A Star Wars SI story. A Scottish man wakes up in a foreign body after blacking out with the boys, then sets off to be the best damn space wizard there is. Posting on Royal Road. Support me on - pa.treon.com/DodgyWriter Discord - https://discord.gg/szr9ySJbAW The picture isn't mine, tell me if it's yours and I'll take it down.
Dashing through the hall I quickly approached the fight between Aayla and the droids. Upon arrival I was met with a busted droid with its chest cave in planted against the wall, along with 3 others doing their utmost to take down their adversary.
Coming from behind I throw a volley of lightning at their exposed backs, the electricity flowing from one droids to another. Completely break the first and stunning the last two, which gave Aayla the opportunity to rend both with her blue saber, taking them permanently out of commission.
"Thanks for the help, what happened to the skakoan?" She asked
Telling her the excuse I thought of, I explained "He committed suicide, blasted himself and fell into the molten metal along with the designs. Said the Separatist leaders wouldn't let him live If the plans fell into republic hands so he went on his own terms."
It only took a moment for Aayla to let the information sink in, stating "That's unfortunate, but that means the mission is now complete so lets get out of here before it blows"
That's a sentiment I can get behind.
"I'll contact the others just now" I said as I made a comm link with Bly.
After getting white noise through the speakers for a moment the call went through connecting me to the clone commander.
"Yes Commander?" he said.
"Have you managed to sent the explosives yet? Me and my master are done on our end" I told him.
In the background I could hear the footsteps of people running, "Explosives are ready sir, the mission went off without a hitch. Approaching the rendezvous point now" Bly replied.
"Solid job, we'll meet you soon then" I responded before disengaging the call.
Flying through the halls me and Aayla reach the ladder in no time at all, waiting for around a minute I heard foot steps approaching. Looking at a certain pathway, I watched on as the clones ran round the bend at high speeds.
"Move it boys, the quicker we're out of here the quicker we can stick it to the seppies" Daviss shouted to encourage the others.
With everyone here we started the climb, I could already hear the raging battle going on above us. And if the shakes of the ladder were anything to go by it wasn't stopping anytime soon.
As we climbed Aayla got in contact with HQ, "Tell the heavy units to retreat back from the base. Everyone at the back entrance should focus fire to cover our retreat." she ordered her subordinates.
With the army soon to be informed all we had to do was prepare our selves to escape the facility while under heavy fire, an easy task right?
As the first one to reach the top I opened the hatch of everyone else, pushing the heavy object to the side and vaulting out I gave the clones a hand getting on their feet.
We quickly sorted the formation for escaping, Aayla at the front, me back and the rest in the middle.
Rushing through the halls it wasn't long till the raging sound of the battle intensified. The path we were running down began to open up to a larger area, blue and red blaster bolts whizzing in opposite directions along with the occasional rocket. All the while droids mechanically marched forwards towards the exit.
Not wasting any time we charged out into the fray, blue and purple lightsabers deflected shots constantly while the clones fired on the targets blocking our path.
Whenever there was a chance I threw lightning as well as blaster bolts at the variety of droids we passed. One specific shot smashed through a dwarf spider droid's eye, causing it to explode in the face of a couple B2's bringing them along with it.
Speedily approaching the large doors, a distinct firing sound was heard through the clatter of warfare. Following it a sniper bolt flew at me at high speeds, almost hitting my shoulder but luckily I managed to block in the the nick of time. A few shots later the sniper must've realised he wasn't getting anywhere with me and decided to change his target.
Holding fire, the changed to aim at the clones we were escorting. With great precision the red bolt of plasma tore through the air, only stopping when it hit a clones chest.
"Bly!" Screamed a clone, quickly dropping to check his commander.
With the Commander hit, the men surrounded their fallen superior not wanting to leave him behind.
My mind raced as I came up with a temporary solution to the problem. Grasping random items around us with the force, I dragged them in front of us to create a make-do barrier.
Turning round to face the clones I shout "Hurry up and give him a stim, the barrier wont hold for long"
By the time I finished parts of the barrier were already being blew off but it should buy enough time to save Bly.
Watching on as Bly had Bacta spray applied on him by Inc while Daviss stabbed his neck with a stim. The current Bly looked far from healthy, A large charred hole was visible on the lift side of his chest, he should be fine but if the sniper hit the other side of his chest he wouldn't have been walking out from here today.
As the clones zealously patched up Bly, large chunks of the roof were falling off due to the fighting going on.
With an idea springing to the forefront of my mind I scanned the roof, seeing several weak point I called Aayla over to tell her my plan.
Quickly explaining it to my master Aayla replies, "It's worth a shot. Men! fire at the roof, we'll bring the roof down on them".
The clones with new orders swapped their target to the roof of the facility, while they done that me and Aayla focused on the several weak points. Feeling the force swirling around them we pulled as hard as we could.
More and more part fell to the ground as it struggled to withstand the assault, and with a strong cracking noise resounding for everyone to hear the roof passed the point of no return. The entire area in front of us started to cave in, the debris crushing scores of droids.
With our backs covered we made a hasty escape before the cave in could reach us. Slinging Bly over my should I say "Sorry about this mate" as I ran at full speed to the exit, probably causing the clone commander a severe amount of pain.
Bits of clutter crashed all around us as we dashed the final distance to the exit. With every step we took the cave in drew closer, crushing everything in it's path as it engulfed the large corridor.
Flying through the exit gap, we kept our speed up as soon after rubble crashed against the strong durasteel door. The door held up nicely, only letting a small amount through the gap in the middle.
Letting go of the breath I was holding in I relax momentarily, glad that we escaped in time without anyone getting squashed is always a good feeling.
Taking Bly off my should as gently as possible, I laid him down om the grass as the other clones check on him while Aayla called for help.
"We need a speeder for Commander Bly, he's heavily injured" she said through her comm.
Kneeling down beside Bly I start to perform some healing on him, it won't fix it since the wound is so bad but it'll help with the pain till he gets to a bacta tank.
Placing my hand over his wound my eyes close as I use the force on his injury. As I done that the charred back bits of flesh around the would began to fall off as the new pink flesh grew in behind. After that I cleaned the would of the excess blood and dirty to lower the chances of infection. By the time I was done his wound looked much better if you'd just ignore the hole but the bacta will sort that out.
The medic team lifted him onto a stretcher and raced back to HQ to get him patched up leaving us to link up with the main force.
"Good job back there Lycan, that mission wasn't anything to scoff at but you handled yourself expertly" Aayla complimented me as we drove speeders around the mountainous terrain.
"I'm just glad we're done with it, I'm sick of the rain on this planet" I replied.
"I agree my attire isn't the most appropriate for places like this" she said after chuckling at my respone.
Not like I'm complaining, seeing Aayla soaking wet like this is one of the only good things about being here.
"General the troops have evacuated far enough from the base" Daviss interjected with a piece of information.
"Very well, you may detonate the explosives at will" Aayla responded giving the clone an answer he definetely liked if what he said next was anything to go by.
Taking through his comms Daviss said "Tell the boys to get ready for the fireworks" as he cut the call and pulled out the remote detonator.
"Hey, are we far enough away?" I asked Daviss before he pressed the button.
"Yes sir" he replied, hovering his finger over the detonator. "...Hopefully at least" he whisper and pressed down on the detonator.
There were a few moments of lag before we started to feel quakes coming from the direction of the base, the heavy tremors shook the earth, uprooting trees and throwing rocks around. Then came the explosion, the mountain the base was built on was tore apart, giving way for a massive fiery eruption that began to form a mushroom cloud that floated over the base. While we watch over the destruction of the base I heard what seemed like a light roar heading in our direction. Quickly covering my ear we were blasted by the sound waves from the explosion, I tried to block my eardrums with the force but it was still incredibly loud, it felt like someone was screaming in my ear.
As quickly as it came, it passed, saving my ear drums from further injury. Everyone just kind of stared at ear other for a moment, while Daviss revelled in the destruction he just caused.
"That was beautiful" Daviss said emotionally making me roll my eyes at the explosion maniac.
"Right lets head back to HQ so we can inform the republic about our success" Aayla said getting cheers from the other clones as we drove off into the distance.
Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.
End of the Escander arc, back to Corusant next chapter. If you've any ideas about the his bar leave a comment.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Creation is hard, cheer me up!