
Children of Cromwell

I don't own Star Wars

"I have merely done what you all could not. Killed a Kane." Declared Critcher with disdain.

"You used a CROW to do it!" he roared. "A CROW we commissioned you FOOL, made from one of our own dead soldiers after you bombarded her!"

"Yes, she was quite effective. Wasn't she? Why don't we enhance all our soldiers as such?"

"…I will deal with you later put THAT back in storage!" he gestured to the CROW of the soldier once known as KATE. Standing stoically waiting for orders. "Curse you, Critcher!"

He entered his office, sealing the door shut behind him before approaching his desk. Rubbing his tired sapphire eyes as he moved around it, opening a drawer and retrieving a bottle of a particular brand of Dormund Kaas wine. He poured himself a generous glass of it, gazing at the aquamarine hue of it. It was a very specific blend of berries that brought the color out… and the taste warmed him.

…But more importantly, it brought back pleasant memories… How long ago it was now when she walked into his life?

He was always aware of the beauty of Twi'leks, the hue of their skin, the angles of their faces, their shapely lekku, or even their own natural perfume-like smells… none have escaped even a modicum of their charms. Feeling the urges in his loins as she passed. She came to this house as a common maid…

How cliché… perhaps she considered herself lucky to find employment where she would not be required to remove her clothes or dance? She was beautiful enough to provide well for herself… but she was barely in the household for a week before she caught his sapphire eyes…

Her aquamarine skin, her long shapely lekku, her angled green eyes, and her curvaceous and voluptuous frame… she was a creature of pure lust where her round backside and her bulging breasts. The way she moved, spoke… submitted… she was designed by nature to seduce him.

He remembered their first moment together, he had called her to his room for one thing, or another he couldn't remember… he only remembered the silky soft touch of her lekku in his hands. She didn't resist him at all like she was waiting for the moment… expecting it. He squeezed and caressed them in his fingers, he had never touched real lekku before, she trembled excitedly in response. Her hands caressed his body, fiddling with his pants as she pressed her soft lips on his and slipped her tongue into his mouth only to have it shoved back into hers as he dominated her body.

He pulled away from her as if trying to break the spell she cast on him only for her to pull him back to her lips, pleadingly, begging for more as he released her lekku and gripped at her breasts, practically tearing away at her uniform as she removed his clothes with expert skill. Nothing less from a proper Twi'lek.

She stood naked before him, swallowing his saliva as she moaned whorishly into his lips as she reached for his member, gripping it tightly with both hands as he pulled away and smacked her lightly across the face. She gasped but trembled excitedly. Her hands loosely gripped his cock as he grabbed her face, and threw her onto the bed.

Her womanhood oozed excitedly, or perhaps that was just how a twi'lek was, he gazed at the object of his uncontrolled lust as she wiggled her hips, tempting him to penetrate her, reaching around with her delicate hands to spread her plump aquamarine cheeks in submission as she bit down on the sheets of the bed. He stroked his powerful cock, gazing at her body like a piece of meat, and took what he wanted…

Her moans of ecstasy made him harder, her quivering body as he plunged into her from behind was like a visual drug, and he always needed more, to feel more… he gripped at her slender waist, pulling her roughly back onto his thrusts as she muffled her screams. He conquered her body, claimed her for the Empire. For the Cromwells… FOR HIM.

Their first time was quick… and cheap, a brief moment of pure satisfaction. He used her like the property she was, the THING she was… a lesser creature lower than his Imperial bloodline… Using Twi'leks, or any alien for sexual gratification was not even considered cheating in some circles… She was a tool for release… he didn't need to satisfy her, but she WAS satisfied… her left her dripping with his seed, filling her alien womb with his plentiful Cromwell essence, and left her discarded on the bed to clean up the mess she made when she seduced him with her body.

He went into the bathroom to bathe and considered the matter settled, his lusts satiated… but that was not the case. Over the next couple of days she acted as if nothing had occurred, serving the household with dignity and even grace… never making eye-contact, only speaking when spoken to, a perfect little servant only here to please her masters…

He didn't even summon her, he merely grabbed her lekku and dragged her into a nearby room, to others under the illusion that she was to be punished for some gratuitous mistake… he had hardly released her lekku and secured the door when she stripped off her clothes… naked before him once again she obediently dropped to her knees and opened her mouth submissively, waiting for him to use her.

He didn't even intend to have her give him fellatio, but the idea grew on him like an aggressive cancer as he approached her kneeling body. She gazed reverently up at him, tongue lolling from her mouth and ready to service him… her hands resting on her knees as if glued there, her large breasts rising and falling with her excited breathing…

He extracted his member from his uniform and pierced her mouth, her lips were soft, and her mouth was warm. Her tongue drooling, salivating, upon his girth as she moved her head slowly back and forth upon it. His hands rested on her lekku as she moaned on his length, slurping delicately as she took his entirety into her mouth.

He felt immense satisfaction watching her service him, gazing reverently up at him as if he was her idol, burying her face into his crotch, holding her head there as her eyes watered devotedly. Degrading herself as if it was more of a pleasure for her to serve him than to be served at all. She just kept going, licking, sucking, her tongue swirling around his member as her head dove up and down. He tightly gripped her lekku, like riding reigns, the thrill of dominating her body sending a shiver through him, his cock vibrating in her mouth as her drool slipped off his exposed shaft and onto her big breasts…

He couldn't remember how long she had fellatiated him but neither of them wanted it to stop… he remembered her eyes widening as he buried his phallus into her throat, felt it contract around his girth, and milk his seed into her stomach as he force feed her. It might have ended there if not for the lusty, seductive look she gave him… Her body trembled, her womanhood leaking on the floor her own arousal as he clenched his teeth…

He needed more… he wanted more.

He yanked her from his cock by the lekku, strings of saliva snapping like tense cord as she panted for breath, but was yanked up by her headtails before roughly shoved against a desk, she wagged her ass behind her like the slut she was once again as he pinned her down and rammed his erection back into her body, railing into her as she covered her mouth to stop herself from shrieking in joyous bliss, her body shaking and trembling as he took what he wanted once again… but he wanted more.

He pounded her body like a common whore, before tiring of her lack of enthusiasm, or her alleged lack of enthusiasm as once he yanked away her hand from her mouth her screams were… intoxicating… sending waves of orgasmic pleasure through them both as he grabbed her lekku and it only increased, stroking, squeezing the fleshy sensitive organ as she clenched down perfectly around him. He yanked her upright, holding her body to his as he roughly fucked her… used her.

They screamed together in orgasm as he filled her again, seeding her alien womb eagerly, as he held her tight… both caught their breath, their bodies shaking… he pulled out of her, gazing at her trembling backside as she turned and she kissed him…

…for one brief moment, he was very confused… but that brief moment felt like an eternity… he pulled away from her sharply, and unable to stop himself he smacked her across the face… she fell submissively to the floor and did not move. Bowing her head apologetically as he gazed down at her with a fidgeting hand…

…He left her naked in that room… rushing out quickly as she mumbled humble apologies in huttese… He adjourned to his chambers, and drank heavily, an entire bottle of cheap alcohol… he didn't even wait a whole day before he summoned her again. Late at night, no one else was awake... She came to his chambers, and shut the door, stripping out of her uniform before he could even order her to…

The red sting on her aquamarine cheek was still fresh but she wordlessly approached his naked, drunken body sitting on the edge of the bed and knelt before him, wrapping her breasts around his cock. He drank heavily, then made her drink heavily… she did not resist.

She only asked if he found her pleasing.

He spoiled himself with her titfucking, not answering her question until he was more then content with her breasts and needed more… that, and he had emptied the bottle. He extracted his member from her wonderous breasts and threw her onto her back before he followed, she spread her legs, gazing expectantly at him as he pieced into her body.

It was rough and primal, he POUNDED her, FUCKED her… she could only gaze up at him in reverent submission as he satiated his lust with her twi'lek body. He pierced deep into her, again, and again… until their bodies were sore as her orgasms were constant… he pinned her down and filled her, watching her face gasp and contort in pleasure as he pumped his seed into her womb…

…it was just too good.

He pulled out of her, pulling her to her feet with him as he crawled onto the bed, lying on his back as she mounted him, and rode him, her breasts bouncing magnificently on her chest, her lekku flopping wildly as she swiveled her hips, waved her arms, rubbing her own beautiful body as she climaxed on him… her orgasm was beautiful… he bucked up into her sensitive frame as she gasped, she screamed… she begged for more until her whole body tightened and fell onto him…

He roared his own release, holding her waist and ramming up into her until he ejaculated again, filling her body as his hands squeezed at her ass cheeks, holding her in place on top of him as he raised a hand and smacked it lightly on her blue ass… she cooed excitedly, pressing down on him as he filled her womb.

They panted heavily, sweaty and hot… his hands sliding up her smooth body, caressing her lekku before taking both in his hands, tightly but not roughly… then rolling her over onto her back. She gasped excitedly, as he looked into her seductive face and kissed her…

…He had fucked her before but for the rest of that night, and many nights after… he made LOVE to her...even when she became with child… and-

"Batson." He jumped, blinking at the door as Emila stood there… looking just like her mother Faria every passing day.

"…Yes Emilia?" he said as she took a patient breath.

"…Father is calling you." She said as the knife in his heart sunk just a little deeper. He drank the rest of his lover's favorite wine, taking a breath and drinking the pain away as he stood up from his desk.

…Batson COULD NOT… be the father of a twi'lek. Not in the Cromwell family. The firstborn, the heir: his firstborn child had to be a human. Alastor claimed Emila as his own upon her birth and the reveal of her Sapphire eyes, and that was the last of it… he could not be slandered the same way Batson would have. Alastor's 'misfortune' was the result of one night of late-night revelry after the death of his beloved wife. He was lonely, Emila's mother was lucky…


…Only Alastor, the Nohgri, and Batson knew the truth… Daemon had his suspicions but possibly didn't care, and Critcher as always was a fool… whatever happened to Faria?... Batson wished, and didn't wish, he knew… somehow it hurt him less to think that she took hush money from his father and is living quietly and happily in the republic than the potential, and completely possible alternative…

…It was more than enough that his daughter was accepted as a Cromwell. At least he had SOMETHING of Faria…

"…How goes the expedition?" he asked her as she blinked at him curiously.

"…It goes well, Aida conquered two moons over Dombal and we're staging our assaults and bombardments from there. I am to lead an assault with Lieutenant Jazzle and Lee-…" she caught herself, cleared her throat and said stiffly. Medical Officer Patch upon my return." She said, trying not to look her 'oldest brother' in the eyes…

He frowned at her, she flinched. "…This… 'Patch'… you've spoken of him often." He said protectively as she hesitated in her answer. "…Isn't he the one who saved Critcher's life?"

"…Unfortunately." She noted, bracing herself for a tongue lashing or worse as Batson… laughed.

"Ha! Ha!…Yes." He said, smiling fondly at her. "…I'd like to meet him." he added as Emila gazed oddly at him.

Batson often tried to be what he was to her: her father. He Tried… but often couldn't in the presence of his father and her uncles. So Emila's always had moments of confusion about how to read Batson. "…He…I." she seemed to pause, "He wouldn't have much time to be away from the front."

"…Then Perhaps I can go to him." Batson declared sternly. "…I'll discuss it when I meet with Father." He said, "…Thank you Emila I know that way." He smiled, awkwardly, and walked on… Taking a breath as he finally reached his father's office. Entering as Alastor looked up, he stated immediately. "YES. Critcher fucked up again."

Alastor sighed in exasperation, smacked a gnarled hand on his face and groaned.
