
Star Trek Strange New Universe

Star Trek Strange New Universe takes place after the seventh episode of Star Trek Strange New World. The main plot in this book is quantum universes. Quantum physics has a different set of rules than 'ordinary' physics. For example, you can go and eat lunch with your loved one and then quantum jump and eat again lunch with your loved one. You can quantum jump six more times and eat the same lunch with your loved ones at the same hour, minute, and second. Differences can be minor like you eat meat on one lunch and you eat fish on another lunch. Or it can be a major event like world war 3 started after lunch or an earthquake. Quantum physics and quantum universes can be very confusing for readers who do not have at least a basic knowledge of the subject. In this book, you will experience quantum physics, time travel, stellar events, and many more. The storyline pushes the characters in a direction and situation that will test their courage and resolve to a maximum.

DaliborSapina · TV
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39 Chs


15 minutes before the Raza spaceship and its crew, activated Blink drive and quantum jumped to its mirror universe.

The spacecraft appeared next to the Raza spaceship.

Bucky was on a spaceship.

Bucky teleported to the Raza spaceship, to the dining room.

Bucky took out a weapon and shot an arrow from the weapon.

The arrow exploded in mid-air and programmed nano probes flew out of it.

The nanoprobes killed number 1, number 3, number 4, number 5, and number 6 in an instant.

A few moments passed and their bodies were degraded by the nanoprobes.

Bucky transferred to the engine room from Raza.

Bucky destroyed the Blink drive from Raza and opened the briefcase he brought with him.

In briefcase was a single-use quantum drive.

Bucky activated the quantum drive.

Raza took a quantum leap.

Raza has come out of the quantum leap into the last phase of the universe.

On the spaceship Raza, in the engine room.

Bucky was looking at the briefcase with the disposable quantum drive that had exploded.

Bucky left the engine room and headed towards the Raza bridge.

On the Raza bridge.

Number 2: "Android, where are we?"

Android: "According to sensors, we've arrived one trillion years into the future.

Only red dwarfs remain, which are too far away for us to see them visually."

The door on the Raza bridge opened.

Bucky entered the Raze Bridge.

Bucky took out a weapon and shot an arrow.

The arrow exploded in mid-air.

The nano probes instantly wiped the Android's memory and killed it, and wiped the Raze spaceship's memory.

Bucky pulled the mask off his face.

He looked at number 2.

Bucky squeezed the bracelet on his arm and disappeared.

Number 2 was left alone.

Raza could not move.

Without the space propulsion and navigation program, the Raza was unusable.

Weeks passed.

Number 2 was trying to power up the Raza spaceship.

She had no success.

One year passed.

The supplies on the Raza starship were running low.

It's been 2 years.

Number 2 was kept alive by her nanoprobes.

Three years have passed.

Number 2 realized that she had no way out.

Number 2 (Porsha) accepted the reality of the situation.

For her, there is no way out of this oblivion.

Her nanoprobes will keep her alive for years to come, and she will exist as a ghost on this spaceship.

Porsha has resigned herself to her fate.

She was sitting on the bridge of the spaceship Raza.

She saw a flash through the window.

Out of the flash came a personal spaceship.

Angel teleported next to Porsha.

Angel went to Raza's systems and upload Veronica.

Veronica appeared on the screen.

Angel looked at Porsha and said.

Angel: "Veronica is artificial intelligence from the beginning of the 21st century.

You two are working together from today.

I teleported resources to the storage."

Angel has teleported.

Porsha looked at Veronica who was on the screen.

Veronika spoke up.

Veronika: "Angel showed me your life.

You are an exceptional person.

It will be a pleasure to work together for the benefit and common good."

In the following months, Porsha and Veronica worked on several projects together.

They researched how to increase the duration and durability of Porsha, Veronica, and Raza.

Sensors were being boosted to explore the surroundings.

They were working on creating a quantum drive.

They researched the scanning of quantum universes.

Years passed.

Ten years have passed.

The two worked together on research and projects.

100 years have passed.

The results have been shown to extend the lives of Porsha and Raza

1000 years have passed.

Veronika: "Porsha, we finally succeeded."

Porsha: "Let's go search the quantum universes."

Veronika: "A personal spaceship appeared next to us."

Bucky's spaceship emerged from the quantum leap.

Bucky teleported to Raza in the engine room and activated the quantum drive.

Raza has quantum leaped.

Raza emerged from a quantum leap in the 25th century.

A Klingon battleship with a diameter of 10 kilometers appeared next to the Raz.

The Klingons began to board the Raz.

The Klingons boarded the engine room from the Raza.

In the engine room, Bucky fought the Klingons.

The Klingons had their cold weapons.

Bucky overpowered the Klingons with ease.

He killed one Klingon warrior after another.

Bucky was making his way onto the bridge from Raza.

On the bridge from Raza, Porsha killed dozens of Klingons.

The battle was bloody.

The Klingons were arriving en mass.

The gates of the Raza bridge opened.

Bucky entered the Raze Bridge.

Porsha killed the last Klingon warrior.

Bucky clenched the bracelet on his arm.

Raza made a quantum jump.

Raza emerged from a quantum jump in the orbit of planet Earth.

It was the beginning of the 21st century.

Bucky pressed the bracelet.

Porsha and Bucky were teleported to the surface of the moon, there was a Klingon facility.

The facility on the moon was defended by hundreds of Klingon warriors.

The Klingons were about to activate the facility and ram the moon into planet earth.

Bucky and Porsha started killing the Klingons.

There were hundreds of Klingon warships in orbit.

Raza fought against them.

Veronika led the Raza spaceship in a battle against Klingon spaceships.

Suddenly, the Enterprise emerged from the quantum leap.

Enterprise joined the clash.

Enterprise boosted shields from Raza.

The Enterprise attacked the Klingons together with the Raza.

The fight lasted for hours.

The last Klingon starship has been destroyed.

On the surface of the Moon from the planet Earth.

Bucky and Porsha captured the Klingon facility and killed the last Klingon warrior.

Bucky pressed the bracelet.

Porsha and Bucky teleported to the bridge from the Raza spaceship.

Bucky looked at Porsha and said.

Bucky: "Porsha, it was a great honor to go on this mission with you.

You are an excellent warrior."

Bucky bowed slightly to Porsha, kissed her hand, pressed the bracelet on his arm, and teleported to his ship which was not far from Raza.

Porsha remained standing in her thoughts.

Suddenly, Veronica calls from the screen.

Veronica: "Porsha, I have the quantum coordinates for the quantum jump. I'm turning on the quantum drive right now."

On the spaceship Enterprise.

Number 1: "Bucky's spaceship has entered a quantum leap.

The Raza spaceship has entered a quantum leap."

Captain Pike: "Looks like we got a powerful and capable ally today.

Continue scanning the environment.

The next sequel.

Enterprise took a quantum leap in the mid-nineties.