
Star Wars: A Star Wars Story. About Star Wars.

When a normal college student dies stupidly and the author forcibly reincarnates him into Star Wars. What will happen when Alexander Borisovich Corintov reincarnates? Will he become a cliche jedi, will he become a cliche sith, or will he become a cliche force neutral warrior? Or could he become the legendary not cliche? Find out next time on DRAGONBALL Z! STAR WARS IS NOT MINE. IT IS OWNED BY DISNEY, STUPID. I haven't decided on the title yet, so hold your horses and your forces.

lessonsofteacher · Movies
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12 Chs


On a faraway planet named Alderaan, an infant is born.

'I am Alex'



(15 years later)

Well, it turns out that I don't get to remember everything as soon as I am born and I now have the personality of a teenager, but by 15 I remember much of my past and have learned most of the important things that I need to learn about to live normally in this galaxy.

But I can't do anything fun, can I, because Robert put me into what I can now understand was 47 BBY. How am I supposed to do anything for the first movie, if I am stuck on Alderaan and 15 years old when it begins!?

However, not all is bad. I am the first son of an important family in opposition to the current Alderaanian government. The family leans more towards militarism, and wants to lessen the pacifism of Alderaan. My name is Sylvian Konter and I hate it. If I was in a medieval world, then fine, I can take it, but this is Star Wars, and this name is bad. I will change it when I get the chance.

Since my family is militaristic, I of course have weapons to practice with and have been doing so for the past couple of years. So, as they say, "I'm something of a scientist myself". Only not a scientist, but a gun user, or whatever people call it.

I have also practiced the force, but since I fear the jedi coming for me or being spotted, I am keeping it to a minimum. However, I can lift some objects now and do some other cool things. It was hard at first, but I guess that Robert gave me a lot of midichlorians or force power or whatever people use for the force.

I have two friends, called Jaera and Ellian. WIth them I have formulated a plan to escape from this boring world and start my adventure. Jaera is 17 and has already learned to fly many spacecraft, while Ellian is 18 and is a good gunner and is very knowledgeable. However, Jaera and Ellian have some flaws too.

For the time being though, we will stay together and escape Alderaan. What will I do after? Get sith and jedi powers and make us super powerful. Obviously.

So, today is the day! We are making our final preparations! Now I just need to meet up with them.

(2 hours later)

I entered our secret meeting room, which was not very secret, because it was in my house. It wasn't large. There was a holotable in the center of the room with 4 chairs around it. Ellian and Jaera were sitting in the chairs. I sat down next to them.

Sylvian- "Hey, how's it going?"

Jaera- "Good, We are ready!"

Ellian- "Well, it is going well. Not good."

Jaera- "Shut up Ellian!"

Ellian- "Why did I even agree to this?"

Jaera- "Because it's an adventure! Would you rather stay on this boring planet for your whole life?"

Ellian- "Well, not really…"

Jaera- "Great! Then we're off!"

Ellian- "Shouldn't we repeat the plan first?"

Jaera- "No, we have talked about it so many times. It's not like there is anyone listening who didn't know what we talked about."

Ellian- "Fine, let's go!"

Jaera- "Let's go steal a spaceship!"

Ellian- "Not a spaceship, but a starship. Also, not just a starship, but a Luxury 2800 starship."

Jaera- "Shut up!"

Ellian- "Hey! It is important! Do you even know the reason were stealing this exact class of starship?"

Jaera- "Does it matter?"

Ellian- "Yes, we are stealing it because it is faster than the 1550-LEX space yacht and the Luxury 3000."

Jaera- "Sure, whatever."

Sylvian- "C'mon, Jaera, give me my gun"

Jaera- "Here it is, a B-20 blaster rifle. We have three of them. We also have 5 grenades and something special."

Sylvian- "Where did you get all this?"

Jaera- "Black market, and stole some from home. We all have a lot of credits."

Sylvian- "Good, Ellian, get ready."

Ellian- "It is not like we'll be killing people, why do we need that much?"

Jaera- "We might have to… but it will be for our survival"

Ellian- "Are you really sure about this?"

Jaera- "Yes, let's go!

Sylvian- "Put on your masks and cloaks! Don't forget to set your blasters to stun, unless you want to kill someone."

We put on our disguises and followed a side route to Hangar 17 of a luxury yacht company.

When we entered the hangar, I saw 5 guards and we raised our blasters and pointed them at the guards.

Sylvian- "Hands up!"

Guard- "Whoa, Whoa… what are you doing here?"

Sylvian- "Shut! Turn around!"

Guard- "Okay, okay."

Suddenly, an alarm went off.

Sylvian- "Jaera, go into the ship and get it ready!"

Sylvian- "We'll hold off the guards!"

Sylvian- "Ellian, get into cover!"

While we were panicking, the guards who surrendered got their blasters and fell back.

Ellian- "Wait, where are the guards!? We were supposed to use them as hostages!"

By this time, guards and police began to approach the hangar.

Police- "Put your hands up and walk out or we will enter!"

Sylvian- "Go fuck yourselves!"

Police- "Enter the hangar! Put blasters on stun!"

The police and guards entered the hangar, but did not see us because me and Ellian were in cover.

Sylvian- "Fire!"

Suddenly, we popped out of our cover and fired. Multiple police went down, but the police retreated out of the hangar, went into cover, and started firing back.

Sylvian- "Jae! What is happening up there?"

Jaera- "There were two pilots up here! Couldn't start it up without fighting them. It's good I had my sword! You know that I'm a bad shot!"

Sylvian- "What about the ship!?"

Jaera- "Almost done! Get on!"

Ellian- "S! How are we going to get on? We're suppressed!"

Sylvian- "I have an idea…"

I lift up my hand and I imagine the doors of the hangar closing. It was hard, and I focused all my power into it. They began to close, however, I could not close them before the police were able to suppress Elllian and try to enter the hangar again.

Sylvian- "Ellian! Special!"

Ellian- "But it has no stun mode!"

Sylvian- "Just use it!"

Ellian took out a Z-6 rotary blaster cannon and started firing it. Many police went down and the police retreated back out of the hangar. I was able to close the door with the force before they were able to come back in.

We ran up into the ship and the ship left off.

Sylvian- "Ellian! Prepare the anti sky police mechanism!"

The police sent speeders after us, but Ellian strapped himself to the ship and opened the back door of the ship. He fired his Z-6 at the speeders and forced them to back off and retreat. Then the ship door closed and we entered space.

Jaera- "Woohoo!"

Sylvian- "It is not the time to celebrate yet. They might send a starship to get us."

Ellian- "And there it is!"

Jaera- "Haha! No it is not! Hyperdrive engines ready!"

Sylvian- "Blast off!"

And so, we escaped Alderaan.

And Cut!(Sorry for that quick change, I completely forgot to add something) Tell me if you like this chapter! Any mistakes or plot holes? Tell me! Thanks for reading, and sorry for posting so late!

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