
Assassination on Corellia

Later, both Inception and Slave I exited hyperspace outside of Corellia.

"Follow me. I know where to find a good spot to hide our ships." Boba said over the coms. As the two ship entered the planet's atmosphere, Boba lead Dak to an isolated spot outside of the Corellian city, where the two ships then landed. Boba walked out of his, guns loaded, while Dak exited his ship, dragging two speeders, which they had loaded into the ship from Utapau, behind him. Once they were out, Boba and Dak got on the speeders and took off towards the town. As they reached the edge of the town walls, boba gave the signal to slow down, stopping at a cliff overlooking the town. Dak soon pulled up next to him.

Bobs dismounted and motioned for Dak to follow him, which he promptly did. The two reached the edge of the cliff and looked down at the town. Turning on their rangefinders, they looked down to a large building Boba pointed out that was in front of the cliff they were on at the back end of the town.

"That's Proxima's hideout," Boba said, "It may not look like it from here, but it's heavily guarded. She won't be easy to get to."

"Well, does she have some kind of personal room or something?" Dak asked.

"From what I've heard, she hides out in a large chamber at the front of the building, and the only way to get in there from out here is by a small window, and that's assuming we can get past the guards."

"Maybe we don't have to get inside." Dak said after a moment of thought.

Boba was confused, "What do you mean?"

"If the window's big enough, we can use our jets to sneak to it, and then blast Proxima when she shows us and has her back to us."

"Kid, you might actually be onto something," Boba said, impressed. Then he pointed to a ledge on the building, "There, we can fly up to that ledge and make our way down from there."

"Good idea," Dak said. With that, the two Mandos slowly made their way a bit closer to the town, then activated their boosters, flying up to the ledge. Luckily, it was wide enough for a person to walk on, and the hunters had little trouble getting to the window. Before they turned the corner, Dak noticed something and quickly held Fett back.

"What is it?" Boba asked.

"Camera droids," Dak replied, "We must be at the front of the building now."

"Great, that's definitely going to be a problem."

"Relax, Fett. I have just the thing," Dak said, holding out a small cluster of marble sized balls, each with a glowing blue light on them.

"What are they?" Boba asked.

"EMP grenades; a little something my covert gave me as a farewell gift. They should do the trick."

"Let's hope so." Fett said.

Dak nodded, then said: "You might want to step back a bit."

As soon as Fett obliged, Dak drew his arm back, and hurled the devises in the direction of the camera droids. As soon as they reached the droids, they detonated, sending out a burst of electricity that fried all the droids surrounding the window. Dak looked back over after the devices went off.

"All clear," he whispered to Fett, and the two made it to the window. It was about the size of a dinner plate, but it was big enough for someone to stick a gun through it. Unfortunately, it was extremely tinted so it would be hard to see if anyone was inside. The good news; it looked like it had recently been repaired, albeit not very well, so breaking the window would be quick and easy.

"Looks like we'll need to watch through our rangefinders." Dak said, activating his.

"Agreed," Fett said, doing the same. As they looked through the wall, they could see a gathering of thugs there, but Lady Proxima had not yet appeared. Fortunately, the window was tinted enough that no one would see the two hunters waiting outside the window

"So what got Proxima on the Hutts' naughty list, huh?" Dak asked as they waited.

"I don't know the full story," Fett replied, "but from what I heard, two of her thieves escaped with a piece of valuable goods, I think they were the ones who broke this window."

"And that didn't go over well with the Hutts?"

"I guess not."

"Well, alright then."

Just then Boba place a restraining hand on Dak's shoulder: "Shhhh. Keep it down now. She's here."

As Dak watched through the wall with his helmet he saw a serpentine figure rise from some pool in the center of the room. The figure resembled the hologram on the bounty puck exactly; it was Lady Proxima.

"Now what?" Dak asked softly.

Boba slowly took out his rifle and whispered, "Now we wait for her to turn her back."

They did not have to wait long, as Proxima almost immediately turned her back to the two. Dak pulled out his own rifle and aimed at the window, asking: "Now?"

Boba waited a few seconds, then said: "Now."

The two hunters immediately fired, breaking the window and sending multiple bolts into Proxima's head. Boba immediately got a picture of the body on a holo-camera, and then immediately turned to run. Dak quickly followed him as they dodged bolts coming from the guards inside.

"Now what?" Dak asked.

"Now we just get back to the ships and get the hell out of here!" Boba responded. They got to the ledge where they could see the cliff their speeders were parked. They readied themselves to take off, but then a blaster bolt lance right in between them, catching them off guard. Looking in the direction the bolt came from, they saw two figures at the bottom of the cliff: one was a human in a brown outfit and white head wrap, the other was a green alien with a very wide hat and carried a bowcaster.

"Other bounty hunters?" Dak asked.

Boba growled in frustration: "Dengar and Embo. Probably here to take the bounty right from us."

"So what now?" Dak asked.

Boba Fett raised his gun: "Fly over them to the speeders, and pour some heat on em'!"

Once Dak unholstered both his EE-3 rifles, the two Mandos activated their boosters and shot over the two hunters on the ground, firing down at them as they flew. Dengar and Embo were forced to duck for cover. Then, Dak and Boba landed at the top of the cliff, where the speeders were waiting. There was just one problem; the two speeders were disabled.

"Dammit!" Boba yelled: "They were following us!"

"We can still fly there!" Dak said, "Come on!" and he took off towards the ships, Boba following close behind him. A few minutes later, they made it to the two ships.

"Hurry! Get inside the ships!" Dak yelled.

"Not gonna argue with that!" Boba yelled, running inside Slave I. Dak ran inside Inception, shot into the cockpit seat, and furiously began switching on the controls. Both ships roared to life, but as they were about to take off, a blaster bolt bounced off of the glass of Dak's cockpit. As he looked out, he saw Dengar and Embo running up, wildly firing at the two ships. Suddenly, a circular object thudded of the cockpit window.

Dak looked in surprise: "Did he just throw his hat at my ship!?"

"Yeah, Embo does that. Don't ask." Boba replied.

"Oh no," Dak said angrily in response, "You did NOT just hit my ship!" immediately, he turned on the forward guns and fired at the two hunters. The blast of the shot sent the two sprawling on the ground, buying the two Mandos enough time to lift off and fly out of Corellia.

"Yeah, that's what you get!" Dak yelled behind him as they flew out of the atmosphere.

"Nice shooting, kid." Boba said over the coms.

"Thanks," Dak replied, "So where to now?"

"I've just sent the footage of Proxima's death to the client for this job. We should get paid soon. For now, let's head back to Utapau for some quick R&R."

"Agreed. That was way too close for comfort at the end there."

"You're gonna have to get used to it. Bounty hunters will do that to each other all the time, especially if the pay is exceptionally good."

"Well alright then. Any more tips?"

"Actually no. You were pretty good back there, disabling the droids and what not. I'd say you're a natural hunter."

"Thanks. So, Utapau it is?"

"Indeed. And just a heads up, this is gonna look really good on our resumes."

With that, the two ships shot off into hyperspace, bound for Utapau once again.