
Star Wars - Rise of the Rust

Observe the life of a teen boy, who's life was twisted by an ever expanding Empire. And watch as he makes unusual allies with the scrap around him.

The_B1BattleDroid · Movies
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49 Chs

. .-. .-. --- .-.

The Red LAAT sat hovering in space, nearby the stolen Imperial vessel manned by Mute stood unmoving as well. Teesh, Tac and Mute made the agreement to scavenge the area of the battle scene, including the Venator Mute and his team had been trapped in for resources, they didn't know where to go, but for now gathering took up time. Jake barely reacted to his favorite activity, curled in the corner the boy gave off an unnerving wave of greyness, one only shared by the cold Droidekka, who stood unmoving in the corner of the LAAT, Jakes eyes were half opened, his eye lids wanting to shut, but whatever will power left was being used to keep them open. 

They had been at for about an hour, an hour since Buckets demise, the B1 never got to live to its full potential, and that's what hurt Jake the most, peering from his curled position he stared at Rusty, the droid also sat down, staring at the floor, its face unmoving but thinking clearly going on. Jake was quick to cover his eyes and stare into himself. One hand lay over his knees and the other grabbed on R4s eye, he remembered the hologram, R4s cries, his families cries, Buckets yelps and the B1s last words. They echoed into the teens brain, ticking every bomb that had been waiting, but nothing happened. Jake didn't have the energy to cry anymore, didn't have the energy for anything, he hadn't moved since Buckets death, and his friends were getting worried.

Rusty turned his head, scanning Jakes pale skin, his slumped seating, the boys seemingly spreading sadness, there was no twist or turn that Rusty had to figure out, Jake was broken. Rustys systems ran all forms of checks and reboots, none working to solve Jakes "brokenness". The B1s metallic formed shivered at the atmosphere, not at the cold, it couldn't feel that, but at the eerie and grey shape the air took around them. They were the only ones there, Tac was in the cockpit, Teesh and Clank were out in space helping the Clones scrap, with Teesh wearing a stolen Republic space suit.

Jake would've loved to join, hell, the boy a few weeks ago would've been jumping with joy to even fly a ship, but now...Jake pondered it all, was it worth it, he had lost R4, his brother and now Bucket, a close friend, hell...the scrawny B1 was apart of the only Family Jake had. This fact alone made it hard for the droids to help, as their logic wasn't useful, and the Clone, despite wanting to help in someway, were soldiers, not therapists.

Rusty lifted his form, his limbs and parts rattling gently as the B1 took a few steps to Jake, before awkwardly sitting down, its legs splayed Infront of it. The boys head slowly turned to look at the familiar faceplate, no words came from his mouth when he tried to speak, so he just looked away, the B1s parts creating a whirr as it charged up vocals.

"...I...wasn't made for decisive thinking....but...I..I miss him...and we should...uh....will...remember Bucket, its all we can do...."

Rustys words barely dented the boy, who stood still, but that phrase was hard for Rusty to say, his programming practically screaming at him to tell their commander to replace the B1, or that they are disposable. Rusty had commented on this before, with bad reactions, with Jake wanting the droid to give itself more credit. To Rusty, the idea wasn't the smartest, and Buckets death only proved the droid right, they weren't made for such a galaxy, not anymore. 

Jake didn't respond to Rusty, who let out a mechanical whimper at the stale action, the boy wanted to answer, but he couldn't in fear of breaking down again, the weight of it all was to much, and Jake was crumbling. He couldn't let the others see him like this, the droids called him commander...for Jake, he didn't want that title to be in vain.

Teesh floated through the cracked glass of a CIS ship, blue colored pilot B1s floating apart in various pieces, Barren and Clank floated in behind him, the Droid recoiling ever so slightly at the sight, before continuing forwards. no conversation was started, Clank had nothing to say, Teesh was contemplating Jakes reaction, and Barren was shell shocked by the fight, despite being a Clone, he hadn't been in a fight since he was born, being trapped in the ship before that, so he was what the other Clone considered a Shiny, It also didn't help Barren wasn't the most confident being.

Clank grabbed the upper half of a floating droid body, inspecting it, before laying to down gently. There wasn't much in actual scrap that was valuable, the most valuable things being ammo and Fuel, both things the two groups had gathered more that enough of. Teesh used two small booster in the suit to float over to the door panel that would lead to the rest of the ship, the lizard tried to push the button but obviously nothing happened, with a frustrated grunt Teesh ripped off the panel and cut all the wires with his claws, the door creaking open.

"Well...I Suppose that works" Clank let out, adding the maneuver to his "viable courses of action to open a conveniently closed door" file within his program. Clank watched as Teesh and Barren floated there way into the ship, he decided it would be safer to stay at the entry point, with nothing to keep the B2 occupied, it pondered.

------------- Clanks POV ----------Unit --- B2-9043

System -.-. .- .-.. -.-. ..- .-.. .- - .. --- -. Current mission..-- Gather resources--

..-. .-. . . time detected---Engaging guard sub-protocol:

:Error received--Commander Jake---Distress detected in high amount as of the-.. . .- -.-. - .. ...- .- - .. --- -. of Geonsonian B1 -- --- -.. . .-..


Must assist..--Request--How?---No answer--

- .- -.-. - .. -.-. .- .-.. / -.. .-. --- .. -.. has given answer in past


-- use supporting words --

-.. . ..-. .. -. .. -. --. supporting words...

Attempt failed

Defining Supporting words...

.- - - . -- .--. - failed...

B2 Model -.. --- . ... not have "Supporting words" sub -.-. .- - . --. --- .-. -.-- within speech program...


Droid unit -.. . - . -.-. - .. -. --. / --- -.. -.. / ... .. --. -. .- - ..- .-. . from itself...

Revisiting memory

"How do you feeeeeeeel?" --Commander .--- .- -.- . To...Ally "Rusty"

Droid unit...sub-named..."Clank" Feels....


... .- -..

Error...Separatist programming interference detected...

... .- -.. -. . ... ... is not allowed via .--. .-. --- --. .-. .- -- restriction...Resetting...

... .- -.. -. . ... ... averted by total of 20 Percent...

Full .-. . -- --- ...- .- .-.. Impossible...attempting to -.-. --- -- .--. .-.. -.-- with system standards..


. .-. .-. --- .-.


(And yes, for those wondering Droid POVS will be slightly encrypted with Morse Code and even Binary)

----------------- Leaving Clanks POV ---------------

Clank stood sill, a gentle pat on its shoulder regaining his attention to the Clone, who was followed by Teesh, both held several items ranging from old parts to pieces that looked brand new, quite the haul.

Teesh stared at the junk in his hands as they left the ship, hurling themselves towards the two ships they had stolen, which were hovering nearby.

"The kid would've loved thissssss" Teesh mumbled to himself, grabbing a piece of metal and bending it with his fist as his eyes narrowed and his face contorted to a low growl.


Teesh, despite his minimal care to the droids, was hurting inside at Jakes state, but also his home. The village, the workers, friends, citizens and guards, all dead. Teesh reptilian aspects made it easy to hide emotions, especially from the less than intelligent droids and an Teenager blind to emotional triggers from others, but a part of Teesh wished someone would notice, to help, but he would never show, that's what he told himself. 

Barren...well, he was odd, he didn't know Jake, or Bucket, so while he felt bad, the feeling passed after a few minutes. Neither him or the Other Clones knew even a fraction of Jakes suffering, and at this point, neither did Jake. 

It didn't take long for them to enter their ship, Clank and Teesh grabbing a hold and knocking on the Red LAAT, and Barren entering the other ship. Jake and Rusty shuffled into the cockpit area so they didn't sucked into space, the boy with his head down. 

Entering into the ship the LAATs doors closed, and Tac, Rusty and Jake came down the cockpit, with Jake immediately going back to his corner, his face dead, almost as motionless as the droids around him.

Teesh and Clank loaded the parts gained into the storage, where Buckets body still lay, covered in a large rag. Rusty nudged Tac who looked up from his Datapad. Rusty motioned his head at Jake, who was sitting in the corner, no longer huddled together, but his limbs limp as he stared into the floor. Tac nodded and walked over, bending down on one Knee, Rusty following but standing.

"Sir...Are you ok"

Jake jumped slightly at the monotone voice, his face turning up slightly, his eyes still glued to the floor.

"uh..yeah..course Tac" Jake quickly shook his head slightly, forcing himself to his feet. "All good here"

"I am a droid...you cannot lie to me" Tac stated, peering through Jakes shattered defense.

"just...forget it Tac...ill be fine"

"Um...we suggest you take some time off..let Teesh call the shots, rest a bit sir, you need it" Rusty squeaked out from behind Tac, the B1 fiddling with his hands.

"Agreed...I may assist Teesh as well if this make you feel more secure"

Jakes face shifted into thought .."Sure...thanks" The boy took a few wobbly steps to the droids and pulled them both into an awkward hug. Rusty had already experienced this, going into his program to find the start up to hug back. Tac however, stood confused, waiting for the teen to let go.

Teesh and Clank exited the back room, Teesh staring at the group hug, a smile tugged on the lizards face. Tac was quick to turn around and walk to Teesh.

"Sir...Jake has handed Command to you momentarily"

"under what circumsssstance?" Teesh questioned.

Tac was silent.

"I'm sure you know" Tac spoke in an aggressive tone.

"Calm your circuits, sure ill do it"

"To be clear i was not asking for your permission, you are in command now"

Teesh scoffed lightly, he was humored by the droid snappy replies.

Mute sat in a wall seat within their stolen ship, Jammer was napping in another seat, head laid back, his snore audible. Barren stumbled around as dumped the scrap into an open hatch in the open floor that led to the storage area with the Imperial ship. Mute kept his helmet on, Barren didn't bother him, and went to the cockpit, the old Clone sat there. It had been so long, he smiled to himself as he relished in the feeling, it cost him almost everything, but he was free...finally, thanks to this kid no less.

Despite Mutes happiness, it was interrupted by a memory, one sparked by the familiar face Rusty happened to have.


Mute huddled behind a large rock, surrounded by Clones, they were setting up an ambush, their general, a Jedi, hid behind some cover, as did many small squads all along the path. Mute was the second in command, he held his dual pistols with a heavy breath as the harsh Feluica sun battered his armor. Droid marching began to echo, as thousands walked toward them, the Clone pressed themselves against the rock so hard you might have thought they were trying to phase into it. The Droids released their scratchy voices as they marched by, a chorus of deep and high pitched voices as they walk in sync.

"United forever in metal and labor, our mighty alliance will ever endure!"

The droids raised their arms into the air with a yell.

"The great droid army will live through the ages"

"the dream of the people, their fortress secure!"

Their singing was rough and robotic, but they didn't care, and neither did Mute or the clones as they turned the corner and yelled out firing at the incoming army, the droids yells echoing as they fell to the ambush


Mute gasped as he frantically looked around him, he was holding his blaster and several hot red dents could be seen on the wall, Jammer awoke from the noise, and look at his commander with a worried look.

"what are you looking at" Mute said with a sigh.


Tac had calculated the best trajectory to get to Naboo, The Clones agreed but only if they stopped at Bespin first, they explained while stuck they received strange signal coming from their for years on end, and wanted to get to the bottom of it. Despite Tacs hesitation, Teesh gave the go ahead, and without concern the droid inputted the coordinates and the two ships shifted to life and blasted through space. Even though the LAAT had hyperspace, Jake was still terrified of the concept, and the droids didn't want to scare him, not to mention the Clones stolen ship, didn't have a hyperdrive, so a grueling 8 days lay ahead of the unique group.

3 Clones, a B1 Battledroid, a B2 Super, a Tactical Droid, a Trandoshan and a Human. Quite the Odd Batch.....hopefully they can pull through whatever Gideon has planned for them..

Because he's coming..
