
Interval Eleven: Six shots and a Few Dozen Rounds

I don't own star wars


We took a cab to the closest bar we could find, it was one of those places where skin was as much on the menu as drinks, and a lot of third-party players patrolled outside for more. I ignored them, Baleen the sexy mass of muscles and height glared them off with a look. She was extremely useful to have around, you can tell a lot about someone by watching them react to someone like her.

We regrouped outside the bar, and I turned to them both. Milky was in her tight bodysuit, and Baleen was only lightly armored. I myself was wearing my casual belly shirt and jacket. All of us wore our crew armguards. "Okay… we all know our roles?" I asked smiling thoughtfully at them both.

"Muscle?" Baleen asked pointing to herself.

"Eye candy…" Milky smiled, looking positively adorable which was a skill I knew she had.

"And let me do all the talking…" I replied nodding, "A place like this looking at our Milky?" I slowly zipped Milky's suit down just a little more, revealing a lot more cleavage and skin, "All their tongues will be wagging in more ways than one."

Milky chuckled but Baleen rolled her eyes, I thought it was funny. "You know Yura, you undress me almost as much as Aiden…" she noted looking down at her body as I pulled my hand away.

"Let's get on with it…" Baleen snorted, "We got a lot to cover tonight we can't afford to be held up in a skin bar like this. Aiden's stressed out enough as it is…"

I scoffed, "Aiden's fine! He's great under pressure!" I replied turning towards the bar door, "Pressure is good keeps your heart pumping…"

"I don't think that's right…" Milky noted as we went in.

I was used to places like this, practically naked girls fawning over a quick score, bathrooms with glory holes probably and everyone going at it, back rooms where screwing your recent purchase was just as common as drinking it. And the smell of sex was just as prominent as smoke.

Almost instantly all eyes were on us, to be fair most of them were on Milky. I saw the whispers and the lustful looks, and one very smart man's eyes widened as he paid his tab and scrambled out of the bar. Somebody met us before. We sat at the bar and order something small, well me and Milky Baleen was a hardcore drinker and could take it but still.

"Who should we start with?" Milky smiled, letting her eyes examine the bar, "Or do we wait?"

"Bartenders are always a good place to start…" I replied, eyeing the weequay polishing a glass. "Then we'll look for the squirrely ones that can't keep their mouths shut… and baring that we'll hit up one of the girls." I tapped my finger on the table, "In places like this the girls are always looking for an easy payday…"

"Blowjobs not as lucrative as Milky make it seem?" Baleen said snarkily, downing her spiced Nar Shaddaa rum by the pint.

"Depends on the venue…" Milky noted unashamed as I glared at Baleen.

"Will you ease up!?" I hissed, "You are the muscle and we need to be tense and ready, not loose!" I chuckled at the joke, "…Well more than usual…"

"Hey!" Baleen scowled when.

"Excuse me…" a raspy voice said suddenly, "Are you Milky Way?" We turned and froze… No way in the galaxy was this possible.

It was a Varli… we certainly didn't know which one but she was armed and armored, and her smooth attractive features stared curiously at Milky's face. "I am…" Milky said recovering quickly, "Can I help you?"

Baleen's hand slipped towards a combat knife. She kept it strapped to her thigh, ready to react if necessary. But apparently, it wasn't needed; the Varli blushed suddenly her pale face turning pink. "Oh uh…" she cleared her throat, and handed her a napkin, "Could you… give me your autograph?" suddenly she was speaking nervously, "I mean. Please? It's just… I'm a fan. Is this weird? It's weird right?"

"Not for us baby!" replied a drunkard nearby only to have his head slammed hard against the table by another Varli.

"Shut the fuck up!" she hissed angrily. The man's friends, a pair of Grans, were not happy about that as they drew blasters on her. But reacting quickly Baleen was on them as the second Varli began brawling.

"I'd love to give you an autograph…" Milky replied ignoring the carnage, "Can I get your name?" she asked politely, like a true professional.

"I'm Trei, Varli-Trei…" she said strangely giddy, "Wow…" she looked at the napkin Milky sighed, "I mean you are just…" she blushed, "You are really something…"

"We'll Milky Way does love her fans…" I smiled a little surprised that Trei was such a fan. "…She's dating one after all…" I couldn't resist, Aiden still watched Milky Way's holo-vids sometimes.

"So miss Varli…" Milky began, "Are you… interested in the business?" Milky asked, knowing full well that wasn't the case.

"Oh no." she said immediately, "I'm a bounty hunter with my sisters, you've seen Zwei…" she then gestured to the angrier Varli as she hurled a Gran into the bar counter as Baleen got the other in a chokehold. "And my other sister Ichi is in the back…" she scowled, "So… what do you do now that you've retired?"

Milky coughed suddenly, taking a drink from her glass, "Oh I uh… I'm a…" great she was frazzled.

"She's a cook…" I said, and Trei glared at me, apparently uninterested in the fact that I wasn't her girl crush. "We work for a private citizen. She cooks, I clean…" Baleen choke-slammed the Gran through the table, "And that's the bodyguard… the boss gave us the night off and we intend to enjoy it." then glancing at Baleen as she began chatting with Zwei. "…Baleen's got the idea."

"Oh…" Trei began, looking a little disappointed, "Sorry to disturb you then…"

"Actually…" I began, seeing a lucrative opportunity, "It's more fun to party in a group…" I wrapped my arm around Milky's waist and shook her, making her breasts jiggle. "May we join you? Milky adores her fans after all…"

"Yura…" Milky began warningly.

"Shush Milky…" I said firmly, a little teasingly "Enjoy the fruits of your efforts…" Baleen reached over the counter, eyeing the bartender coolly as she wrapped an arm around Zwei and pulled up a bottle of expensive Liquor, "Hey Yura! Zwei here says we should go have a drink!"

Trei shot her sister an embarrassing look but I kept pushing, "See? Your sister agrees!" I grabbed our drinks, "Come on it'll be fun…" then adding a little conspiratorially, "Milky is real touchy when she's drunk…"

Trei blushed but she seemed to accept it. "Alright… I guess it wouldn't hurt. We are here to relax."

"Exactly! You won't believe how much of a dick our boss is!" I said, laying it on thick, as we began walking back towards the private rooms. "In fact… I'm going to get us more drinks…" Milky gave me a look and I rolled my eyes, returning to the bar and pulling out my holo-com as soon as they vanished behind the curtain.

Short-round appeared. "Short-round!" I hissed quickly, "Short-round listen, the Varlis are here!"

"What? What are you…"

"Tell Aiden to get down here! I'm going to get them drunk… so I'm going to be drinking. Tell him to bring the rental speeder, a bottle of pain pills, and maybe a bucket of gravy…"

"…Why?" he asked, as I paid for some very expensive bottles of alcohol.

"Everyone has their own hangover cure Short-round, now go tell Aiden!" I replied, making my way to the back.

"…Okay but judging from the sound, he's banging Scarlet right now it'll take us a while…" I rolled my eyes, of course he was.

"Fine, tell him when he's done!" I hissed hanging up and making my way to the back. "Can't he keep it in his pants for a couple of hours?"

I found the room they were occupying, Milky and Trei were talking animatedly together apparently giving her all sorts of behind the scenes information and even letting Trei feel her up a little. Zwei and Baleen were arm wrestling nearby, the winner taking a shot every time somebody won. Ichi, the final sister sat on the corner of the couch, sipping an expensive glass of what looked like whisky.

I put on my best smile and placed the new bottles of alcohol on the table seconds after Baleen slammed Zwei's arm down and declared her victory. The promptly drank down her glass of rum… "You must be Yura…" Ichi said smoothly, "Please have a seat…" she said politely but certainly looked annoyed. "Considering my sisters are busy with their new friends perhaps I can actually have an intelligent conversation that doesn't end in yelling or blaming mother…"

I shrugged, I needed to get her drinking anyway so I might as well socialize. "So…" I began carefully watching Milky and Trei. "Are you all… like Trei?"

"Hmmm? Oh no…" she said casually, uncorking a bottle of very expensive alcohol, "Trei just has a fascination with large breasts… I think it's a maternal thing. Mother you see didn't love us enough…" she chuckled, "…Damn bitch."

I sighed, pouring myself a drink, "Well my mother was a slave… one of those slaves you know? The ones that really like it…" I rolled my eyes, "I have no idea who my father is…"

"At least you have one. We're clones… to a point…" she said, drinking heavily as Trei and Zwei enjoyed themselves. Milky catching my look and gesturing to the drinks on the table she began to drink herself, inviting Trei who eagerly accepted. They were going at it pretty hard.

"Eh it could be worse…" I mumbled, "My boyfriend just met his real dad… that was not fun."

"Oh?" Ichi replied, seemingly mildly interested. As Baleen and Zwei tried to arm wrestle, making her frown coolly.

"Oh yeah… guys a gigolo…" I noted, the tasty drinks rushing to my head and giving me some ideas on how to handle Tohmas if I ever met the guy. Testicle kicking was probably involved.

"Ooooh…" Ichi said, feigning a non-existent blow as if somebody got punched. In fact, Zwei got punched as Baleen beat her. "How'd he take it?" her face was red, was she a lightweight?

"About as well as you'd think…" I replied, feeling a little more tipsy myself.

"Well at least you have a boyfriend…" she replied, drinking straight from the bottle by now. "The only men we met are assholes and perverts who want to have a threesome with sisters, or a foursome… ugh… I really don't get that. What's is the deal with incest?"

I giggled, "You know… Milky there? She wants to have a threesome with her boyfriend and Baleen…" I couldn't help myself, I was suddenly tipsy. What the hell were we drinking. "Baleen's got a clit as big as a cock."

"Really?" Ichi said, sounding mildly interested. Giving me her full attention.

"No shit?" Zwei asked, glaring at Baleen. "I want to see…"

"Ugh!" Baleen groaned, dropping onto the couch, "Why does everyone think it's so interesting?! It's a side effect of being experimented on with drugs… and it won't go away. And I can't wear cute panties anymore because it's so sensitive…"

"…That's kinda hot…" the sisters said together, except for Trei who apparently embraced Milky's chest which was now out in the open, being gently squeezed by her.

Milky moaned slightly, still drinking as Trei suckled, "…There you go…" she said softly, watching Trei go at her tits. "Just be gentle, like a baby."

I frowned watching them, slightly concerned before I turned my attention back to Ichi. "…Does this happen often?"

"Less than you'd think, but more often than I'd like…" she grumbled, taking another drink of her glass just as Zwei managed to remove Baleen's pants and stare at a pair of surprisingly pink boxers. "Usually we just entertain ourselves but that gets old after a while…"

I snorted, handing her a new bottle, "Yeah I get it… it's tough finding a decent guy in this galaxy. Especially of the same species… that's why mine's human…" I smiled proudly, unable to control myself. "And he's amazing… he's attentive, he's loving, he'd give me anything I wanted… he's such a sweetie. And he's got stamina for days…" I added a little boastfully.

"…Does he have a brother?" She asked curiously, seemingly interested in the idea. Come to think of it so was I.

"No… but he's got some sisters so I think so Trei might be fine…" suddenly my com rang and I grumbled at the noise. Who the hell could that be? Leaning forward, I struggled to get it out of my pocket. my fingers slipped on it for a moment, when the hell did I get so clumsy? Wait how long have I been drinking?

I answered my stupid buzzy com thingy, and suddenly my heart soared as I saw Aiden's face... I really liked his face. "Hi sweetie!..."

End of Interval

How the Varlis got drinking with the girls from Yura's perspective. Someone asked for this chapter way back in the day and I'm was a sucker for requests. Still kinda am if they're interesting enough.