
Rise of the Wolf

I don't own Star wars

The ship slid into the massive station known as New Nar Shaddaa, owned and controlled by the Underworld Queen Babayaga.

"Okay!" Lala cheered as Oriana parked the ship, seconds before it gave out an ominous rumble. "First things first! We got to find someone cheap to fix the ship… and while we're at it we got to get us some credits…"

"Why?" I asked crossing my arms as she rolled her eyes. "Don't we have enough?"

"For gear? Food? AND repairs? No. We should probably get the repairs first…" she said thoughtfully.

Oriana sighed, and got out of the chair, wrapping her arm around mine and dragging me out. "We know a guy… so we can probably work something out."

"We do?" I asked surprised as she put her finger on my lips.

"We do. But YOU." She pointed firmly at Lala. "Need to stay."

"Whaaaaat…" pouted Lala, "But I'm the leader!" she whined as Nerissa rolled her eyes behind Lala.

"And you have a BOUNTY ON YOUR HEAD! This is a scum and villainy type a place we don't need the heat until the ship is fixed up!" Lala's mouth opened and closed repeatedly, trying and failing to find words…

"Now that that is settled I'll hit a bar…" Nerri said, apparently settling the matter. "I need to ask about my former captain and eventual lunch." She growled.

"…You aren't actually going to eat him, are you?" Oriana asked nervously.

"Metaphor." Nerri said coolly as our ramp opened and left Lala pouting in the cockpit. "I'm going to rip his throat open with my teeth."

"You and Kal are so WEIRD sometimes…" she mumbled as Nerri waved us over her shoulder, "Don't go too far!" she shouted, dragging me in the opposite direction, glancing at the crudely marked directions on the wall. "He should be nearby…"

"Who? I asked as we turned a corner and sure enough there was a repair shop in a sort of strip mall like area. I actually smiled as I saw the sign.

"Rattletrap's repair and crap." I said slowly, chuckling to myself as she dragged me along. We entered it just behind a group of weequay, they smelled drunk.

One of them, taller than the others cursed softly. "Aw… that big titled bimbo's gone!" he gestured to a rather twitchy protocol droid, "Shit… what a waste of time."

"Hey! When's the bimbo get back?" another said as Oriana rolled her eyes, "We want to talk to her not you… you… hunk of scrap you…"

"I am not at liberty to say when Ms. Dolly will return. Now may I assist you?" the droid said politely as one of them hurled his bottle toward the droid. A blue light flickered around it, a personal shield of some sort, shattering the bottle. It seemed unimpressed. "I am sorry. Could you repeat that?" it asked as another guy laughed and hurled another bottle. "I am sorry. Could you repeat that?"

"Hey knock it off!" shouted a somewhat familiar voice as a jawa came skidding from around the corner. "If you're not here for work then go away!"

"Hey half-pint where's that full-figured goddess at?!" the first weequay asked, leaning over the counter as if expecting to see this 'Ms. Dolly' come out of nowhere. "She's the only reason anyone comes into this shit hole…"

"Dolly ain't here and she ain't INTERESTED! Go away!" Rattletrap shouted, shaking a wench angrily at them.

"Psfht!" the third weequay said, "I bet she's just sleeping…" he then leaped over the counter, "Grinning lecherously. "Let's go see-FUCK!" the wench hit him dead in the nose and clattered on the counter.

"…Kal…" Oriana said knowingly as Rattletrap. Now unarmed after accurately throwing his Wench glared at the drunk weequay as blood flowed from his nose.

"You little shit!" he shouted, reaching for a blaster at his waist.

I moved faster than he drew. Sliding in a spiral on the counter as I swung my leg into his face, sending him hurtling back over the counter at his friends' feet as his blaster spun towards Oriana's slightly raised foot. Then in the same movement, I lunged back over the counter, growling at the others.

"Leave." I snarled, baring my teeth at them like a dog raising its hackles.

"Fuck you!" the first one snarled unimpressed and drew his blaster only to find that I threw the wrench and it slammed hard into his chest as he grunted. "Fuck!" but my bad aim was enough to let me get close, griping his blaster as it went off into his friend's shoulder, he fell shrieking to the floor as I slammed my forehead into his nose with a brutal headbutt, slamming my foot against his ankle, forcing him to kneel as he screamed and felt my knee against his chin as his head banged on the counter.

The third weequay, realizing he was two guys short, raised his hands defeatedly and scampered out of the shop as Oriana held the door open. "Kal." She said smiling proudly as I took the two moaning and crying weequay and hurled them out the door, they flew high through the air and slammed into a railing that stopped them from taking a four-story fall…

Oriana let the door shut and she smiled at the Jawa, who just now seemed to be realizing that he recognized us. "Hi Rattletrap!" she grinned as the Jawa seemed to cheer up immediately.

"Oriana!" he vaulted over the counter into her arms, giving her a quick hug as she dropped him onto the ground. "Look at you! So pretty!" she seemed to blush coyly, apparently very proud of her prettiness when Rattletrap complimented her. "And! And don't tell me!" he turned, approaching me and slapping my leg fondly, the easiest part of me he could reach. "Kallus Kane! I haven't seen you since your family reunion like… I don't even remember ago!"

About 10 years. Give or take… one of the rarest occasions of all our extended family visiting each other at my uncle Aiden's compound on Luna IV.

"Looking the same as ever Rattletrap." I said as he cheerfully patted my leg.

"Come in! Come on!" he turned the sign on the door to say closed and locked up, "Now I know you're both busy imperials. SO what can Uncle Rattletrap do for you?" he said slipping back beneath the counter as we joined him in the scrap filled back.

"Well our ship needs repairs, Kal needs a helmet… and honestly Rattletrap. We need a really good mechanic… for cheap." She added as I glanced at her, Rattletrap dove into a collection of scrap, his voice echoing around us as he seemed to be everywhere.

"Well I don't know about a ship… and I take it you want something special for Kal's head? Otherwise, you would have just grabbed any old helmet…" he suddenly appeared behind us, carrying two odd little devices in his hands, they looked like my uncle's old ear fittings. They were technically pheromone suppressors that he wore out of habit… but it didn't really change HIS habits that much.

"We need to hide his identity… and you know Firemanes… very vain." She said giving me a teasing look as I crossed my arms, glaring at her.

"Kane." I noted sourly as she leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Well try these on. Let's see." He said as I blinked at him confused. "Well go on." He said, holding them in separate hands as I took them and placed them over my ear. "Okay push the button closest to the back of your right ear. I didn't really hesitate. But I suddenly blinked as a brief flash crossed my eyes and seemed to… digi-struct a holographic field before me… but that was it. I noticed no change.

"Whoa…" Oriana blinked at my face curiously. "That's… a little disturbing." Rattletrap held up a polished mirror and it took it. I almost dropped it in surprise as I saw my 'face' it hand become perfectly smooth except for the eyes, they were still my Kane green eyes. I hesitantly touched my face, my fingers slipped right through as if sinking into a fleshy pit of mud.

"I call it a holo-mask. It won't stop a blaster bolt to the face but then again most helmets won't… and you don't have to deal with the odd claustrophobia…"

"A bit… discouraging though…" I noted as he shrugged, holding out his hand.

"Left ear device." He said as I took it off, the mask flickered and my normal face appeared and he began fiddling with it.

"How did you even come up with this?" Oriana asked amazed, watching him work.

"Technically I didn't a guy with a huge burn scar on his face thought it up and I put it into being…" he said grumbling slightly as a tiny spark leaped from the device and he wave his fingers in the air as if to dry them off and suppressed the painful groan it caused. "…Guy got shot in the face so… guess they're free. He paid in advanced." He held up the ear piece. "Here Kal, try it now…"

I took it and placed it over my face as the screen formed before my eyes again as Oriana smiled, "…Oh I think he'll like it." she noted as I looked into the mirror… I could not suppress my grin. "Huh… that's kinda cute." She noted.

My face was that of a red furred wolf, not quite shistavanan but not fully canine. Still, it matched up to my hairline, so I looked like a mass of red fur I tentatively touched the muzzle and my fingers slipped through, but as I opened and closed my mouth the jaws moved as well. "…This is amazing Rattletrap." I said, my voice coming from the mouth of the holo-mask.

Rattletrap grinned and slapped my armored leg. "We're family. Least I could do."

"There is the matter of the ship…" Oriana noted hesitantly as he waved a hand.

"Please! You're family! Let's go have a look!"


"Wow this is actually going to cost you." He said, making a note on a datapad as we walked with him through the ship. Lala watched my new mask face intently as she frowned.

"You said we're family." Oriana noted, but I didn't hear a note of anger in her tone, more along the lines of her saying 'I knew it'.

"Yeah well…" he pointed up, "New Engines, and coils to connect, the response time is off. The ramp is kinda on the fritz…" said ramp immediately spluttered and fell a little before snapping shut. "AND you want to upgrade. This ship is older than your two! Together."

"We got it for free." I noted.

"Then you got your credit's worth." He said a little smug. He went quiet for a moment, glancing around. "…I can get your engines back up for what you got." He said admittedly, "…Probably better. But the rest of the ship won't be able to take it. I got to fix the generators and the nav map, the control system…" he listed it off on his fingers. "And I CAN do that. but I need time and credits and only half of that you guys seem to have."

"…I don't like it." Lala said suddenly as Oriana rolled her eyes.

"He's just being fair." She said sourly, but Lala snorted.

"I meant Kal, Baby's new face! I like looking at him without it!" I frowned at her before turning off the Holo-mask as her frown lessened. "Better." She noted proudly as Oriana sighed.

"There is the matter of PAYING FOR THE SHIP?" she noted as Rattletrap nodded absently.

"Well that's easy we just grab some bounties or Kal, baby beats the shit out of some guys in the ring… this is NEW NAR SHADDAA." She said, gesturing to the slight crack in the ramp out towards the rest of the station. "The grand central station of scum and villainy! Half a dozen underground fights and bounties as far as the eye can see… We can get the money as long as the jawa can fix the ship."

"…Alright…" he said rolling up his sleeves, he suddenly seemed… excited. "I can work with that. I'll get started right away." there was an honest skip in his step as he made his way toward the twitching ramp and began to repair it. "It's been a while since I got to work on a ship…" he said fondly as in the span of a few minutes the ramp was working perfectly again. "I'll eventually need to head back to my shop-" he said as Nerri returned in that moment, glancing curiously at Rattletrap, "And get what I need for later. You guys get me those credits so I can get your parts."

"Deal!" Lala replied waving as Nerri walked towards us, looking serious.

"…Did you find anything on your man?" I asked as Lala snatched the wanted poster from Nerri's hand.

"I've FOUND him… drinking it up in a strip club on level D."

"Huh… says he's wanted alive." Lala noted absently, looking at me with a wink. "You can do alive right Kal, baby?"

"I want him dead." Nerri noted glaring at Lala as I frowned. On the one hand, if we kill him we don't get paid… but it would make Nerri happy. And I liked Nerri… what can I say, I'm a dog person.

"Well… let's go get Nerri's vengeance then. I'm sure we can find more bounties on the way…"

"Or a fight club!" Lala grinned, "Even better…" she purred, running a hand along my bicep as Oriana pinched her ear and dragged her back ,"OW! OW!!" she whimpered as Oriana glared at us.

"Lala. Wanted. Problem? Anyone remember that little tidbit?"

"Pfft! Do you know how many guys on this station have bounties? Come on it'll be fine…" she then wrapped her arms around mine, smirking. "I have my new guard dog…"

"…I was going to ask…" Nerri said, eyeing my new 'face' "What is that?"

"Holo-mask." Rattletrap said, placing his toolbox down and eyeing a few tools, "It won't stop blaster fire but it'll make you look damn cool…" although admittedly most helmets won't stop blaster fire.

Nerri gazed pointedly at my Shistavanan face for a moment and cleared her throat, a new smile stretching on her canine lips. "…It does do that."

I cleared my throat, "Well.. your former captain then?" I said, trying to change the subject. She scowled, jerked her thumb over her shoulder.

"Follow me."

"…I'll stay with Rattletrap." Oriana said a little concerned as she glared at the rather excited looking Lala. "Try not to get killed."

And we did, it took us a few minutes and an elevator ride, but we soon found ourselves outside a strip club, neon lights in various languages littered the front. Essentially the words 'nude' and 'girls' on repeat. We passed by the dowutin bouncer, who eyed Nerri and Lala far more than me, as arm in arm they led me in…

There was a bar and tables and scantily clad girls walking around, naturally. There were two smaller stages with stripper poles built alongside a large square stage area with three… currently two human women danced on the smaller stages wearars on the big one a nautolan with big fake breasts strutted across the stage going pole to pole, occasionally shaking her breasts and head tendrils to collections of men who tossed club dollars and hard credits onto the stage.

"Ugh she's not even very good…" Lala mumbled in some disgust before glancing at Nerri. "Where is he?" she asked excitedly as Nerri glanced around and cursed.

"…He must have left…" she snarled angrily at herself as Lala looked curiously around. "Damm it…"

"Give me a second." Lala smiled, and slipping passed a group of men standing up and cheering at the nautolan… she slipped her fingers briefly in his pockets and pulled out a collection of club dollars between them like a pair of tweezers plucking out a splinter. Only much easier. She then approached one of the side dancers… Nerri and I watched as Lala held a collection of dollars between her teeth, the blonde woman dancing on stage immediately noticed her and slid down the pole before crawling catlike towards Lala… their lips briefly touch as she pulled the dollars from Lala's lips… they gazed into each other's eyes as a few looking drunks watched excitedly and cheered.

Then Lala moved her lips briefly and the blonde sat up, tossing her hair and letting the fake money flow down her body… her lips were moving too… Lala blew her a kiss and a wink before skipping back towards us.

"Your handsome captain…" she said with a grin at Nerri, "Ordered a few girls to show up at his ship in dock 14… Apparently, he's got some big payday and he wants to celebrate it by using his down payment…" then biting her lower lips excitedly she glanced at me, "Doesn't it sound like a good idea to find out what that is?!"

"…Yes…" Nerri admitted, "But how?"

Lala slid towards Nerri, gently running her hands up and down her curvy body as Nerri fidgeted slightly, blushing a little. "If we hurry…" Lala said, "…We can be those 'girls who show up'… and their bodyguard." She added tilting her head at me.

I stared at her, impressed. "…That's surprisingly clever."

"My brain happens to be as big as Oriana's tits thank you!" she said, apparently, she had to reference those at least once an hour… I should talk to her about that. "I just don't need to use it when I have an ass like this!" she said proudly as we began walking out, she smacked it and as if a siren's call rang out a majority of the men in the room couldn't help but look…

"But first we have to sex you up a little…" Lala noted as we exited the club, eyeing Nerri's 'wild woman' outfit.

Nerri glanced down, "But I like how I look." She noted firmly, as I shrugged.

"It is a good look…" I replied as Nerri smiled. But Lala wasn't having it.

"Look. Your former dickhead boyfriend is probably going to recognize your face unless we get him looking elsewhere!" she said, caressing Nerri again as Nerri gently brushed away her hands. Lala slightly opened her jacket to reveal her cleavage and skintight suit. "Honestly how many guys but Kal, are going to look at my face?" she asked as she led us away.

"So… what, we go shopping?" I asked as Lala waved a hand.

"Well… kinda…" she smiled… and after a few minutes of delightful conversation and a brief moment of violence... Nerri got changed.

"I don't approve of this." Nerri noted, and I couldn't blame her… I also couldn't help but stare at her physically fit body as she tugged at the short black skirt Lala had 'borrowed' for her. "And this is too tight!" she hissed.

Lala had essentially found and promptly knocked out a streetwalker. She had left her the leftover credits she had 'lifted' from the strip club and leaving her in her underwear, had promptly dressed Nerri in her clothes in an alleyway as we made our way toward Dock 14

Nerri now dressed in a tight matching black tube top and miniskirt, her wide hips and big breasts stretching them dangerously. Her black hair had been braided down the back and her bangs had been combed forward like a curtain to continue to somewhat hide her features…

…She was much more slender and, honestly, sexier than I originally noticed back on Juggalo II… without her bulky furs she was much more feminine despite her musculature.

"They're fine! Kal, baby likes it!"

"That's not the point." We said together as Nerri blushed scarlet beneath her hair.

"It is! We want them to look at you!" she said as we passed through the crowd, many of their gazes lingering on the two beautiful girls strutting by as we approached Dock 14. "Now… which one is his ship?"

"…That one…" she said, pointing to a rather plain looking freighter, "The Haze."

"Alrighty…" Lala smiled, "Here's the plan. Me and Nerri distract the guys with a few moves and YOU our bodyguard, will start to beat the hell out of them and then we all jump em. Agreed?"

Nerri scowled, fidgeting slightly as she asked hesitantly"…Moves?"

"Yeah… strut our stuff?" Lala then began to dance erotically, clearly, she belonged on stage in the strip club. "Come on, you got some moves, right? What about your former captain? Didn't you tease him a little?" she turned and danced in place, wiggling her behind at us as she winked at me.

"…We just rutted…" Nerri said flatly, "…Not even for very long."

"Oh, great… okay look. Watch me. On Kal, Baby"

"What?" I managed before she pressed me on against a nearby ship and began to sway her body slowly, I sighed, just surrendering to it.

"Now… work your hips. You have the butt for it…" she said, slowly swaying her rear at me as she rubbed up and down her cheeks with her hands, "Make them focus on it… bend your knees, make it pop." She said before sliding her hands down her bent knees and doing just that, twerking her hips expertly before standing up and lifting her legs in a sort of marching, strut, running her hands through her pink hair before opening and closing her jacket, as if revealing and hiding her breasts, smiling coyly. "Don't give them too much, but just enough so they're focused on you…" she slowly spread her jacket, sliding it up and down her back as she shimmied in place before easily slipping it off and swirling it above her head. "See? Something like this." She noted, before putting her jacket back on. "By then Kal, Baby should be ready to beat the hell out of them. "Just watch me and do what I do."

Nerri looked nervous, glancing absently at me, but finally nodded as Lala smiled, wrapped an arm around her waist, and walked on. "Put your hand on my butt." She noted as Nerri complied as Lala cooed. "…You didn't have to squeeze…" she grinned as Nerri neither confirmed or denied that she did.

Lala knocked hard on the ramp and backed off, soon enough the door hissed open and a stocky looking human glanced at us. Grinning lustfully as he spied Nerri and Lala. "Heeeeey… hello ladies!" he grinned as he scratched his bulging stomach, "You must be the girls that captain ordered, Come on in!"

He then eyed me distastefully. "…Hey we didn't order no guys… and I'm sure as hell our 'guest' didn't order one."

Lala smiled as Nerri notedly did not make eye contact. "He's our bodyguard…" she said, swirling her finger on his shirt as he grinned stupidly. "We've had problems with guys who don't like it when we've said 'no'… but don't you worry I won't be using that bad word tonight…" she crooned, his grin faded a little as he eyed me up and down.

"Well if you aint going to be using it…" he said smugly, slipping a hand onto Lala's rear as she cooed. "What's he here for?"

"I'm not using it…" she said smugly, before gesturing to Nerri with a nod, "But she's new, and nervous… He's here to make sure she stays safe while I…" she squeezed his hand onto her ass, as I could not contain a growl. "…Work real HARD…" she purred before glancing at me, and winking, clearly hearing my impromptu growl.

He chuckled, before eyeing Nerri again and scoffing. "Yeah them Nelvaanian's are pretty stiff… we used to have one before the captain chucked her… at least she had a nice ass…" he said grinning at Nerri, "…This one too now that I look at it…" he led us into the ship, turning into a kitchen/lounge area with five other men, including Markus Firelind. There was a kitchen stove and cabinets built into the wall, and the couch they were sitting on surrounded a pazaak table, clearly, they were in the middle of a high stakes game, and several credits and other forms of currency littered the center of it surrounded by cards.

Markus blinked at us curiously, but grinned as he saw the seductive Lala and sexual Nerri. "Hey now!" he cheered, "Finally!" he grinned as he lay back on the couch. He eyed us for a moment and frowned slightly. "Could've sworn I ordered Twi'leks…" but eyeing Lala and Nerri again he grinned lustfully. "But I ain't going to complain."

"They had favorite clients call in at the last moment…" Lala cooed, strutting towards them as she leaned forward onto the table, pressing her breasts together with her arms as they stared. "But we were free…"

His gaze lingered on her cleavage before settling on me. "…And the Shistavanan?"

"I'm free game…" she smiled seductively, swaying her behind slightly as their eyes leveled to her hips, "My friend isn't… if your boys get to handsy with her… well… you might not keep them."

He snorted but seemed content. "…And here I was hoping to have another Nelvaanian…" he said crassly as Nerri fidgeted with barely contained fury. I stepped around them, standing behind the couch and staying straight faced as Lala lifted on leg and rested it flexibly on the table before standing fully upon it.

"You guys got some music or do I have to do this the hard way?" one of them, an aged and wrinkled man immediately pressed a remote hanging on the edge of the couch as a low jizzy tone played out. They chuckled as Markus waved his hand.

"Hey now… try not to get too riled up or our payday will get upset…" he said, mockingly, before immediately turning up the music as Lala began to dance. Swishing her hair and swaying her hips to the drumbeats swiveling her waist as the rapid jazzy chorus rose up. They were pretty focused on her, and I can't say I blame them… Lala clearly had the moves and a body that knew how to use them… they didn't even bother paying attention to Nerri who had kept her eyes on Markus.

However that soon changed once Lala took off her swirled her jacket overhead to their cheers. The stocky one that had let is on the ship had been drinking heavily from a flask, I let him. Drunks were easy. He then approached a rather stiff Nerri who quickly remembered that she wasn't the only one in the room with Markus.

"Hey! Come on don't let your friend do all the work doggy girl!" he said, smacking Nerri's ass hard, "Shake it!" she blinked at him, stepped away and began to sway.

Slow, slow, swivel… she raised her arms, accidentally letting her breasts pop free of the tight tube top as he grinned lustfully at her, reaching out to touch. Her hips popped to the left, to the right, she spun and-


There was a sickening crunch as her heel connected with the side of his head and he went spinning to the floor, going very still. At that very moment Lala's jacket was sent hurtling onto the aged man's face as I reached over the couch and slammed my fist twice against his head as he went limp.

"What the hell!?" Markus managed to get out seconds before the pants-wetting battle roar ripped from Nerri's throat.

"MAR-KUS!!!" she hissed angrily as his eye widened as he instantly recognized her, ignoring his men falling to my fists and Lala's legs her gave her his full attention as Lala lept from the table to straddle a scar faced man. Twisting his head with a sickening pop.

"Oh fuck." Markus breathed as Nerri, eyes red and furious lept upon him.

"RAAAAAAAOOORRR!!!!" she clawed scratched and pummeled him as he tried to defend himself, ignoring me sending his last conscious man far over the table and onto the stocky, possibly, dead man that Nerri had knocked out.

"You left me on Juggalo! You sold me as a slave! I thought you loved me!"

"I was going to come back baby!" he said, lamely, only to suddenly reach for and pull a vibro-knife from his boot…

I caught his hand as he glared at me with his good eye seconds before Nerri's fist knocked out a tooth. I lifted him from the floor as Nerri landed on all fours. "Who the fuck-" he began… but stopped talking after I snapped his knife arm, and started screaming as it bent at an odd angle. "Argh!! You mother fuck-" but he suddenly went still as he felt Nerri's teeth sink into his throat. "N-Ner-"

…She got a real good bite… Markus clutched to the gaping hole as Lala flinched, sitting on the table as Nerri spat the chuck of his neck out onto the floor as Markus choked on his own blood. "…Fuck you Markus…" she said lazily before approaching the sink to get the blood out of her mouth… I hated it when that happened too…

"…Well we didn't get the bounty… but we did still get paid!" Lala smiled as she scrapped up a few of the fallen credits and began picking pockets. "And… you know what else? I bet Rattletrap can scrounge a few parts from their ship! I'm sure they won't mind…" she said absently, standing up, satisfied with her pocket picking. "…Well. I'm going to look around for anything else of value before I give Oriana a call." She skipped away, "Don't go anywhere without me!" she shouted.

Nerri, freshened up slightly seemed briefly confused for a moment before glancing at Markus' corpse, and spitting on him. "…So…" she rubbed her arm absently, attempting to adjust, then promptly removing her top and tossing it away in annoyance. "…It seems I've gotten my vengeance and am now unemployed…"

I smirked and shrugged, walking out of the lounge with her, "Well… as it turns out there's plenty of room on Lala's ship…" she grinned at me knowingly, brushing her bangs out of her eyes and over her ears.

"…Not your ship?" she asked lazily.

I shrugged, I was never a leader… and I told her that. "I was never much of a leader. I've always been a soldier… I can think for myself when the occasion calls for it, but Oriana? Lala? They're the ones calling the shots as far I'm… concerned." She began to rub my forearm, gazing into my eyes as she took my hand and led me away from the direction Lala had gone.

"Speaking of Oriana… she had mentioned something about… buffer girls?" she said, her voice distinctly sultry as she pulled me into a room that had clearly not seen a lot of use for some time. There was even a somewhat primitive glaive like spear hanging over the bed. "I would like to submit my… application." She noted, resting her hand between my legs and gazing down rather impressed… it was nice to be appreciated.

I stared into her beautiful black eyes for a moment before pressing the holo-mask off. Showing her my face again, "…Is that so?" I managed before her muzzle-like lips pressed against mine as she moaned… she didn't even taste remotely like human. That's impressive it usually takes me a day to get ride of that taste. I reached around to grope her rear, lifting the mini skirt as she growled hungrily.

"Try to last longer than my last lover…" she growled cheekily as I pressed her against the wall, she clutched to my face, holding me against her muzzle face as I, with one hand, released my quickly hardening erection. She gasped, feeling it against her stomach as I yanked and tugged eagerly at her skirt, tearing it away as it freed her firm bouncy rear.

"Guaranteed." I growled as she shuddered excitedly, I lifted her right leg, grinding the tip of my cock against her folds as she shuddered, glancing down nervously.

"You're bigger than him…" she said hesitantly as I began to push, she gasped and closed her eyes as I felt her stretch around me.

"He's dead. You killed him. You're mine now…" he pussy spasmed excitedly around my length at the words… although I don't know for which ones… I pushed deep into her body as her legs trembled, her raised one wrapping tightly around my hand as she cried out gently. "You're so tight…" I praised, slowly moving in, and out, feeling her shudder and tremble.

"It's… it's been a long time…" she replied as I kissed her, "Mmmn…" I squeezed her left breast with my hand as she whimpered into my mouth, feeling my tongue against her as I ground my hips harder and deeper, stead and slow as she rocked her hips back and forth to meet my deliberate thrusts. "You can go faster…" she said, gazing at me with longing bedroom eyes.

"…I want to enjoy it." I growled possessively as she trembled in excitement, "I want you to get used to it…" I said hungrily as I slid my hand down her stomach, wrapping around her waist as I clutched to her ass, she cooed as she felt my fingers slide between her big soft cheeks to prod, but not penetrate, her asshole. "I want to get used to you…"

"MMM!!!" she shuddered and pinned her to the wall as her mouth opened as she gasped a silent scream, an orgasm rushing through her trembling body as I released her leg, groping at her breasts again as she whimpered, "Gods!... I've never-AHHH!!" she gasped again as she felt the wall slam against her back, my thrust deep and deliberate, her head rocking back and forth as I pushed deep into her silky folds.

"A natural rule of my bloodline…" I whispered, hilting into her shuddering body as I kissed her muzzle cheeks. "…We are very good with our women…" she gasped and I flinched, feeling her tighten vice-like around me as I growled. "Time for another one!" I hissed as she gasped rhythmically with my thrusts.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! AH! AHHH!!!" she went still and tight as I pushed into her, kissing her again as my balls tightened and quivered against her, flooding her body with seed as she panted for breath.

"…Firemane men don't pull out…" I declared as she quivered, a blissful smile crossed her face as she cooed. Admittedly… I was a Kane. But it was apparently something my great grandfather said… it worked in two ways. Militarily and Sexually… I get that saying now.

"…That was amazing…" she said exhaustedly as I grinned at her.

"You're just saying that…" I said, not sure if I believed her… but I have to admit she was… wonderful…

It wasn't like with Oriana… it wasn't worse or better, Lala was the same it was… different… good. And special… and…

She pressed the holo-mask on my ear as the familiar sight of it reforming appeared before my eyes as she trembled around my cock, massaging it back to life. "…Let's do it with the mask…" she purred.

"…You're just using me for my body now aren't you?" I replied as she leaned through the mask, kissed me, then leaned back.

"…Think of it like… wearing a kinky costume… now ravage me my red wolf-Eep!" I lifted on leg, then the other, resting them on my shoulders as she clutched nervously to the wall.

"…I won't drop you…" I said as her tightness quivered around me as she gazed into my eyes.

"…I suppose you won't! AH! AH!" I began thrusting into her as she panted, her fingers clawing the wall helplessly as I did exactly as she asked, ravaged her. Her whole body jumped with my thrusts as I clutched to her large furry breasts, keeping myself away so she may maintain her little 'Red Wolf' fantasy.

"Yes! Yes!" She cried out, gasping and orgasming as she clutched at my hands on her breasts, "Knot me! Mate me!"

I snorted, a little annoyed as I pinched her nipples as she squeaked, "Who's your alpha?" I asked as she shuddered, her pussy trembling in excitement.

She bit her lower lip, whimpering excitedly before clenching and gasping, "Y-You are!"

"I'm what?" I teased, roughly pushing into her suspended body as wave after wave of orgasm surged through her.

"You are my alpha!"

"Who is my bitch?" I snarled in her ears as she cried out an incoherent moan, that sounded like a primal howl "GROOOOOOO!!!" quivering helplessly against me as my cock throbbed excitedly at her following words.

"I'm you bitch! You're my alpha!" she clutched to my shoulders, biting gnashing her teeth as the pleasure soon became painful. "MATE ME!" she cried as I pinned her, "Gods! YES! ALPHA!!!"

I started to HURT she was so tight, and I was so desperate to fill her. I pulled her back slightly and slammed her with my cock back against the wall as we grunted before I pulled her away and dropped her onto the bed, finally finishing as I kissed her… stroking her hair as she breathed heavily into my mouth.

I held her there for a good while, before I finally removed myself from her with a sigh… she stumbled slightly to her feet, dripping my seed between her legs as they fumbled slightly from lack of feeling. I caught her, and tilted her head up to kiss her again.

"Mmm…" she cooed gently while reaching up to grab the spear as I pulled away. "…If that's what its like to be a 'buffer girl'… sign me up…"

"Welcome aboard." I said unable to hide my smile as she held the spear in both hands reverently. "Was that yours?"

"It was my brother's, but yes." She noted, using it like a walking staff as she approached the storage lockers. "…I'm surprised he kept every-" she paused, removed a pair of lacy silky pink underwear, sniffed, snarled and tossed it away. "Never mind… he had 'guests'…" it was then I remembered something, stepping out to find Lala as I remembered them mentioning a 'guest' on the ship.

"…Hi Kal, baby…" Lala grumbled, hands on her head as a bright green glow illuminated from behind her.

"…I assume you're the one that killed most of the hirelings?" A familiar voice reached my ears as I looked past Lala to find a tall, beautiful Mirialan in tight a, form fitting suit underneath brown Jedi robes, the suit showed off every distinctive shapely curve of her body beneath her openly worn robes. She glared at me. I recognized her! What was her name?

"I am Chronicler and Jedi Master Lidia…" Oh… yeah... now I remember her. "And who are you?" she said commandingly, "I assume 'Kalbaby' isn't your name?"

My holo-mask was up, so she wouldn't recognize me… but before I could stop myself while remembering Nerri still changing in her former room

"I'm Kallus the Red Wolf."

…Didn't think much of it at the time.

End of chapter.