
Star Trek Strange New Universe

Star Trek Strange New Universe takes place after the seventh episode of Star Trek Strange New World. The main plot in this book is quantum universes. Quantum physics has a different set of rules than 'ordinary' physics. For example, you can go and eat lunch with your loved one and then quantum jump and eat again lunch with your loved one. You can quantum jump six more times and eat the same lunch with your loved ones at the same hour, minute, and second. Differences can be minor like you eat meat on one lunch and you eat fish on another lunch. Or it can be a major event like world war 3 started after lunch or an earthquake. Quantum physics and quantum universes can be very confusing for readers who do not have at least a basic knowledge of the subject. In this book, you will experience quantum physics, time travel, stellar events, and many more. The storyline pushes the characters in a direction and situation that will test their courage and resolve to a maximum.

DaliborSapina · TV
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39 Chs


Star Trek Strange New Universe


Spaceship Orville was on a diplomatic mission in a nearby star system.

Kelly: "Captain Mercer, I am reading a large concentration of quantum energy one light year from our position.

Quantum energy comes from the 500-kilometer diameter moon, on the surface of the moon.

We have plenty of time to go explore."

Captain Mercer has given the order for the spaceship Orville to go investigate quantum energy.

Orville arrived at the location.

Captain Mercer went to the moon with Kelly and 3 other crew members.

Kelly: "Captain Mercer, quantum energy is concentrated on a surface the size of a ball.

I am reading an unimaginably high concentration of quantum energy.

A timer is connected to the concentrated quantum energy.

There are 20 minutes left until the explosion."

The crew had no way of removing the timer from the concentrated quantum energy.

There are 15 minutes left until the explosion.

Captain Mercer signaled for the crew to return to the Orville.

On the Orville.

Kelly: "Captain Mercer, an unknown spaceship has appeared alongside us.

He opens fire on us.

Our shields are destroyed."

The unknown spaceship continued to shoot at Orville.

Orville was badly damaged.

Captain Mercer signaled for the crew to leave Orville.

Captain Mercer and Kelly remained on the Orville.

Captain Mercer: "Kelly, leave the Orville now!"

Kelly: "Ed, I'm not leaving you!"

An unknown spaceship fired and destroyed the Orville.

Captain Mercer and Kelly had a flash before their eyes.

Captain Mercer and Kelly found themselves standing in the square outside a small bar.

It was obvious they were in San Francisco.

The environment was a little different from what they were familiar with.

A man came out of the bar.

Kim: "My name is Kim. I see you've arrived now.

Sit down and have a coffee with me."

Captain Mercer and Kelly sat down at the table.

Kim brought coffee and sat down with them at the table.

Kim: "Where are you from?

I can see in your eyes that you are not where you would like to be."

Captain Mercer: "We have that feeling too."

Kim: "Twenty years ago, it also happened to me that I ended up where I did not expect.

I was a young ensign on the spaceship Voyager.

Voyager encountered a space anomaly and I found myself in my apartment in San Francisco next to my fiancee.

Voyager remained 70,000 light years away from me and I was never able to get back to Voyager.

20 years have passed since then.

I took this bar and abandon space exploration."

Kelly: "Space exploration is in my blood."

Two people approached the table.

They have the insignia of Starfleet.

The Starfleet officer said.

Star Fleet officer: "Captain Mercer, Kelly, we are aware of your arrival in our space."

Please follow us."

Captain Mercer and Kelly said goodbye to Kim.

The four of them headed to Starfleet headquarters.

They entered the Starfleet building.

They entered an office where a Starfleet agent was waiting for them

A Starfleet agent gives the signal and teleports Captain Mercer, Kelly, and himself to a secret location deep in the mountain.

Agent: "This is the headquarters for quantum universe research.

We saw you coming

We want you to join us."

Captain Mercer: "Did you see what happened to my crew, to my spaceship?"

Agent: "The moment before the Orville was destroyed, you two were teleported to San Francisco.

After that moment, we didn't see what happened next in your universe.

We don't know how and why you were teleported into our universe."

Captain Mercer: "How could you possibly see what was going on in our universe."

Agent: "Starfleet has built and launched a probe to explore the quantum universes.

The probe listens to the quantum universes and connects to the amplified quantum signal coming from the quantum universes.

We can only track one event at a time.

So we saw what was happening with you."

A member of Starfleet who was sitting at a monitor a few meters away spoke up.

Starfleet member: "We are receiving an amplified quantum signal via the probe.

We have a picture coming.

I put it on the main screen."

A man appeared on the big screen.

They can see in the man that he was a warrior who had been through many battles.

A man was walking down the street on a rainy night.

The agent motions for Captain Mercer and Kelly to sit down and watch the transmission coming from the quantum universe.

For the past week, Captain Ed Mercer had been watching the story of a warrior named Bucky at Starfleet Quantum Space Research Headquarters.

Bucky was on planet Earth where doomsday came.

On the final moment before the destruction of planet Earth, the passageway opened and Bucky walked through it.

The signal is gone.

Those present at Starfleet's headquarters for the exploration of quantum universes stared in disbelief at the screen from which the image had disappeared.

The agent who was sitting behind a smaller monitor said.

Agent: "The probe is receiving a new quantum signal.

I'm putting it on the big screen."

A spaceship appeared on the big screen.

The spaceship had the hallmarks of Starfleet.

Agent: "It's the Enterprise, one of the most important ships in Starfleet.

Enterprise is on an independent mission."

For the next 4 days, they watched Enterprise and its crew of the Enterprise.

On the fourth day, another spaceship appeared.

Agent: "It's the spaceship Discovery.

It's our Starfleet ship.

They are also on an independent mission."

Ed was looking at the screen where the image of Starfleet ships had disappeared.

A new picture has appeared.

The picture was the same as 4 days ago.

In the following days, Ed watched as the Enterprise and Discovery were caught in a time loop.

Every four days the time loop would reset and repeat.

160 days have passed.

The time loop was repeated 40 times.

Those present looked for a way to alert the Enterprise and Discovery and help them get out of the time loop.

Enterprise and Discovery could have been caught in a time loop for thousands of years and possibly much longer.

There was no solution in sight.

A year has passed.

Ed knew in a second how events on the Enterprise and Discovery would unfold.

The solution began to come to him.

Ed said to the agent.

Ed: "We can send a short signal through the probe?"

Agent: "We have enough energy on the probe for one basic short signal of one second.

Unfortunately, it can only be basic sound."

Ed: "I need blueprints from Enterprise and Discovery."

The agent brought the blueprints from Enterprise and Discovery that they had in the database.

Ed threw himself into studying the blueprints.

After a couple of hours.

Ed walked over to the food replicator and put on the recording device and pressed a button.

The food came out from the food replicator and Ed recorded the sound of the replicator.

Ed came back to the agent.

I've recorded the signal we're going to send them.

The agent loaded the signal into the computer and the signal was sent to the probe.

Kelly was sitting a few meters away.

Kelly: "This cheesecake is extremely delicious."

Agent: "The signal we sent through the probe destroyed the probe. We lost the image from Enterprise and Discovery."

Ed: "Do we have the ability to launch another probe?"

Agent: "We need to collapse Magnetar with cobalt explosives.

It will open a gateway to the inner universe of quantum universes."

Over the next few days, Ed, Kelly, and a Starfleet agent named Reed improved the probe and searched for a Magnetar to crash into.

They managed to find Magnetar 10000 light years from planet Earth.

Agent Reed prepared the most advanced spacecraft Starfleet had.

Kelly, Ed, and Agent Reed loaded an improved quantum space scanning probe into the spacecraft and headed for Magnetar.

As they left planet Earth, it crossed Ed's mind how he had enjoyed working with Starfleet for the past year.

Starfleet and the Federation were extremely advanced in all aspects.

Agent Reed suddenly spoke and interrupted Ed in his thoughts.

Agent Reed: "This craft is extremely fast. In less than 3 hours we will cross 10,000 light years.

Three hours passed and the spacecraft arrived at the location in front of a magnetar.

Agent Reed: "Ready the probe, I'm about to launch the Cobalt explosive."

The three watched as the Cobalt explosive hit magnetar.

The magnetar exploded.

Agent Reed: "Quantum energy has begun to gather, a passage is forming.

Let's launch the probe."

Ed launched the probe.

The probe entered the quantum passage.

Suddenly, the quantum passage doubled in size and began to pull in the spacecraft.

The spacecraft is pulled into the quantum passage.

The spacecraft exited the quantum passage.

Agent Reed: "We've been pulled into another universe.

The quantum passage is still open.

I believe we can safely return through the passage."

Suddenly Kelly said excitedly.

Kelly: "Look to the right.

That's Orville.

As far as I can see, the crew is leaving the Orville."

Ed looked over at Orville who exploded.

Agent Reed: "I'm reading concentrated quantum energy on a moon 500 kilometers in diameter.

I'm scanning.

I'll put it on the screen."

Concentrated quantum energy the size of a ball appeared on the screen.

Agent Reed said excitedly.

Agent Reed: "It's a Neutron Quantum Bomb!!

I've seen it before in other universes.

When the explosion is activated, this Neutron Quantum Bomb will wipe out the entire universe.

I just teleported it to the spacecraft.

I'll try to deactivate it."

Agent Reed hurried to the Neutron Quantum Bomb to try to defuse it.

After several moments.

Agent Reed: "Unfortunately, I cannot deactivate the Neutron Quantum Bomb.

I will teleport it back to the moon and return us to our universe.

Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do to save this universe."

Kelly suddenly took out an energy gun and hit Agent Reed with an energy beam.

Agent Reed fell on the floor in a daze.

Kelly: "It's your decision, Ed!

Which universe will we save?"

Ed looked towards the Neutron Quantum Bomb that had 4 minutes left until the explosion.