
Star Wars - Rise of the Rust

Observe the life of a teen boy, who's life was twisted by an ever expanding Empire. And watch as he makes unusual allies with the scrap around him.

The_B1BattleDroid · Movies
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48 Chs

a Spec in the Sand

h e y o

I would like to say first off thanks for clicking on this story, but also to give it some time. lemme explain, the first few chapters of this story were made years ago on another platform, and i only came back to it recently to continue forwards, meaning that even with the edits and refurbishes I've made to the first few chapters they may still seem objectively bad by some, but i promise you it gets better, and that i edit them when i can to fix any errors. also any and all criticism is welcome, Thanks for choosing Rise of the Rust, and Enjoy!!!



Jake stepped out into the open sand, behind him, his house. It was a small shack, not much if he had to be honest but it served him and his astromech companion, R4, very well. It was made of mostly mud, some scrap metal, and other random items that Jake deemed structurally sound enough to build with. Jake himself was around 16 years old, but he hasn't really been keeping count, he wore a raggedy old shirt, with some more raggedy old Pants (clever). He worked as a scavenger, ever since he was little, going off and finding scrap metal, heave it back with R4, and sell it. Jakes skin, despite the sun, was extremely pale, he was skinny, but by no means was he weak, as constantly working on the barren planet has strengthened his muscles. His brown eyes always glowed against the Geonsonian sun, and his dark hair always had a red tint to it, as it filled with more sand than hair at times. R4 sat calmly, its three eyes peering infront of it as its moslty actory grey colored body barely moved, the droid had a few bits of andom red and white on it, but sand storms over time had chipped most of it away.

(despite the name R4 is a grey/red R5 model astromech)

Jake lived on Geonosis, not by choice, but just by bad luck. He had never remembered his parents or how he even got there, and R4s memory had been damaged thanks to the astromechs clumsiness. Either way, it's just him and R4 living on the outskirts of his home town, which was surrounded by walls and snuggly placed within a canyon of large towering red rocks. It was inhabited by several Species, but mostly Humans and Trandoshans, and of course the Geonosians, who had raised the town since its creation. The bugs, as Jake had heard, participated in the Galactic War that ended 1 ish years ago, but they had gone into hiding ever since the Separatist loss, and are at this point, just trying to survive as a species. 

Jake's scrap runs earned a decent chunk of credits, but his popularity was questionable. The issue is that Jake is the only scrapper in the village that goes to the remains of the Battle of Geonosis, one of the first conflicts of the war, for scrap metal. Thanks to this decision, he gets very valuable items from the remains of Clones and Droids alike, but as expected, the townspeople didn't quite enjoy him messing with Separatist Relics, not like Jake cared all that much, he never was the social type despite his happy go lucky attitude.

The Galactic Empire, as it was called, had been trying to spread order throughout the Galaxy. Jakes pale and skinny frame would shiver as he watched hundreds of rioters get massacred by "Imperial TK-Troopers" and "Clones", Jake himself, only prayed that they never bothered to try and colonize Geonosis, he wasn't the fighting type, sure he would protect R4 no matter what, but that didn't mean he wouldn't be shitting himself while doing so. Jake's personality could shift pretty quickly from his usual chill and easygoing self, to being so angry that he would gladly punch the nearest person till they stopped moving, he probably needed a therapist, but not like they had any of those.

Jakes view on said Empire were...Complicated, yes he did hate them. But he only ever met Imperials like once or twice, and they never interacted with him. He had met a few Clone before, and those guys he REALY hated, they tried to massacre the bugs that gave him shelter on multiple occasions, and take away the scrap that he had to "serve the Republic" as they said. The Geonsonians stories only helped to solidify a common hatred towards clones in the town, and Jake was by far the worst of them, thinking of Clones as Inferior being bred up in some lab, and heavily sympathizing with Battledroids, despite never having seen a live one, and not actually being a separatist. 

Even so, Jake isn't dumb, he knows that Droids aren't alive and Clones are, but he could never wrap his head around them being sentient, not with the atrocities they had committed against the Bugs. Morality was a big topic of question too, did Clones have morality? well if they did he had never seen it, and sure he didn't know any Battledroids, but the Bugs said they made great conversation. Snapping out of his trance, the Boy hopped out of bed. 

Jake stretched his back and let out a yawn, "Ready for another scrap run R4? we need some Credits to pay for food and the usual crap" Jake said tiredly, patting the droid's head as it rolled next to him.

"beereee boo BOOEEooo" R4 beeped happily

R4s positive reaction received a chuckle from the teenager "yes yes buddy, i know how much you like scraping, isn't that right" Jake said almost as if he was talking to a puppy, R4 chortled playfully in response.

Jake quickly packed his bag, which was actually the Signal booster backpack of a B1-Series Battle Droid that he had simply hollowed out, and began to rev up his speeder bike, R4 rolled over, the sand crackling against his treads, and attached itself to the back of speeder, but without arms, the droid lost its balanced and landed optic first into the sand, a small gust of sand blew up from the impact. Jake just laughed at the scene, before getting off his speeder to assist the droid himself.

speeding into the distance, Jake skillfully dodged the countless rocks that covered the vast fields of sand. Jake could already see the large droid transport in the distance, and a short trip later they had arrived. swiftly hopping off his speeder, and detaching R4, who fell from the speeder with a plonk into the sand. 

The 2 of them went over and entered the battlefield, thousands upon thousands of dead soldiers lay defeated on the floor. Droids curled up from being melted by LAAT lasers, Clone troopers riddled with holes, Tanks burnt beyond recognition, Jake had almost forgotten how horrid this place really was, he was used to getting his shit and leaving but taking time to look at the area easily gave him the creeps.. Jakes foot hit a metal object, a B2 Super Battle Droid, large gray droids used as heavy weapons by the Separatists, this one had lost its lower body, and had several gaping dents on its body, and its head, which would normally be tucked into its body, had been completely ripped off, presumingly by hand.

Jake scowled in disgust "jeez, don't they check those clone for anger problems?" Jake expressed his thoughts aloud 

"bree boo booop" R4 retorted

"i mean true, war is pretty shitty but like....this one B2 didnt cause the whole thing, poor guy was just told what to do by some evil fucker" Jake said sympathizing with the dead trooper, R4 beeped in agreement.

The duo collected many scrap items, whether they ripped apart Tanks, or tore threw droids, no matter how much Jake felt bad for what the clones called Clankas, he wouldn't pass the opportunity for a part of value. 

Jake sat down on the hull of an AT-TE, enjoying the view as wind gusts threw his short black hair, which was filled with sand most of the time. R4 rolled up next to him using the tanks legs as a ramp. the two took a break and rested on the hull, watching the sun shine on the landscape, despite the cruel amount of death, both clone and droid, the scenery was still stunningly pretty, with large mountains and canyons in the far distance, complemented by the remains of the large ball transports used by the CIS.

Jake sighed happily, thinking about the Clone Wars, he doesn't know much about it other than the what he watched on the village holonet, but he knew for sure that things would've been better if the CIS won, and can you blame him, the so called peacekeepers turned into order demanding fascists as soon as they got power. Jake couldn't complain much though, it wouldn't change anything, but he would always sympathize for the droids, and that the pesky Empire won't be welcome here. Either way, he had gathered enough scrap, and began the long walk back to speeder, R4 in tow.


HELLO, so allow me to explain. i never had a plan on what this story would be, and only got one around chapter 5 or 6, plus, these first few chapters were made by a much younger me, so they aren't the best. i've planned on going back and rewriting the,, such as this Chapter which i rewrote, but i've been so focused on finishing the newest chapter, along with my vacation that i've just been pushing it aside. so just bare with me here, and just hold out till the chapters get good. I will rewrite them. I promise you that. however please actually do read the quote on quote "shitty" chapters, because they are very important plot wise.

if you decide to stay then THANK YOU SO MUCH, and happyy reaadinggg!!