
Sawtooth must Die

I don't own Star Wars


"…Nice ship." Oswin noted as Athena entered in behind him, glancing around as Nerri and Lala aimed weapons on him.

"You can probably put those down." Oriana noted as they hesitated, I shrugged as Oswin took off his weapons belt and left them hanging near the door.

We talked about the Sawtooth problem, and have agreed to Oswin's proposal. However Lala and Nerri are less than trusting of him even though Lala had heard of his family… she's heard of the FIremane's too but apparently didn't recognize me so, what does she know?

"No weapons. See? Not here to fight you guys…" Athena's warrior eyes however continued to flick around the ship, on Lala and Nerri, then me standing besides Oriana.

"So. What's your plan?" I asked as Oswin stared at me.

"…Kill Sawtooth?" he said simply as Athena slapped her forehead. "Look. You don't understand something." He said entering the ship, "He's a predator, a hunter, a killer, he could just pop out of nowhere-" he suddenly jumped, as if expecting a sudden attack, and when none came, he breathed easy. "And kill everyone." He pointed at me, "But he wants to FIGHT you, and kill you… and I'm pretty sure he's going to kill me too once he think's I've helped him… I just want him gone."

"…So you have no plan?" Oriana groaned as Athena managed to growl.

"I am as surprised as you are about that."

"Shooting him until he stops coming at me was the best I've come up with and that hasn't worked." Oswin declared angrily, "What do you want from me?"

"So this is less about a plan and more about throw as many bodies at him as you can until he dies?" Oriana noted as I snorted.

"…I should just hit him then." I noted, "…And this time claw his throat out." I replied, flicking out my claws for emphasis as Oswin sighed.

"…Actually. If he knows that you're helping him…" Lala noted, "Wouldn't he know you're coming to Kal with the offer to help HIM instead?" Oswin blinked at her. "…I mean, don't get me wrong… but him asking for help from you doesn't sound like something he would do… from what I know about Sawtooth from working with Tulba…"

Athena suddenly turned her attention to Oswin. "…Asking for help from you DOES sound like something he wouldn't do…"

"Oh what twisted logic is THAT?!" snarled Oswin, "So… what, he asks me for help. I come to Kal, we join forces and Sawtooth just… PLANNED for all that?"

"…Not necessarily Sawtooth but maybe his sister Helesh." Lala replied as Oswin groaned.

"I don't NEED that… I don't need the paranoia! Can't we just fucking SHOOT them!? And then cut their heads off? Does it have to be so fucking complicated?!"

"…He's really gotten under your skin." I noted.

"He keeps trying to kill me! He sees the challenge!" he pointed to his eyes then at me, "And tries to overcome it and keeps respawning like a fucking monster!"

"…Then perhaps he sees Kal as a challenge, and facing you both is the goal." Nerri noted thoughtfully.

"Noooo no no no…" Oswin snarled. "…Sawtooth is not that smart."

"…What we need." Oriana noted, rubbing her forehead. "…Is an expert at killing monsters then, right?" She stepped away, from this lovely group conversation as she went to the elevator.

"Who do you know that has killed a guy like Sawtooth?" Oswin asked.

Bzzzz…. Bzzzzz….bzzzz…

"Luna IV sheriff's department. Sheriff Killa Firemane speaking."


"Aah! AHHHHGh-GLUCK!!" the imperial trooper did under my vibroknife, as I sighed, reveling in the kill as my Sister hissed a rather bored.

"Brother… Tulba has another job for us." She noted as I sniffed, smelling the blood.

"…But we are not done here…" I replied as Sister picked up a blaster and fired multiple times into the corpses around us, many hissing groaning sighs.

"Brother if you want to keep your appointment with Oswin and The Firemane, we will have to keep Tulba happy."

"NNnmn…" I snapped the neck of a trooper absently before getting to my feet. "True Sister. True… what does she wish?"

"Oh… the usual, a welcher on a bet…" she hissed quietly. "We should deal with him quickly enough…"

"…Was that really important?" I replied curiously, "…We are not done here yet. The supplies of this vessal have not been procured regardless of the fun we are having…"

"…Ever since you took that crate to the head brother you have been surprisingly eloquent." I moved across the corpse field to grip her tightly around the face, grinning down at my pretty sister as she stared at me concerned.

"Isn't it FASCINATING?!" I replied, squeezing her, "It's as if something was… knocked into place?!"

"…Fascinating indeed brother." She declared as I let go.

"A pity then that my reunion with the FIremane and Oswin will have to wait a little while Longer, we must not keep Tulba waiting, it would be annoying if she dropped a bounty on us."


I glanced at the com my sister held as she answered. "Ossswin…" I hissed as the figured appeared looking grim and annoyed.

"Hey. Sawtooth. Your guy, Kallus. He's going to be dropping off some smuggler crates on a moon called Eldor. I figured it's the best time for an ambush, and I'm not waiting around for you to show up, so you better be there or the deals off."

I GRINNED at Oswin, my sawteeth shining. "Clever… Tell me. What kind of moon is it?"

"Forest." He replied simply, looking irritated. "Seriously Sawtooth I'm not waiting around for your shit."

"No…. it's perfect!" I growled happily as my sister grinned. "We shall meet there as soon as we can." Helesh hung up, glancing at me.

"And what about Tulba?"

"What about Tulba?" I grinned, "…She'll just have to wait a little longer for her bail jumper."


"Does it REALLY matter? Credits are credits…" my sister and I went deeper into the ship, "This is MUCH more fun!!"


"Kallus Kane." The beautiful green twi'lek stared at us with a half smile before she let her eyes flicker onto Oswin who stared at her with awe, then me. "And Oriana… we have been worried about you. I'm glad to see you are not harmed."

"Killa FIREMANE? Protégé of Blackjaw?!" Oswin mumbled, "How do you have her on speed-dial!?"

"She's our cousin-in-law." Kallus supplied as Killa stared at his face.

"Kallus why are you wearing-"

"That's not important at the moment Killa." I interrupted. "We need to know how to kill someone like BLackjaw?"

"…Why? Blackjaw is dead." Killa replied confidently, "I killed him myself."

"If I had a cathar for everytime I heard THAT one…" Oswin mumbled as Athena growled, "I… wouldn't care because I have you… my dear." He noted as she seemed to accept that.

"His son, Sawtooth is after Kal…" I noted as Killa raised a curious eyebrow. Or at least she would if she had eyebrows.

"…Well. His spawn aside… you just need people." She said as we listened to her, "BLackjaw was a monster but we killed him, together, my husband helped me by running a weapon through his chest." She eyed us all. "…The first problem you need to deal with is the fear of BLackjaw… or, Sawtooth I supposed. Put that out of your mind… second. DO you want to be honorable or not? I did. I tried… but I couldn't do it alone…"

"So what do we do?" Oswin asked, "How do we kill him?"

"…Well that's a stupid question. Shoot him. Blast him, slash him, dismember him." Killa replied coldly. "Blow him up! Trick him into a trap! It's not hard! Killing a monster is all mental. You want this Sawtooth to die? Kill him…" she said simply.

"Easier said than done." Oswin mumbled, "I've been trying for years."

"Well. Here's a thought." Killa noted, eyeing Oswin. "Get him on the ground. CUT OFF HIS HEAD." She replied flatly. "…Oriana." She looked at me. "Lure him into a trap. Set up a killing ground and put him down, nobody has to face him one on one…"

Kal scoffed at that, I knew he certainly WANTED to.

"Stuff your pride in a box Kallus Kane, I don't care about your honor." She noted as Kallus pouted. "My job is to keep you alive. You're family." She said sternly. "Oriana… call me if you need help with this."

"Of course." I replied as Killa Firemane smiled at us and hung up.

"…It can't be that simple." Oswin mumbled dejectedly.

"Sounds simple to me." Athena mumbled, "You all have been thinking like you need to face him one on one, but Killa was right… this isn't a fucking arena match. This is bounty hunting… so let's fuck him up."

"…We need planet and a killing ground. A good ambush spot." I noted, "Anyone got a place?"

"…There's a smuggler's moon." Oswin mumbled thoughtfully, "It's not used so much by the pros anymore, so it's probably ripe for usage again. It's got plenty of forest, it's a favorite hunting ground of Sawtooth. "I say we go there early, scout the place, and make camp…" he pulled out his com. "…I'll contact him and set up the trap…" he said, as I nodded.

"Good. Lala go get Rattletrap, and Nerri get anything else we need. Ammunition, food, bombs. Whatever…"

"Got it." Nerri noted as Lala skipped out of the cockpit leaving me alone with Kal.

"…You REALLY wanted to face him alone didn't you?" I replied as the mask turned off, he looked sheepish.

"I can't say I didn't want to." he replied. "I beat him before."

But that wasn't true. I needed to activate the failsafe last time. And I can't risk doing that again, not just because my life could be endangered but a Berserk Kallus Kane is a danger to everyone, especially himself.

"Leave the macho in the ring." I noted, getting to my feet and poking his chest as I smiled. "YOU being alive is what Aunt Kavilla would want, and she wouldn't mind if we just blasted Sawtooth out of the sky to do it." I added. The possibility of him jumping out of nowhere and ambushing us like Oswin described was less than ideal.

"Fine…" he mumbled childishly.

I smiled, leaned up and kissed him as he moaned into my mouth, his hands wrapping around my waist to hold me… hard to believe that he could be so strong and gentle, but so damn single minded…

It made him just… So… easy to manipulate…

"We'll just take care of it." I said calmly, rubbing his face. "Then it's back to the mask, back to underground fighting, and back to avoiding the Cromwell eyes…

"Hmmp…" he mumbled, sniffing my hair as he held me. I sniffed him too, sweat, and Body odor. He hadn't bathed since his last fight… I liked how he smelled. But… we should get him cleaned up. I need to keep him calm… I took his hand in mine.

"…Let's get you cleaned up… I'm not going to smell you the entire trip." I replied playfully as he picked me up. "Ooh!"

"…Are you going to wash me?" he growled like a hungry, horny animal. I can't deny how Kal makes me feel, how he has always made me feel… He was an animal, The Red Wolf, The Devil's Dog, the Kane's Attack Dog… Kal was a Dog in heat and I was his bitch…

It makes me happy… and sad at the same time. But I will HAPPILY be his bitch if he just stays this way. My Kallus… safe and alive.

"You can be such a perv." I noted with a grin as he nuzzled me, carrying me to the showers as I heard Oswin speaking to Sawtooth. "…Who do you get that from?"

"Must be the Firemane genes…" he replied playfully and proceeded to spread them inside me in the shower.

End of Chapter