
Star Wars: Empires rise and fall

Waking up on a strange ship? Understandable. Waking up to robotic entities defining me as their supreme commander? Explainable. Waking up only to find that said ship is about to pass the event horizon of a monstrous black hole? Bullshit! ____ This story will be about our MC (Marcus O’Neal) finding himself in a universe once thought fictional. Starting with only a Harrower-class dreadnought, read as Marcus will build an empire within the unknown regions and once again show the galaxy the strength of the technology produced during the Great Galactic War! ____ I clearly don't own Star Wars, The cover does not belong to me and if the owner wishes for me to change it then let me know. ——— So I guess I need to inform you guys that Marcus will not like aliens, he will view himself and humans in general are better. You will see aliens enslaved, killed, and so on. (This message was brought by haters who want to describe Marcus as hitler for simply thinking Humans are better than aliens. Fictional aliens, aliens who are not real…)

Harbinger9901 · Movies
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23 Chs


Another short chapter again, read the Author note

Marcus could be found laying on the floor while breathing heavily. His body felt scorched bye the seemingly endless amount of 'deaths' he encountered.

'I think it's about time I call it a break…' Marcus then forced himself upwards and began staggering towards the doorway with the medical bay as his destination.

Along the way, he encountered multiple CD droids who wanted to assist him but out of stubbornness, he refused every one of them. If he could not even walk such a short distance to the infirmary then what would he do if he was shot for real?

After moving a bit more, he soon arrived and laid on a futuristic table, and out of the corner of his eye, he spotted SN-21 watching him. He ignored her for now and undressed allowing his burnt body to be exposed. Marcus then spoke to seemingly no one.

"Begin burn recovery." Soon a mechanical arm came out of the side of the table and began spraying a bright blue liquid over the inflicted area. Marcus felt a chilling liquid appear over his body but ignored the feeling.

Once half an hour passed the mechanical arm retracted into the table causing Marcus to lean up and sit on the edge of the table.

SN-21 who remained to wait for her commander also stood up while bringing over a towel. Unbeknownst to Marcus, she was examining his body rather closely. He soon grabbed the towel and wiped his body down showing his skin unharmed as if he was never burned to begin with.

"What did you need SN?" Marcus asked while putting on fresh clothes.

"Commander I came to inform you of a couple of things. The first being that are mining ships within the Asteroid field that existed in the Odessen system had an encounter with pirates. The report indicated that we suffered no casualties and minimal damages thanks to the escort fleet." SN-21 informed Marcus as she returned to her seat and waited for his response.

"Do we know who these pirates are? Even so, it doesn't matter, increase the production of starships so that we can begin fortifying our Territory. What else is there that I need to be informed about?" Marcus just looked at her with tired eyes as he wanted to rest.

"I would suggest appearing for the people of Jakku, as of now they have only seen a robotic force and rumors are indicating that we are looking for something and once we find it we would abandon them. Letting the people know about you would allow them to place their praise somewhere." Marcus thought about it and soon nodded his head towards her suggestion.

"I suppose you're right as they only know of being a part of an unknown Empire. Showing my face would allow them to know who gave them salvation. Prepare a stage for me to give a speech tomorrow and broadcast it so the people of Jakku can see it please, I'm going to rest as I'm exhausted.

Hey, so should I add R-18? I don't think I would add any but if you all would want one I could try a trial version. For those who don't like to read that stuff ill put a warning so you can skip that section.

But I'll put ‘YES’ and ‘NO’ in the comments section and let it go on for a little bit to see. Just like whichever one you choose.

Yes for R-18

No for R-18.

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