
Star Wars: Chronicles

The archive is discovered and the Chronicles saved. within are the legends of those who came before, Rogue Jedi, disobedient Soldiers, a god among lesser beings and so much more. Now their stories must be restored and their knowledge passed on. These are the resting place of eras long passed. These are the tales of beings shaping the galaxy. These are the Star Wars: Chronicles! Book one: Mantle of the Grey

Frank_Jennings · Movies
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chapter 2: The Trials

In a fraction of a second, before anyone could blink Cyn Dralig closed the distance between him and Arggaus. His drawn lightsaber descending upon the youngling with unprecedented speed. And yet his blade stopped dead as the young boy had pulled back with the master's movements and blocked his strike with the flat of his blade.

This impressed the master for a moment, but only a moment as he quickly pulled back and readied a follow up strike. He didn't so much as look as he blocked a predictable strike from behind on behalf of Jacinta. "A Jedi must be aware of his surroundings at all times" Dralig stated, spinning his lightsaber with Jacinta's blade before disarming him and force pushing him ten feet away. It was clear from the power behind the push that he was holding back and yet his attacks were still deadly. "And he must always be mindful of how he grips his weapon lest he leave himself defenseless" Dralig shouted as he lunged at Jacinta.

Just as his blade approached the boys quivering chest it was forced into the ground by a surprise downward swipe from Ahtani. "And a Jedi must always protect those who can't protect themselves" she exclaimed as she shot a sideways smile at Jacinta. Just as she did so she felt a powerful elbow right in her chest as she fell backwards dropping her blade with a clatter.

"You would be wise to avoid getting distracted young one!" and Dralig turned to face Ahtani. just as he did so he felt a twinge of force energy and noticed just in time the blade of Arggaus fast approaching his face. Shocked, surprised and impressed he ducked sideways as he turned his lightsaber up never getting the chance to block as he was force pushed against the wall by the combined power of Ahtani and Jacinta.

Arrgaus pressed his brief advantage to dash towards the fallen body of Cyn Dralig flanked by the other two younglings, blades in hand. "Number seven!" Arrgaus shouted as the other two grunted affirmatively in unison, switching their stances to mirror each other as they ducked in from either side. Arrgaus lunged forward both hands on his blade as he finished the maneuver. Dralig's reaction was instantaneous as like a dance he rose from the floor swung right and left disarming both younglings and then repeated the same disarming spin on Arrgaus that he had used on Jacinta previously.

in that brief moment in which he disarmed the three of them, his blade coming to rest against the throat of the young human boy he could not help but let out a chuckle. "An impressive showing young ones!" he announced, elated at their progress. "all that I've come to expect and more", as he finished speaking the calming whoosh of the saber switching off allowed them to be at ease.

"Thank you master, we were honoured to spar with you" Ahtani responded bowing again as the two boys joined her. As they all collected themselves and returned to a calmer state of mind, Dralig picking up and donning his robe again, the other masters returned from the viewing room smiling and analysing the younglings.

As they approached them all Mace Windu cleared his throat, "an impressive show to be sure, your progress is astounding though you do have more training required before you reach a knight's level". This illicited murmurs of agreement from the other masters as they looked the younglings up and down, talking amongst themselves and occasionally nodding.

"Then the next trial I would suppose, master Windu, I have no intention of failing them thus far" Cyn Dralig confirmed much to the. enthusiasm of the students waiting readily.

"Of course master Dralig" Windu responded, as Dralig led each youngling one by one into a separate side chamber each for their second trial. Windu entered shortly after into the room Arrgaus was led into, "for your next trial young one we will be observing how you handle a certain situation". Before Arrgaus could ask a question, Windu left the room and the door sealed behind him.

Without anything to distract him, Arrgaus couldn't help but notice the room around him. Realising that the room was wall to ceiling black marble with only two doors, the one he entered through and the one on the opposite end of the chamber. As he was thinking this to himself the door on the other side of the room slowly opened as a small figure entered the room.

It was Ahtani, looking as perplexed as he did as she walked up to him and stopped opposite Arrgaus. Before either could speak a voice echoed through the chamber and in their minds. "The next trial is simple" it stated, the voice itself unfamiliar. "You must battle each other and the victor will be allowed to continue on, only once their opponent is rendered unable to fight back". both gasped as this was told to them and two training sabers were deposited in front of them. Arrgaus couldn't help but struggle to work up the will to fight Ahtani, one of his best and oldest friends.

"I'm sorry Arrgaus", Ahtani mumbled the familiar thrum of the lightsaber igniting in her hand, taking her pose ready for combat. "One of us has to progress, we can't let this be for nothing, I truly hope you understand".

Taken aback, Arrgaus ignited his own saber and taking his stance as well. "I'm sorry too Ahtani, I didn't expect or want this to happen". Before he could change his mind he charged her position, lowering his blade to be ready for her attack. As he predicted, as he approached she swung her blade down at him only for Arrgaus to sweep right and spin his blade back and push Ahtani backwards onto her back foot.

He had just spun around as she tried to force push him away, he just raised his hand in time as they became locked into their power struggle. "Arrgaus you know why I have to get further, I can't lose this chance!" Ahtani shouted and for the briefest moment Arrgaus could sense a twinge of darkness coming from her. It shocked him just enough for her to overpower him and send him flying back, he landed well enough to recover his balance quickly and be on his feet ready for her follow-up attack.

Something was wrong about this whole situation, Ahtani had never shown such anger during any of their prior training and she had felt off since she walked in but he couldn't figure out why. "Ahtani what's going on?" Arrgaus called, raising his blade in a defensive stance. "This isn't like you at all!".

Ahtani shouted aggressively and jumped at Arrgaus attacking quickly and plentifully. "just.stop.fighting!" she screamed getting angrier and angrier, Her blade getting closer and closer to his face. "Let me win!" She shouted pulling back for another volley.

"Enough Ahtani!" Arrgaus retorted, his blade repeatedly meeting hers as they danced back and forth sparks flying everywhere. "I said, ENOUGH" and with one swift motion he pulled his blade back, swiped through her guard and destroyed the lightsaber in an instant. He shoved her to the ground and raised his saber for one final strike his rage bubbling to the surface. As he readied his strike, Arrgaus caught a glimpse of himself in the reflection of her fearful eyes. "No..this is wrong" he whimpered, lowering his saber to his side.

"There is no emotion, there is peace" he recited, calming himself and turning off his saber. Arrgaus reached his hand out towards Ahtani, "I'm sorry but I will not hurt another to gain power, it's wrong". silence fell upon the room as both just stared into each others eyes. Arrgaus smiling gently towards her.

After a long pause, Ahtani slowly raised her arm to meet his and a smile glance upon her face. "knew you had it in you", as she jumped up and hugged him catching Arrgaus off guard. Before he could react she hugged him tighter and then like mist she began to disperse in front of his very eyes. "good luck in your training, I look forward to watching you kids grow", disappearing after uttering those final words.

As he placed the saber upon the pedestal, the door to his left slid open again as Plo Koon entered the room. "I see you have passed the test young Arrgaus", Plo remarked the slightest hint of pride in his voice. Plo placed a hand upon his shoulder and guided Arrgaus back towards the main chamber.

"Yes, thank you master Plo", Arrgaus said smiling up at the Jedi master. " I was surprised at the trial master, I didn't expect to face a projection nor one that looked like a friend". Arrgaus looked a bit sullen but quickly recovered himself as they entered the main chamber with Ahtani waiting and Jacinta also just arriving.

Windu stepped forwards once more and cleared his throat. " Another trial passed younglings, only one remains. don't get complacent though, there is still a tough path ahead".

"Thank you master" the children responded, bowing once more. As they stood back up they heard the Central door open as Obi-wan stepped into the chamber again.

"The final trial is ready, masters"

thank you for reading! hope you all have a great day and I welcome any and all feedback!

May the force be with you! ?

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