Layan more wasn't her mental state but the fact that the Sunrider family will end in this way. Maybe he was a bit insensible but ever since his reincarnation he felt a bit disconnected from reality.

"I'll need you to indicate me the way to the water source in the mountain you talked for irrigating the crops, after this, we'll teach everyone how to use Plant Surge to help it grow and then the droid may take over this task."

"Yes, after this only a small group will be needed to watch over the droids and crops, and we will be able to build the settlement and repair the library."

Layan travelled on his speeder bike toward a mountain in the north, where the stream was coming from according to Ood. The mountain was steep, he had to continue on foot as his speeder bike couldn't go up the steep, and was using force jump often as climbing up the old way would have been a bother. The mountain was showing no signs of life, but a recess coming from up the mountain down the ground was showing signs of erosion. It was the only sign showing that a stream was once coming from this mountain.

Following this recess, he arrived high in the mountain and saw large rocks piled up naturally maybe after an earthquake and drops of water flowing slowly between the boulders. Opening the bag, he was carrying, he took out a grenade and stick it to the wall before pressing the red button and hurry to push himself out of the explosion blast radius.

A few seconds later, the grenade exploded, and the rocks were either reduced to pieces or blasted away under the explosion blast. Finally, water flow down once again on the mountain soil, when water reaches down the mountain, it took his old course back toward the canyon where the future field crops will be located.

Water was present on Ossus, that's why herbs grew on the surface even though they were scarce, what was hindering their growth was the radiation level at the surface, but it was alleviated when Ood Barn used the force to send it at the surface of the planet, and the effects were stronger in the vicinity of master Barn.

Heading back, Layan found a group of twenty Ysannas and started to teach the force skill known as Plant Surge.

"Plant Surge, also called Consitor Sato, allowed the user to improve the plant's growth and even affect how it grows. It can be used in battle, making grow the plants at incredible speed to hinder your opponent and neutralizing him with minimum violence. I'll teach you the basics, this ability is one of the simplest of all, you have to draw on the Force and channeling of life energy into plants. The way to use it in battle will come later."

Raising his right hand, seeds flew out of the crates beside him and hovered in front of each one of the Ysannas before him.

"Open your hands. Now focus on the seed in your hands and channel the force inside it. The force is a living energy when you channel energy inside the seed, it stimulates the growth of the plant."

They did as Layan said, and soon, seeds inside their hands started to open and germinate.

"Now all you have to do is to plant it in the ground. Now starts again, but focus the force directly inside the ground."

He raised his hand once again and hundreds of seeds flew into the air before landing into the holes dug by the landscaping droids. Then dirt fell on it and closed the holes.

The Ysanna focused on the force to channel the force, those who found it more complicated but their hand on the ground as they found it easier. A few minutes later all seeds germinated and patches of green started to appear all over the newly established crop field.

"You see. Pretty easy."

Taking their turn, he channeled the force into the ground and plants started to grow a speed visible to the naked eye until reaching a good size and soon were ready to be harvested.

"Now you'll have to do the same with all the other types of seeds in all the crop field surface. Fortunately, we are just a bit more than 200, otherwise, you would do this for weeks without stops."

After this, Layan left them to work by themselves and headed toward the building site of the settlement. Now that the stream was flowing once again, the droids could pump water into an internal reservoir to moisten and water the plants to grow.

At the settlement building site, Lyn was giving a hand with the force to lift all the debris and the building materials of the new settlement. She had a big smile on her face as she could now use the force daily for all sorts of tasks.