
Disorderly Knight

After defeating his former master Darth Vader and Emperor Palpatine, Galen readies himself for lightspeed. Yet, an unforeseen hyperdrive malfunction alters his course, hurtling him back through time to the year 22 BBY.

Eletto · Movies
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

Galen pulled the young man upright to his feet, releasing the stasis restraint entirely. As Anakin rose, brushing sand from his robes, Galen allowed his lightsaber to power down with a deferential dip of his head.

"I am Galen. Galen Marek." He fell in beside Anakin, allowing the Jedi a moment to collect himself as they moved away from the scene of devastation. 




The twin suns had dipped low on the desert horizon by the time Galen and Anakin reached the young Jedi's battered starship. Galen eyed the conspicuously marked diplomatic cruiser with a furrowed brow as they approached.

"I did not take you for a Republic ambassador, Anakin Skywalker," he said carefully as the boarding ramp lowered with a harsh metallic whine. "Your... skills seem ill-suited to the bargaining table."

Anakin merely grunted, refusing to meet Galen's pointed stare as he led them up into the ship's interior. "You know about as much of my business as I know of yours, stranger."

The dimly lit main corridor opened up into a small central lounge area dominated by a curved dejarik hologram table. There was a surprising amount of comfort and elegance to the space, far more lavish than any utilitarian craft Galen had encountered.

It raised his suspicions further until a familiar presence rippled through the Force around them. He turned to see a beautiful young woman descending the curved central staircase, studying them with a mix of concern and curiosity.

There was an aristocratic elegance and poise about her despite the simple silken crimson gown and svelte figure. One look at Anakin's reaction was enough for Galen to sense the undercurrent between them.

The young Jedi froze, shoulders tensing as his hand instinctively strayed towards his utility belt. A warning glance from Galen stayed that defensive motion as the woman reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Anakin!" She swept forward, unconsciously arranging the sumptuous dress to accentuate her flowing movements. "I thought I heard the ship returning but - who is this?"

"Padme, I..." Anakin began, but trailed off helplessly. Clearing his throat, he gestured towards Galen. "This is Galen Marek. A... a Jedi, or so he claims."

There was the barest hint of doubt behind the words, but enough of an accusation for Padme's brow to crease in confusion.

"A Jedi?" She turned her warm brown gaze onto Galen, looking him up and down appraisingly. "I don't recall seeing you at the Temple before."

Galen met her inquisitive stare evenly. "That would be because I am no longer associated with the Order, milady. I was..... exiled long ago."

There was a pregnant pause as his meaning sank in, Padme's eyes widening slightly. Before she could respond, Anakin cut back in brusquely.

"Story for another time. We received a distress signal from Obi-Wan on Geonosis. He's been captured by the Separatists - we're going to him."

The young woman's mouth set into a hard line, chin lifting ever so slightly. Whether it was the familiar expression of a true leader or simply the body language of one experienced in disagreeing with Anakin directly, Galen couldn't tell.

"Obi-Wan again?" There was an undercurrent of frustrated affection behind her tone. "We were just on Tatooine trying to track down the bounty hunter who-"

"We don't have time for that now!" Anakin snapped, running an agitated hand through his sandy blonde hair. "The longer we wait, the more danger Master Kenobi is in."

Padme held up a placating hand, lips pursing. "I'm not questioning the need to aid Obi-Wan, Ani. I'm simply saying we should discuss a strategy before plunging headlong into-"

"There's no need."

Both woman and young Jedi turned in surprise at Galen's interjection. He met their matching stares with an unreactive calm long-practiced under Vader's brutal tutelage.

"With my abilities, we won't need some half-baked strategy or reinforcements to extract this so-called... Kenobi. I'll handle the Separatists. You can see your friend off this planet once I'm through."

A contemplative silence fell over the cabin. Anakin's jaw clenched, seemingly struggling against one of the emotional outbursts he was so prone to. Galen could feel his own stoicism grating against the young man.

For her part, Padme appeared unmoved by his blunt declaration. If anything, her expression softened with some deeper understanding as she studied Galen intently.

"How remarkably confident you are, Master...Marek," she said at last, an elegant hand resting lightly on Anakin's arm in a calming gesture. "Very, very much so," Galen responded, the confidence oozing out of his very being.

Anakin opened his mouth as if to object, but the ghost of a sad smile played across Padme's features.

"No, Anakin. I think we would be wise to let our... guests take the lead on this. Time may be of the essence, and his skills could be just what we need to overcome the Separatists on Geonosis." For a long beat, the young Jedi's jaw worked silently, a muscle twitching along that strong jawline. Then, almost imperceptibly, he seemed to deflate with an inward sigh of frustration.

"Very well," he bit out, meeting Galen's measuring gaze. "But regardless of whatever power you wield, Galen - we do this my way once planet-side. I need to help Obi-wan..."

With that, Anakin brushed past them both towards the cockpit, no doubt to lay in a course for the harsh, rocky world of Geonosis and whatever awaited them in the lair of the Separatist factories.

Padme watched him go, then turned those brilliant brown eyes back onto Galen with the faintest of smiles.

"Don't let his passion fool you, Master Marek. Inside beats the heart of a great Jedi." She absently brushed a stray chestnut lock behind one ear. "I just pray it doesn't also swallow his kind soul."

"Your concern is touching," Galen replied, allowing a measure of warmth to creep into his tone. "Though unnecessary. Anakin's inner conflicts are clear to me."

He gestured for her to precede him towards the cockpit, already feeling the familiar thrum of the ship's ion engines spooling up.

"All beings walk the line between light and dark, mil-." Before he could finish, she cut him off. "Padme, just call me Padme."

Galen taken aback by this, obliged. "Padme, what matters is seizing hold of one's own destiny before it is wrested away. Been there done that, trust me."

With that, Galen swept past the curious young woman, already mentally steeling himself for the battles ahead to come on Geonosis. It would be his first true test of how to navigate this strange period of history he now found himself inextricably part of.